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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. Noone is saying that he is great, but he is definately a different player since coming back & he is using his skills to his advantage now. He kept alot of drives alive by picking carefully when to get out of the pocket & get the yardage. is he ever going to be confused with Manning/Brady/Brees. probably not, but he is better then anything we have had at qb for the last 10yrs, which I guess in it's own right, is not really saying much. It would be something if Tenn runs the table & makes the playoffs. That would be the story of the year.
  2. Why is that so unbelievable? Granted Syracuse is not paradise & the winters are rough there but the Cuse plays in the premier basketball conference in the country(sorry ACC fans but it is true), get to play at Madison Square Garden a few times a year, play in front of the largest crowds in the country & the northeast(particularly NY State) as opposed to football is a pretty good hotbed for basketball talent. Have you ever been to Durham, NC? Talk about a sh*thole, but coach K does alright there too.
  3. BS, johnson should of called one more play sneaked to get it where christie wanted it get everybody to the line & spike the ball. There was plenty of time to do that.
  4. yeah I know, UNC, even though their 4th or 5th ranked are not nearly as good as they have been in years past. I fully expect a cuse win tonight.
  5. It was a sad day, a passing of an era but those players were all pretty much shot at that point. I remember Reed opneing his big fat mouth the week before the tenn game stating how he wasnt getting the ball enough & that the throws the coaches called against indy were sympathy throws to get him a record. Great timing Andre, selfish prick.
  6. Alright, alright, lets not start this up again.
  7. I got a strange feeling they are going to dump Carolina tonight.
  8. Funny you mentioned this. I did not watch too much of the game last night but the little I did watch Cameron Wake was playing special teams. He had a tackle on a kickoff return.
  9. No he won't. He just is not good enough. I really do not have to watch any UFL games, I seen him for 5yrs in Buffalo. That is enough for me. The rest of the league thinks he stinks too, or he would of been invited to at least attend a training camp. Do you think Brooks Bollinger is any good; because he has outplayed Losman so far.
  10. Lets see, college football is at it's peak, the NFL is on, NBA/NHL/College basketball just started & they got reruns of the golden girls pretty much on 22hrs a day. To answer your question, no I have not watched the UFL. Dog, GG, Gary, you guys are really clueless if you think Losman is an NFL QB. Your especially clueless Dog if you think when that moron fumbled to cost us the Jets game; that is what caused him to be exiled out of the NFL & into a league with where the champion would probably have a tough time beating a good high school football team. That is just one of many things that caused him to be booted out of the league.
  11. I do not think anybody is saying that. All people are saying is that this is move has the potential to be a low risk/high reward type of signing. If it does not work out, so what, it did not cost the bills any compensation. His junior year, Brohm was slated to go with a top 10 pick.
  12. No he is not. Look no further then the last couple of times his teams have played in the Cotton Bowl against good SEC defenses.
  13. I agree it is a dumb comparison; Spurrier actually won something at the college level.
  14. & just yesterday you said that do not be surprised if Jauron & company are back selecting a DB with our top 5 pick next year. I immediately responded that do not worry Jauron is as good as gone. An hour later he was fired. My point is, why dont we let this thing playout before you start getting your pantyhose in a bunch. I know your pessimistic & with good reason, but anything short of running the table & getting this miserable sack of shiit into the playoffs, Fewell will not be the coach next year. So relax, lets see what happens.
  15. My guess is Brandon is just feeling dam lucky that it was not him that got the ax & is thankfull to still be employed. He pretty much do anything Wilson asks of him. Hell, at this point, he would probably be willing to give Wilson his daily sponge bath if that is what Ralph wanted.
  16. Sorry Bill, but Trent has had time to make plays but just does not. The more I watch Edwards, the more it seems to me that he really does not even like playing football. This guy is not a competitor & quite frankly he is a mirror image of Dickie J, a guy that has no balls to make the plays necassary to win a game. Losman sucked too, & I have been one of his biggest critics but one thing you could say about JP was he was a competitor & he loves playing the game of football. You can not say the same thing about Edwards. I liked Edwards too, but i was wrong, as I was wrong about several other Bills qbs in the past. The search continues.
  17. Give me a fuggin break bill. If you think for one moment dickless is going to be here next year I really do not know what to say to that. Noway he survives this disaster. There is going to be a housecleaning at the end of the year so just hang in there, only 7 more games of Dickie Von No Balls. Hopefully they will get it right this time, that should be the main concern not whether Jauron is going to still be with the bills. His fate has already been decided & by the look & sound of his press conferences he knows it.
  18. Sounds good & if I am wrong I will be the first to apologize.
  19. What about him? Luck is a freshman, he is not coming out this year. I would probably go with Okung. Get a good LT & you have the makings of a decent line that will look something like this. Okung/Levitre/Wood/Butler/Bell. That is not to bad taking into consideration wood/levitre/bell should be better next year.
  20. I do not know, I think that is a bet you would probably lose. My guess is Losman will never see the inside of an NFL lockerroom again in his life. He is just not good enough & pretty much every GM in the league feels the same way. Since no team even invited him to training camp this is not even debatable, it is a fact. Yeah, yeah, I know, Losman shunned the NFL to develope his game in the UFL & work with the great Jim Fassell. I heard the story, just not buying it. I am going to try to explain this to you as simple as I can. lets see, okay here goes, Losman sucks, he will always suck & he will never make it as on an NFL roster as a QB, whether it be starter, backup, emergency qb or practice squad player. See, he is that bad, & he is that stupid, & pretty much every GM in the league feels the same way about him. He has played his last down in the NFL, his career is over, let it go, let the healing begin.
  21. It was the old ones, I watched it when I was a kid.
  22. There was episode on the twighlight zone years ago where it was the same premise. Guy knocks on the door of some farm & offers the wife 1 mill if she presses the button with the conditions that someone will be killed that she does not know. Well the whole episode the husband & wife are arguing whether they should push it or not, the husband says it is not right to push it, the wife wants to. The wife justifies it saying that what happens if the person that is chosen is going to die anyways because they are terminally ill etc... The husband counters with what if it is a newborn baby just starting out in the world & it is not right to take that chance. Well the greedy B word finally pushes the button & sure enough the man shows up the next day with the 1 million. The wife asks the man, someone that I know really did not die because of this right. The man gets really serious & says, absolutely that was the deal. He then is about to leave & she says where are you going next. He looks at her with avery evil look & says "I am going to give another person the same option with the box as I gave you, & you could be assured that it will be someone that you do not know". The wife has this horrified look on her face as the episode ends.
  23. I remember reading that too, saying something like they were all patting each other on the back because they got their RB(Marshawn Inch) & they also got the highest rated LB on their board(Poz). It would take the average joe about 2 minutes of watching college highlights to know that Willis was 10xs better then Poz. Not the circle jerks, they go to the beat of their own drum.
  24. How much more playing time do you want him to have? As long as they put him in as starter for the rest of the season; as Brian Kelley seemed to indicate after the game friday I think he is going to have over 20 career starts. I like him, I also like Locker.
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