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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. The guy was wearing Carharts to the Miami game this year? It was like 60 degrees that day. What an idiot.
  2. Fair enough. I really would not hold out too much hope though for him to be successful on the football field. This guy is just a bad QB, no matter which you way you look at it.
  3. Like I said, I just think Losman sucks & he always will suck. I could care less if my qb bought a house in the city or cleaned up the fruit belt once in his life, I want him to win games. Losman was one of the biggest busts in Bill's draft history, which is saying something consdidering our past. I would list the biggest draft busts like this(& please keep in mind that I am 36 & really did not start getting into the bills until 1983. 1. Mike Williams - this has got to be the pick considering he was the 4th pick in the draft 2.) Tom Cousineau(sp?) - before my time but from what I understand got drafted by the bills, did not want to play for them, played in Canada & then joined the browns. 3.) Tony Hunter - I believe was drafted before Kelly in the same year/round. Never amounted to much. 4.) JP Losman - It is not so much where we drafted him it is what we gave up for him. Had a career 11-25 record, I have seen him make more stupid plays then I care to remember 5.) Erik Flowers/John Mcgargo I am probably missing some guys, but that is my list for the biggest draft busts in bills history.
  4. I do not hate him, I just think he is a lousy qb & I am glad he is not with the Bills anymore. I just do not understand the lovefest for a guy that accomplished nothing on the football field while he was with the Bills.
  5. I am not being a wiseguy but how do you know he is a good person? Do you know him personally? There has been more then one of his former teammates that have called him a jerk in the media before. Go look up some of the old articles from the beat writers when he was UCLA, they were none too flatterring of the guys personality. Coming into the draft he was labelled a coach killer & Dave Wanstead said he would not take him with the last pick in the 7th round because of his attitude. Bill parcells himself said because of his bad attitude he was coach killer. Troy Vincent had to go out & teach the kid a lesson because he came in as a rookie all cocky. Ask the vets on the 2005 Bills what they thought of Losman & his attitude. I mean say what you want how it was a bush league move by Vincent, but guys like Vincent, Spikes, Fletcher, Milloy, Moulds are respected a hell of alot more in NFL circles then Losman will ever be. Mike Mularkey put him in at new England to embarrass him because he was not putting in the time to learn the playbook. My point is noone knows how these guys really are; including me, so please do not assume that he is a good guy. Based on some of these reports, Losman could possibly have an attitude problem. H*ll even in the offseason, if some of the reports are true that he turned down backup jobs, & was holding out for starting job, shows that he thinks he is better then he really is. What team in their right mind would ever give the starting job to Losman after watching him play for the last 3yrs. & spare me the crap about him just wanting to play, unless he was backing up Favre or Manning, there would be a good chance as a #2 he would see the playing field at some point during the season.
  6. I really can not argue with that logic. If you think about the cost of a taxi(I would say it is more like $20 - $25) compared to the consequences of driving while intoxicated it really should be an easy choice.
  7. The AFC West opponent comes to the ralph next year.
  8. Never been arrested, probably should of though. Have gotten behind the wheel intoxicated more times then I care to remember. As you get older & have kids, I really have tried to cut it out, but every once inwhile I still do it.
  9. Have you been arrested 5 times in your life? I know I haven't. It is too bad the guy died but lets not make him into something that he was not. As a society when someone famous dies, we tend to idiolize them & make them into something great. We did it with Michael Jackson, funny when he died I did not hear one mention of how he was a pedophile & such. We did it when Tiger Woods dad died, all we heard how he was such a great father & inspiration to Woods. What we did not hear is how he basically abondoned his other three kids, not even acknowledging their existence. Yeah he is a great father alright. There are heroes in this world everyday Cincy, I do not care what they do on the field, most football players are not heroes.
  10. I am not going. Between the weather only being in the 20s, to another December home game where there is no playoff implications for the Bills, to wanting to watch sunday ticket(which I have not really used that much this year with being at the game or doing other stuff on sunday afternoons) I do not know, this team has just sucked the life out of me this year. Nah I am going to stay home, make a nice fire, make some chile, & enjoy watching the game with my son & a nice 18 pack of beer in the comfort of my own home. I will probably throw $50 on the Patriots as they usually have our number the 2nd time around. I gave the tickets away to my church, hopefully they give them to a underpriveledge family that does not always have a chance to go to the games. Hopefully they will appreciate them much more then I do.
  11. I was thinking about doing it anyways but this thread was the push I needed.
  12. Who cares, does it really effect your life one way or the other? He would not give a dam about you, why would you give a dam about him. Guy was a troublemaker & a punk. I went out to dinner with a couple clients yesterday that work closely with the Bills. Heard some stories about Lynch yesterday that they were telling me, some of them were pretty bad. I will not share them because I will just get ripped on this board from the holierthenthou bills players can do no wrong fan club but this guy is a punk & I hope they run his ass out of town in the offseason.
  13. Could not of said it better myself. Mitchell is lucky to have a job if you ask me. He should probably keep his mouth shut, he wrote the book on how to suck in the NFL.
  14. That was a playoff game & the first playoff game ever at Ralph Wilson Stadium. That is a little different then a meaningless game played bny a bunch of bills that probably will not even be on the roster next year.
  15. Update for me, I am on the 11th day of no pop & pretty proud to say that I have only drank 1 12 oz can of pepsi in the last 11 days(Usually I would drink 4-5 cans per day). Pretty proud of myself, although I will say I did drink around 10-11 of the large draft beers at Duffs last saturday.
  16. I am starting to lean towards that way also. With Locker not coming out, Clausen is the best qb on the board. People will point to his win/loss record as some kind of negative but it is not his fault the defense could not stop anybody.
  17. When I was a senior in High School we went on a beer run at Wegmans. It was around 10:30 or so. Just when we were about to check out in comes the spanish teacher at our high school, who was pretty good looking. She was pretty drunk herself. I think she was probably in her late 20s. She asked us where we were going & we told her to our friends house & we invited her to come along & she did. We drank with her to the early morning. Looking back probably any one of us could of made a move on her but the dipshits that we were, noone even tried. One of the big regrets of my life. Oh well, I guess kids are just smarter nowadays.
  18. Got to agree. Kiper had Locker as the first guy going off the board, if not the 1st definately in the top 5. He could only hurt himself from this point on as far as draft position goes.
  19. You should just say "I have no idea, I will be too busy f*cking your wife". I bet that gets you the job.
  20. I really would not mind Martz. I am tired of seeing the bills offense year after miserable year ranked 28th/29th/30th. At least with Martz, you would have a guy that would assemble an offense that knew what they were doing. The Bills could do alot worse then Martz, and my guess is they will.
  21. You know, this is not 20/20 hindsight for me, when Orakpo fell to us I thought it was a nobrainer to pick him. I just felt this guy was NFL ready. I could not believe it when they picked maybin. Actually I could believe it, which is the sad part.
  22. Yep I am on board with this. This guy hits everything in sight & when he hits you your going to feel it. Poz is not good enough to be a middle lb. Looks like we will be picking around, hopefully he is still there.
  23. Yep, pretty much spot on. Get a qb in here that knows how to play the game & alot of the bills problems will be solved.
  24. That is a good point, I often think it is better to lose early in the big east tournement for a teams chances in the NCAA tourney.
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