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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. I thought Tampa Bay was a sh*thole when I have been there a few times, the actual city I mean. St Pete is much nicer imo.
  2. I disagree with better weather. This time of year, no doubt about it Tampa is the place to be, but for the 1st 2.5 months of the football season it is downright miserable in Tampa. I went to the game there the 2nd week of the season about 5yrs ago. It had to be 100 degrees on the football field. Buffalo in alot of ways has perfect football weather. Temps are usually in the high 50s/low 60s. The falls here are beautifull.
  3. I think you are a little off base here. Brady Quinn was horrible until Weiss got to ND. Clausen has improved greatly since he was a freshman at ND. This guy knows how to run an offense & more importantly develope a qb & has a way of putting them into situations that they can succeed at. I follow college football very closely, people that casually follow it do not realize what a tough gig it is to win at Notre Dame right now. The standards are higher, they are not in a conference, have no bowl affiliation, the alumni are merciless, & more importantly the bottom line is that Notre dame, no matter what their recruit ranking is for the recruiting season(I have read that ND is always put 15-20 spots higher then they should be) they are not getting the top athletes anymore on a cosistent basis. If you do not like Weiss; fine, but please do not tell me because he failed at Notre Dame(not you specifically). He was really in a no win situation there. I like the Weis hiring, I wanted him when they took Mularkey. He could run the offense & bring in a top nothc defensive coordinator. The job should be enticing since he could tell the DC that the defense side of the ball is his to run. Make him an assistant head coach & now we got something. Dare I say, a guy like Weis could possibly salvage Edwards career here.
  4. Bingo, the lack of importance placed on the qb position is astounding on this board. Now you will have guys like the Philster that will tell you time & time again that the qb is only one small cog of the engine & that football is the ultimate team game. I think that line of thinking is totally wrong. Lets take a look at the teams that are going to the playoffs this year - Dallas/Philly/Arizona/NO/Green bay/Minn/NE/Indy/Cincy/SD/Baltimore/Jets everyone of those teams maybe outside of the jets have their franchise qb in place. Interesting stat, Manning has been sacked the last 4 years 1 in every 47 times he drops back to pass. Think about that. Is it because indy has very good pass protection?????? Maybe, but they have had turnover in their line. Watch Manning, 90% of his dropbacks the ball is out of his hand in under 3 seconds. He does not give the defense a chance to get to him. Take Manning off the colts & they are no better then a 5 win team this year. Put Manning on the Bills & we are 12-4 this year. Now their train of thought should be is there a qb that is worth taking with the 8th/9th pick in the draft. Is there a franchise qb out there this year. Not sure. I do know that I am pretty high on Clausen & I do like Bradford(not sure why everyone is so down on him). After that Pike & the kid from Houston would be right behind them. Tough decision, hopefully the bills do not f*ck it up like they f*ck everything else up.
  5. I just assumed it was common knowledge on this board that the Philster is a moron. He should spend more time with the Jills, maybe they could teach him a thing or two about football.
  6. I voted 2005 with this 2009 edition of losers a close 2nd. That 2001 team, everybody knew we were going to take our lumps, I mean we waived half the roster for salary cap reasons & we were in full rebuild mode. At least there was some optimism about maybe Donahoe knew what he was doing & was going to build a contender. The 05, was just a complete joke. Running off Bledsoe(even though he was not very good) in favor of Loserman, who was not even close to be ready, to the backstabbing & bickering in the lockerroom by the vets & such it was just a bad year. This year is not far behind. F*ck this team.
  7. If you put maybin or Nelson on the practice squad some team would pick them up in about 2 seconds. You may as well cut them.
  8. Ralph Wilson. They say the best way to kill a snake is to cutoff it's head. The Bills will never win until that wrinkled old fart sells the team.
  9. I am not so sure about that. NBC has got to be foaming at the mouth for this game. Painter vs Brohm, Willy coming back home to where it all started, the storylines are endless. My guess is it will be flexed next week.
  10. so making the playoffs 50% of his career is considered losing by your standards almost every year???? Hell, if that happened in buffalo next decade we would be throwing a parade down main street. I should probably clarify my stance on Schobel. The guy probably is one of our better defensive players but sadly, he is not a difference maker & certainly does not command & deserve the salary in which the Bills are paying him. A new regime is going to take over the first of the year & my guess is they are going to want to blow the whole thing up. I highly doubt in a rebuilding effort whoever takes over is going to want to pay AS $6mill + for the production he is giving them. My guess is if he does not retire, he will probably end up being cut. No hard feelings & sorry I came off abrasive, Merry Christmas.
  11. I do not mean to blow my own horn, but that poster was me. If you truly want to learn the game of football, you should really get in contact with Simon, he is the expert (*^*&%^$^#around here.
  12. Ah, the local expert chimes in. We all know your the expert because you played peewee football once when you were 8 years old. He knows more football perhaps, I do not pretend to be some kind of expert like you do, yet he was wrong about Detroit never winning with Barry Sanders was he not?
  13. Maybe you should actually try watching the games instead of just looking at the stats. Schobel scared noone & most of his sacks were coverage sacks & he was a liability against the run. He certainly is/was not worth the money we are paying him & have paid him over the years.
  14. The Lions made the playoffs several times when Sanders was on the team, they even made the conference championship once so why don't you keep your mouth shut if you do not know what your talking about. BTW, Merry Christmas.
  15. Yeah he was more overrated then Eric Flowers. See to be overrated, people actually got to think your good. I do not know anybody that ever thought Eric Flowers was good, except maybe of course John Butler.
  16. Who cares. We have lost with Schobel for the last 9 years, we could just as easily lose without him. The guy has not been part of a winning team since he has been in the NFL, f*ck him, we will be better off without him. At least it will clear some salary off the books. Can you do me a favor & tell him to take Kelsay & Denney with him?
  17. Well, obviously there are exceptions to every rule, but what I am trying to say is that over the last 4 years, it just seems like the fans have had a better handle on the draft & who the bills should take compared to the people that are actually making the decisions.
  18. It really is not hindsight. Go back to these same boards before the draft & people were screaming to draft Nagata. Hell, go back this year & see how many people before our pick thought Orakpo should of been our pick. My question is why do the fans seem to know more then the front office does?
  19. What were they thinking, when you really break it down, it is mind boggling how these idiots operated a football team.
  20. Levy's drafts were head scratchers. This is not hindsight either, 2006 I distinctly remember watching the draft & when they said Buffalo traded up Iam like, sweet, they are either going to take Justice or Mangold. Nope, McCargo was not even on anybody's board in the first round. With the 8th pick I am like sweet, we are either going to get Ngatta/Cutler/Leinart, nope wrong again, we get little Donte Whitner. F*ck you Marv, thanks for setting the franchise back another 20 years.
  21. The Jets game was not much better. Sanchez sucks.
  22. Nah, don't you know that Buffalo is the only city where it gets cold out during the NFL season. The whole Eastern seabord(washington/baltimore/NYC/Boston) are going to get a foot of snow or more this weekend with the storm & that (*^*&%^$^#Peter King mentions of how bad our weather is going to be for the game this weekend, which looks like right now 30 & partly sunny with 8mph winds. FU King.
  23. I have been going to the games for 15yrs now. There is nothing wrong with the behavior in the parking lot, at least not where I park(lot 5 off of southwestern.) If you do not like drinking & do not like being in a party atmosphere the bills games are probably not for you.
  24. Nope & I know alot of people that do that. Pay the $25 to park & not go into the game. The gameday experience at the Ralph is unique & I imagine it is why at least 50% of the season ticket holders keep renewing. I know if they cut out tailgating or had stricter policies(not opening the lots to 10 or something) I would just stay home & watch it on tv.
  25. Although I highly doubt that, if you did color me impressed.
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