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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. Please, you could run a skeleton crew while there is no football. Obviously your not getting rid of your coaches or your gm, personal guys but that is small potatoes for an NFL franchise. Your not paying players salaries. Teams like the Cowboys, that have to probably make $40 million annual interest payments on the debt they owe can not afford that lost revenue stream.
  2. The bills are probably in the best position of any team in the league to sit out a year or 2 in lockout/work stoppage as they have no debt. Teams like the redskins/cowboys/titans/patriots who have $100s of millions of dollars in debt are the ones that should be worried about an extended lockout.
  3. The problem with this is unless I am mistaken, it is just taking the incomes of the people that actually live in the city. For anybody that says this area is poor, go into the suburbs around buffalo, there are beautifull developements all over the place. There is plenty of money in the suburbs surrounding Buffalo. Every once in awhile I have associates that fly in from NYC. Last summer I took some of them to my house for BBQ after work. They could not believe I could afford a house like this, saying they would die to have a house like this. All along I am thinking to myself "what is the big deal, there are houses like my house all over WNY". But people just seem the need to pile on WNY. It is mostly people on this board that have moved away from WNY. Maybe they feel guilty or remorsefull for leaving. My point is we are not living on dirt floor here & in fact the majority of the good people of WNY have better quality of life then 90% of the country. I am sure I will get railed for this comment, but I truly believe that.
  4. Nope, I try not call people names here. Try not to take nothing personal. I know I called you ignorant which I probably shouldn't of. I just do not like when people throw the race card. Lynch has noone to blame for these problems except himself. Has nothing to do with race. Just sharing what I know from what I said are pretty reliable sources. It is your perogative to not believe me & I respect that.
  5. Well at least your right about one thing. Just sharing what I know. BTW, I have had some insider knowledge & posted on this board before. Look back in August when I posted before it was on any media's radar that Schoeble was contemplating retirement after this season. I got flamed for that by some posters too. Guess I was right about that one though.
  6. Wow, your way out of line to drum up the racial card here. This guy is like a bad penny, you just can not get rid of him. This kind of behaviour goes all the way back to his playing days at Cal. & your actually comparing this jerkoff to a class act like Donovan Mcnabb???? Man, you just maybe the most ignorant poster on this board.
  7. Hey just telling you what I know. In my line of business, I have some contacts within the bills organization. These sources have no reason to make this stuff up. You could just believe what you want I guess.
  8. Kipers Hair, I do understand your frustration but Bill is right. Please do not blame the economic climate in WNY for the failure of the Bills. You build a team thru the draft & the circle jerks have f*cked up the draft time & time again. Just look at the first round pick we have wasted trying to find our franchise qb over the last 10yrs with nothing to show for it. If this contract dispute goes down the way I think it is going to go down, forget Free Agency. With all the rules & regulations/stipulation the owners are putting on, it is going to be like the old days where there is going to be very little player movement if any at all. The bills need to build thru the draft. Even with an uncapped year, the Bills could compete with the Dallas & Washington, they just have to be smarter & they have to work harder. So does just about every other team in the league too.
  9. & do not forget in the off season, back in oakland gangster Lynch will be running around the streets, smoking his weed, packing heat, stealing everybody's $20 bills & running down any overweight pedestrian that dares gets in his way.
  10. Oakland is a bigger shithole then buffalo & it is not even close. I suppose you could live in San Francisco or some other places that are nice around the Oakland area. Buffalo, has nice suburbs too though(Amherst/Williamsville/Orchard park etc....) Except for the summertime for the most part the weather is obviously nicer in Oakland. So I guess they do have the advantage there.
  11. Gotcha. Yeah I quit doing teasers a few years ago. I would always lose on something stupid. Like I would get the 1st 2 in on a 10pt teaser & all I would need is a team like Pittsburgh to just beat a lousy team like Cleveland & they would end up losing. They call them teasers for a reason. Your better off playing parlays. At least your cashing in on odds then.
  12. where the hell did you go to get the pack +3.5. Every line I seen was the pack -2 - -3.
  13. Going pretty good, can't complain. Daughter is 7 months old now, seems like just yesterday we brought her home from the hospital. Everything else is alright. Won $100 tonight on Arizona, maybe that is why I have a soft spot in my heart for Warner. LOL
  14. I was just making a general reference to the extent people will defend a guy like Lynch. I was not referring to you.
  15. My bad, i was not paying attention to the numbers. Trying to take care of the baby while posting.
  16. Look, I have a pretty accurate account of what exactly happened & this is how it went down. 2 ladies were at a TGIFs & Lynch & his friends were trying to hit on the ladies. the ladies said they were not interested. Lynch & his buddies got upset & when the lady held a $20 bill out to pay the waiter Lynch walked by & grabbed it out of her hand. When she asked for it back Lynch's posse surrounded him as he started laughing saying "what are you going to do about it?" She did not want to make a scene so she left. This guy is a jerk. I have more stories too. Stroud once in awhile holds/hosts parties at a bar(that I will not name) after bills victories sometimes. On more then one occasion, Lynch & his family refused to pay for the drinks that they have ordered & have caused bigtime scenes. On more then one occasion Stroud has actually has had to intervene & pay Lynch's bar bill because (*^*&%^$^#thinks he is above & beyond paying for achohal. I could really give sh*t less if anybody believes me. I have this on very reliable sources. This guy is a dirtbag & a punk & he needs to be run out of town. Oh yeah he sucks as a football player also.
  17. Jesus Christ, what the hell has warner ever done to anybody. It is pretty pathetic, this board will go to no ends to support & justify the actions of a thug like Lynch; & that is exactly what he is, but people nitpick because warner brings up religion once in awhile. This guy is a hall of famer & one of the best that has ever played the position, & he has always done it with class & dignity. i usually agree with you deano, but your off base on this one imho. Good to have you back brother.
  18. Totally agree, could not of said it better myself. I am routing for the cardinals from here on out. What a gutsy effort by both teams. Total class act is Kurt Warner.
  19. The total is the combine points that the teams are going to score. Like the over under is 43. Bet the under & if the total points by the 2 teams combined are under 43 you win, if they go over 43 you lose. If it lands on 43 it is a push. The money line simply means no points just odds. Everything runs off of a $100 bet. If you bet NE for $100 & NE wins you win $100. if you lose though you need to pay $105. if you bet baltimore & they win you win $105, if they lose you have to pay $100.
  20. I know the girl that is making the accusations. She is not making it up. This guy is an a**hole.
  21. i will tell you why. The worm is starting to turn at Southern cal. They are getting investigated pretty hard for the whole Bush incident & the basketball team is about to get hammered by the NCAA for the recruiting scandal with OJ Mayo. Carroll maybe thinking he might as well get out while the going is still good.
  22. I will buy the beer, just keep in mind that if Snead does go in the first round I fully expect you to change your major to Basket Weaving & I expect you to mail me a copy of your first semester report card to prove it.
  23. What is going to be interesting next year is the Boise St returns 21 of 22 starters, they are going to be loaded. With their win against TCU, I have read that might be enough to jump them to as high as #3 or #2 to start the season. They play Virginia Tech in Maryland & Oregon St at home I believe so their schedule has some teeth. If they do start out in the top 5 & run the table, there is a great chance that they will get into the national title game next year. BTW, I do not agree with the system, all I am saying is I think it is pretty clear that Alabama was the best team this year.
  24. Yep, just let me know how many guys your bringing & what kind of beer you like to drink. We are in lot 5.
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