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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. Yeah, I heard Mandalay Bay is really nice problem with that is the location, it is all the way down at the end of the strip. Interesting about Caesars but with ponies I read every place is more generous with the drink tickets. The Mirage they are a little hesitant at first but once you throw a $5 dollar tip there way they usually loosen up with the drink tickets. Lat year I started off betting 5 early games @ $75 per game or $375 worth of bets. I was lie to the lady can I have a couple drink tickets, she throws me 1. I said come on you can do better then that can't you. She was like "we are only supposed to give out 1 per every $300 woth of bets" I flipped her a $5 & magically she gave me 4 more drink tickets. So I kept flipping them a $5 every time I would put a round of bets in & it seemed like that did the trick. Everybody is chasing your money in that town. lol
  2. Okay, going to Vegas for Super Bowl weekend. Leaving Friday night & coming back Tuesday. Going down with 5 guys. This is the fifth year that we have been doing this. Little history, we are all huge college basketball followers & we love betting on it so what we usually do on Saturday is go to the Mirage, get there @ 8:30 in the morning & usually spend all day there(& when I am talking all day I mean from 8:30 am to usually around 10 at night so I really do mean all day). We bet a ton of games(last year I bet 23 games at $75 per game on that Saturday before the SB) so what we are looking for is a place that has a ton of games on, are lenient with the drink tickets when you put your bets in & takes all kinds of bets(halftime bets/bets from obscure conferences that some sports books will not touch/my friend like to make halftime bets when the lines get adjusted)& some where decent right by the SB that has decent bar food(nothing fancy). The Mirage is good & we will probably end up going there again(stick with what you know) but I just thought I would throw it out there if anybody else had a really good experience somewhere else. I heard Caesars is good(I have been in there before) but I heard they are really stingy about drink tickets & considering me & my friends each drink a case + of beer that day & with most Casinos charging $6 + per beer drink tickets are rather important to us. I heard the place at Pallazzio(sp) was really good but I heard it is geared towards the casual tourist/fan that just wants to take a hour break from the casino & watch the big game. My friends & I are not really interested per sey in the big game for that saturday, what we want is if we ask the person @ the betting table if they could turn on one of the tvs to wright St @ youngstown st they do not look at you like you have 2 heads. Any advice would be apreciated.
  3. I love Dareus too & I think he is the pick at #3. I would love it if we could trade down a few spots, get an extra 2nd rounder & pick up Quinn from UNC. Noone is talking about him but I read that if he would of went out for the draft last year he was a top 5 prospect. I know he has not played all year & charachter issues may come into play but I loved watching him the few times I've seen him play. I would be interested in hearing from someone who follows UNC football or possibly a guy like Ramius(who knows the ACC) what they think of him.
  4. I was down in Orlando back in November with the family & they had a Papa Johns there so we got it one night. I was really excited because I always see the commercials & it looks really good & they do not have one in WNY(at least not one by my house in Lancaster). Well we got it delivered to our condo & man was I disappointed. Did it suck. F Papa Johns.
  5. I was going to say the same thing. I have been there 3 times & that place was a dump. Worst NFL Stadium I have ever been to & I have been to 12 of them.
  6. Good to be back, miss everybody's ugly mugs around here. Things are going good, kids are good, wife is good, job is good. Going to Vegas in 2 weeks so looking forward to that. Get out of this miserable weather for a little bit. I see things have changed around here a little bit.
  7. My guess is they will leave the prices the same because we got the 2 preseason games this year & will whack us next year with the increase.
  8. Going to Vegas in 2 weeks for the superbowl. Staying at Bally's this year. Never stayed there before. Usually stay at Harrahs but they kind of jerked me around with the comps. They wanted $200 a night to stay. Bally's with my comps I am paying $70 for the whole weekend so we will see how it goes. Great thing about Vegas is there is something to do for everybody. If your going next month the temps will be a little cool for the pool however some pools are heated & open all year round(like the mirage). I usually hang out in the sports book & play a little black jack/craps. I have taken my wife there a few times & it is still alot fun, however it is more fun with just the guys. You should definately be able to do better then $700 per person, especially if your willing to go during the week as opposed to the weekend. I would definately stay on the strip. I like the area around Harrah's the best because I love the Mirage/Ceasars/Venetian/Wynn but the southside is pretty good to Toward MGM/NYNY etc... I would stay away from the slots, they are nothing but a ripoff. My wife plays the slots When she goes & it annoys me to no end because it is just like flushing money down the toilet & she kills my profit margin. Play the table games, bet a game or two in the SB & just have a good time.
  9. Yes he did do that in the first quarter, watch the whole game though Dave, as the game got to be tighter in the 2nd half the collar got very tight around Marty's neck. Your the one that is wrong.
  10. I do hear what your saying but you got to understand what 10yrs of losing does to a fanbase. I am starting to warm up to gailey, the guy has good credentials. I have told you this before but I will say it again. I can not wait for the day Manning retires, & that day is coming sooner rather later to see how the Colts fan base reacts to watching lousy qbing play on a weekly basis. I bet the oil can will be 1/2 filled with the prices they are charging.
  11. Last year after taking scooby's advice I threatened to cancel & they gave me super fan hd for free & dropped the st down to $150. Here is the kicker though, they also gave me a $20 credit every month for the next 12 months. So basically I made $90 by getting st. This year if they do not give me the same deal, which I do not see why they would give me this deal again, I will not renew.
  12. Ah yes, the proverbial jab at WNY. You knew this comment was coming sooner or later in a thread like this. I am surprised it took so long.
  13. Exactly, the club seats really do not even get you that much more for your money. I got a pair of aisle seats 24 rows on the 20 yards line. It cost my friends & I between $500-$600 a piece for each ticket. The club seats are the biggest rippoff in the stadium imo.
  14. I am renewing, not even thinking twice about it. As crappy as the football was this year, the tailgating was one of the best years. Weather was very nice for 6 out of the 7 games & alot of different people each week that we knew joined our party each game. Maybe that makes me a sucker, but I really do not care. I look forward to the whole gameday experience to much & love tailgating. It would be nice if they were competitive one of these years.
  15. One of my good friends went to Xavier, & this guy could drink & he said he said he has only seen 2 guys finish it before. Never tried it my self. He also said he has only seen one guy finish century club also, that is 100 beers from friday midnight to sunday midnight right?
  16. Back in college we used to play quarters sort of it was a game called Chandelliers. Everybody has an 8oz glass of beer & there is one in the middle. If the quarter goes in your glass you have to drink it. If it goes in the middle you everybody has to drink & last one to finish drinks the middle one. The one time during the summer we were at Slombas with their 32 ounze super bionics. Man did we get loaded that night. Five of my friends & I ended up doing naked bar slides & at one point the one bouncer was heard saying to the other bouncer, man these guys are sick, the one guy is puking in the toilet while the other 2 guys are leaning over him saying "Are you still in the game?"
  17. This is starting to get really exciting. I called it in the beginning of this thread that they were going to be fine & tough out in March. They are better & alot quicker then I even thought they were going to be. I seriously think they have a realistic chance to get to the final four & then who knows. I watch alot of college basketball & there are really no dominant teams(like NC was last year) out there this year. I suppose Kansas is probably the closest thing right now. It is wide open & Syracuse has just as good of shot as any team imo.
  18. How could you say he reminds you of jauron???? He has basically won wherever he has went. Jauron had one good season.
  19. In sullivan's article today it quotes Jerry Jones as saying the biggest regret he has since owning the Cowboys was firing Gailey after just 2 years. He said he did not deserve & it was not fair. I know this team really does not deserve the benefit of the doubt & it has been a long 10yrs, but lets see what this guy is about & how he coaches before we run him out of town. He certainly has strong credentials over the last 20yrs & seems like he knows how to put an offense together. I think a key thing is what he does on the defensive side of the ball.
  20. I have a friend who I have a suspicion that is wife is cheating on him with this guy that is the bass player in this cover band. I want to tell but I am not 100% sure yet. Once I am I can not wait to blow her in. It may cost me my friendship with this guy but I would like to think sometime down the rode he would eventually thank me for it. Like I said, as soon as I get concrete proof, I am telling him. She goes out & sees this guy play every wednesday night, I am thinking about having this guy from work, that she does not know, follow her out to the bar one of these wednesday & see what is going on. My wife says I should mind my own business but that is just not my style. My wife & her used to be good friends & she stopped hanging out with her because she said everytime they went out to the bar she tried to pick someone up. Plus the bass player & my friends wife went down to Pittsburgh to by themselves to see the Sabres & Penquins play. The husband knew about but when I asked him about he said they are just good friends. Man how gullable can you be??????
  21. san diego and idiot turner played right into the jets hands. They came out conservative & you just knew that if the jets could keep it close it was going to be a game at the end. I do not think the jets get so lucky next week. Manning & co are not going to sit back & let the jets dictate how the game is going to be played. I look for Indy to score early, get up a few scores & then throw the sink at sanchez, who I do not care what anybody says, is not good. I will be shocked, shocked if Indy does not beat the jets by at least 10pts.
  22. It kinda reminds me of that one Cheers where Sam checks himself into a sex addiciton group. Well this one lady is telling her story saying she started out having sex in high school because she did not have enough respect for herself, then later describes normal sex was not enough for her, saying she would go to no boundaries to fulfill every man's fantasy, no place was off limits for her to have sex. After her emotional speech where she break down Sam leans over to her & says "do you want to go out to dinner".
  23. if it is any consolation to you, Florida is going to stink next year(at least compared to recent years). They are going to struggle to get to 8 wins & a New Years Day Bowl. I think they have to play Alabama in Tuscaloosca(sp) next year. Alabama on the other hand is going to be locked & loaded for a repeat. I am going to vegas in a few weeks & I could get some decent odds (5:1, 6:1) I may put a couple hundred bucks on them. I got a question for the bama fans here. I know they used to split their home games between Tuscaloosa & Birmingham, what was the point of this & why did they stop doing it?
  24. What is so great about Schotty anyways. Ask any Jets fan & on more then one occassion the majority wante dhim fired over the last several years. Hell, they were talking about firing him half way thru this season. Now the guy is a genious because he basically has told Sanchez "I don not care if you only throw for 20 yrds a game, just don't do anything stupid". I hope SD really cleans their clock sunday & we could all see that fat son of a B word cry like a little girl again.
  25. Why bring up logical information when everybody is ready to run the guy out of town before he even has had a chance to step off the airplane. Bottomline is Frazier has been one of the most respected & highly regarded coordinators in the league for the last several years. He was become a head coach this year or next year. This guy is not Jauron & if you actually watch the minn defense, it is not your Buffalo Bills soft cover 2 defense. His defenses attack & get after the qb. Of course it helps that he has the williams twins & Allen as 3 of his 4 lineman, but none the less it is an attacking defense. I know it is not a sexy hire & will not be the hire that gives us instant credibility, but lets give the guy a chance. Let's not be the fanbase that is so bitter & so jaded that we are not even willing to give this guy a chance; a good football guy from every account I have seen. I think he could be a dam good coach. & let's keep in mind, it actually seems like he wants to be here.
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