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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. There is not a QB in this draft that is worth the number #3 pick. There's just not. Why force the issue? Fix the run defense with Fairly(sp) & roll the dice with either Locker/Ponder/Kapernick in the 2nd round if you are hell bent on grooming a QB. Those guys have just as much chance to succeed in the NFL as Newton & Gabbert imo. My guess is John from Hemmet is right though. Newton is going to wow everybody at the combine/pro day & he is going to be a Bill this spring. That is fine. They better figure out how to fix the defense with the rest of the draft/free agency though.
  2. Interesting he says that we can get to the playoffs but we need a qb. No matter what they say from 1 bills drive, I do not believe for a second this organization is sold on Fitz. I don't know though, I just do not think there is a qb in this draft worth taking with the number 3 pick. They need to fix the run defense. They are never going to beat the better teams if they are giving up 200yrds a game on the ground to them. I would take that big sucker from Auburn if he is there at number 3 & worry about the qb in the 2nd/3rd round. Fitz is relatively young, he still has an upside. For people saying he is what he is, last year statistically speaking he put up numbers comparable to Kelly's better seasons. I think we could win with him. Got to fix the defense first.
  3. Back in 1996 right out of college, M&T Bank $20,500. The first year I was there I got a $1,000 bonus & I thought I was on top of the world. Went on a 3 day bender with some of my friends, blew it all & did not think twice about. I lived with my parents right out of college & had no bills. Funny thing is I make more then 4 times as much today then I did at that first job but I had more spending money back then. I guess that will happen when you have a wife, 2 kids, a mortgage you can not afford & degenerate gambling problem. Oh well, you only live once & you can not take it with you right?
  4. See the problem lies within that some of these owners had to build these gigantic stadiums & now they realize they could only gauge the public so much & need to find other ways to make money so they could service the debt load that accompanies these buildings. It must burn Jone's ass to know that Wilson has no debt on his stadium, plays in it rent free, has an annual stipen for wear & tear expenses & gets to keep all the concession money/parking.
  5. No, they paid for the installation I am not debating that but it was the Bill's call(Donahoe's) which turf they used. They had to be different then everybody else. Money nothing to do with the decision.
  6. Why should the NFL have to pay for it? Classic case of Donahoe going to show how smart he was. Every other friggen team went with the field turf, Donahoe had to be different & go with this Astro Play sh*t. I think it was voted one of the worst surfaces in the league last year. No it was Donahoe's decision. & it was him just wanting to be different. I even remember him bad mouthing the field turf saying the astro turf was a much better product. It had nothing to do with money, it had everything to do with Donahoe's ego.
  7. I have said all along if they believe that there is a franchise qb worth taking with the number 3 pick they should pull the trigger. I am not sure if there is or is not but I sure hope they do not force the issue. Too much talent at the top end of the draft to force your pick with a QB you fully do not believe in. I like Gabbert & I like Newton. One things that does concern me about Gabbert is he really did not put up eye popping numbers this year.
  8. One guy that works with me applied today. I told him about the site. I just advised him not to say anything negative & he should be fine. <edited for content> mod
  9. I do see your point & understand the econimcs of the situation, but man you are setting a very dangerous precedent if you allow the athletes to be paid. Pretty interesting thing I heard about St John's. A guy was telling at the Mirage Saturday that back awhile ago, he mentioned when Mike Jarvis was coaching Johnies never had student housing so they were able to offer recruits like $2,500 a month or something like that. The guy was telling me it would give them a big recruiting edge because they would have the inside track on the NYC kids that could grab the money, stay at home with their parents & it was like they were getting paid. They said they got student housing about 6-7 years ago & it has kinda coincided with the downfall of St John's because they were no longer attracting the best NYC kids. Not sure if this story is true or not but I found it interesting & it does make sense. For years Johnies would always get these top flight NYC kids & I always thought if they were that good why would they want to play for St Johns.
  10. I really do not think it realistic comparing him to Maybin. This guy has the size every team is looking for along with the speed off the edge. Yeah it concerns me that he did not play last year but think of it this way it is one less year of wear & tear on his body. I am no UNC buff but the few times I did see him play he caught my eye. I have read is upside or ceiling maybe the highest of anybody in the draft & has also read he is NFL ready right now even with missing last year. I really the risk at picking him @ 3 is minimal all things consider. What I would love is trade down to the 7 or 8 spot, pick up an extra 2nd rounder & still get him. Not sure if he will still be there though.
  11. I got the same email. Hopefully they do not f*ck it up this time like they did the last time. Hopefully they go with the theory that less is more & keep it nice & simple.
  12. That is insane. I would walk 20 miles before I paid A grand for a parking spot. People have mentioned how different it was at the bills super bowls. The time has long past since the average guy could go to the super bowl. The super bowl is for millionaires & celebrities now. I hope NYC gets a nice noreaster when the bowl is played there. It would be fun to see how the wealthy upperclass freezing their asses off or better yet a super bowl with 50,000 empty seats.
  13. You could say the same thing about the bills franchise & their fan base. Their base stretches from WNY to Rochester/Syracuse/Norther Erie/Southern Ontario/Toronto. The Bills may or may not move once Wilson passes but it is not as simple & such a done deal as you make it out to be. I got a feeling your just trying to get everybody worked up. Do everybody a favor & go route for the Dolphins jerkoff.
  14. Will do. There are some real bad teams out there this year in the BCS conferences & the lines are just starting to get adjusted. Take Wake Forest last night they were getting 21 pts against Florida St. FSU is decent but their at best 6-7 seed in the tourney. For them to be giving up that many points to a conference foe is ridiculous. But.... they ended up covering.
  15. LOL, hey whatever, he sounds like a younger version of me. Saturday I always tell myself at noon "let's pinpoint a couple games & take it easy today". Then the next thing I know I have a few too many pops & end up betting 25-30 games & I am trying to decide who I should bet in the UCIrvine/Cal Fullerton game because that is the only game going at 11 at night.
  16. Nice call on the Clippers last night. Nice way to start off the week. Probably going to lay low until saturday but as always the insight was much appreciated.
  17. Yeah, that makes sense I just can not get into watching the NBA for some reason. I will play a game here & there but really do not follow it. I am going to take your advice & put $50 on the Clippers tonight.
  18. Any advice on the college basketball? I have been doing pretty good this year so far. Been hammering against a few teams. Been going against Wake Forest, Auburn, Niagara, Eastern Michigan, Toledo & of course my favorite Depaul(they can not make the lines high enough for that team.) Going to betting a ton of it this weekend, any insight would be appreciated.
  19. Yeah, I originally thought when the line came out by gametime it was going to go down to about an even game but it looks like it is going the other way. This Pouncey injury kinda threw a wrinkle into that. We shall see what the line is this weekend but I will probably end up going with the Pack.
  20. My original thought is to put money on the Pack & lay the points. Hopefully the line stays under 3. Now I am starting to think the Steelers maybe the way to go. They have been there before & BR is a big game QB. Rodgers has not played in a game of this magnitude ever. If I do decide to take the Steelers I am going to take the money line & screw the points. I will probably end up going with the Pack though since the guys I am going down to Vegas with this weekend all like them & I do not want to be the odd man having money on the Steelers & routing against my friends at the Sports book.
  21. I have been a season ticket holder now for 12 years & last year I could honestly was the first year I ever felt like it was a chore to go. I just did not look forward to the games. I only ended up going into 3 games(the opener, the lions & the patriots game). The Patriots game I ended up leaving at halftime. I sold my Pittsburgh tickets & for Jacksonville/Cleveland/Jets I actually went to the tailgate got there at 8am & then when 1pm rolled around had my wife pick me up at the entrance & I watched the games at my house(I had NFL Sunday Ticket). With the ticket & the comfort my own home I found it more fun to just watch the games in my basement. I have 3 tvs down there(2 small mounted behind the bar & then 50 inch for the main tv) then actually being at the game. I know that sounds spoiled & arrogant to out of towners that would love to have seasons & go to the Ralph on gamedays but the losing has just gotten old with me. I am tired of it. In today's NFL with Free Agency & player movement every year it is almost impossible for a team to be as bad as the bills for as long as they have. I will renew again this year because I almost feel like it is my civic duty to renew as long as I could afford & do my small part to help the team stay here(a little naive on my part I know) but if they are as bad as last year I will probably only go to a few games again. I am not looking for a pat on the back or anything, my only point is that for the first time ever, I did not look forward to going to the games last year & I really had to push myself to go to the 3 I went to. For those out of town people that have seasons & drive 2/3/4/5 hrs or long to get to the games, I really admire your dedication. You fans are truly the main backbone of this franchise.
  22. Believe me, I do not think I am cool because I said Papa John's sucks. It was just not very good. I am no pizza expert & people have different tastes but it reminded me of Little Ceasars Pizza, which is not good either. BTW, I was driving down Transit Saturday & there actually is a Papa John's on Transit & I believe Main St. I never knew.
  23. Agreed, one of the dumbest ideas I have ever heard on this board & that is saying something. You trade the 3rd pick this year, you better get every draft pick that team has in 2012.
  24. Man, I got to hire a nanny for my house. I do not care if I have to get a paper route on the weekends to afford it. It sounds like it is well worth it.
  25. Yeah that is what I was talking about. I have read different reviews & a couple of the reviews said the way it is setup if you are a true gambler & like to take action on alot of games do not go there. If you want a place to watch a big game & do not really care about watching other games then that is the place to go. If you ever see pictures of it, it looks unbelievable but I do not think it would best serve my friends & I & what we are looking for.
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