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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. Good points indeed but remember sexy is not always the best option. Here is where I stand. Although I do have concerns about Fitz's accuracy he showed me he could lead an offense last year. With Gaileys tuteledge I think he only gets better this year. In a year where there is no clear cut franchise qb available, why try to force with taking Gabbert(Newton is going #1). Before the start of the season Gabbert was not even mentioned as a first round pick & was thought to be looking into staying in school for his full 4 years. So what happened to change that? This guys production sucked last year, & I may add he was in an offense that is QB friendly(look at Chase Daniels numbers the year before). Yeah, Yeah, I know he did not have a supporting cast. My point is the hype machine is a pretty powerful thing this time of year & the hype machine on Gabbert is in full force right now. His production does not justify using the 3rd pick in the draft on him. I would go defense with the 3rd pick & then roll the dice by taking Ponder/Locker/Kapernick with your 2nd pick. Let them sit here for a year or 2 & learn under Fitz & if Fitz does work out then you hold an auction for them in a few years & hopefully you could recoupe some of the draft pick you threw away over the last 13 years trying to replcae Kelly. Those guys have just as much of a chance to be a franchise qb as Gabbert does imo.
  2. Exactly, people just do not understand what is going on here. The players actually want a cap reinstated. Be carefull what you wish for. The no cap last year was not the windfall that the players thought it was going to be. With a cap comes a floor & it was force teams such as the bills to bring their team salary up to that floor. No cap means small market teams such as the Bills could go as low as they want & like you alluded to the 6 or 7 teams that are willing spend can not hire everybody.
  3. Funny you mentioned this. 3 times last year I got to the stadium at 8am, tailgated & when the game was about to start I had my wife pick me up at 12:50(I live 10 minutes away from the stadium) & went home & watched the sunday nfl ticket. Best decision I made all year. Ended up eating my tickets by I did not care. Pretty sad that this is what is has come down to me as a bills fan. 10 years of watching mostly miserable football will do that to you.
  4. The Cowgirls went 2-6 at home last year. Just out of curiosity, why do you think it is a tough venue to play in for the road team?
  5. The problem with Maybin is he has no football ability. He is just not a very good football player. I do not care how big he gets or how much faster he gets, that is not going to change. I will be shocked if he makes it out of camp this year.
  6. Who cares. Any game they chose someone is going to B word about it. From a competitive standpoint it is good the last 2 years they are keeping it in the NFC. I am kind of glad it is the Eagles. I mean do I really want to see Mike Vick live ripping our slow undersized front 7 a new ahole all afternoon? Let the good people of Toronto enjoy that.
  7. Agreed, what the hell is so sad about. So the kid does not like to play football. Big deal. He cash in & now he wants to enjoy life. I applaud him for it actually. If he is smart he will never have to work another day in his life at the ripe old age of 25.
  8. Football is a little different from baseball. You really can not compare the 2. First, the NFL shares TV revenues so the Bills get a check for around $120 million a year right out of the gate. Compare that to baseball where the Yankees I believe get $100 million per year on their TV contract & a team like the Pirates may get 2-3 million per year from the TV contract. Big difference. 2nd, NFL players careers are short anyways. You draft a player, I believe in an uncapped year you could keep them for 6 years, chances are when they do hit unrestricted free agency their best years are behind them. Baseball, players are usually hitting their prime when they come into their second contract(27/28/29 years old) Draft well & a small market team like the bills could still compete. In fact I would argue some of the small market teams would favor not having a salary cap since there would be no floor required for their spending limits.
  9. Could not agree more. I do not know how Mallett fell so far in the draft. I thought for sure he would be the 1st qb off the board at the end of his season. If he is available when our 2nd pick comes up, if I am Nix/Gailey I run to the podium with Mallett's name on it. He is the most ready NFL QB in this draft & with that arm, if he could learn to slide away from the pressure the sky is the limit for him. Marino was rumored to have a drug problem too before the 83 draft. He turned out okay.
  10. 3 years ago I called & said I was going to cancel & go to Dish.(I was bluffing). After saying the price was too high & talking to the direct tv rep she gave me the NFL Ticket for half off & the kicker was she gave me HD service for free for a year. I took the advice of a poster that does not come around here much anymore because some posters give him a tough time but he gave me some great advice. So basically I got the NFL Ticket that 1st year for around $30. The 2nd year was tougher but after saying I wanted to cancel the ticket because of the cost the rep gave it to me for 1/2 off & same last year. I do not know how other posters have faired but the last 2 years they have not even given me a problem with the half off(which tells me there is probably a better deal to be had). Last year she also gave me free hd service for 2 years in which the only condition was too sign up for auto deduct. I call them in the middle of July & tell them to cancel my NFL Ticket. When they ask why I say I have season tickets to the bills games & I am at the stadium half the year & $360 is too much. The last 2 years they did not give me a hassle at all, they just knocked it down to $180. The problem is that I have now is I actually like staying home more then going to the games especially when the games do not mean anything. I ended up going to only 3 games last year for the Bills, sold 2 other games & gave the other 2 games to my church. I got 3 tvs setup in my basement & it is fun having 3 different games on watching them all at the same time. Hopefully I will get the same deal this year because if it is $360 along with the $650 or so I pay in season tickets that will be a tough sell to the wife.
  11. If I was you I would just get the Sunday ticket. I think it is $360 for the year but you could usually get them down to half price & bring it down to about $180. Adds an extra $30 on your bill for 6 months so your paying about $7 per week to watch the Bills game. When you break it down like that it is not bad & in the long run you would save money by not going out to the bar every Sunday & dropping $30-$40 on booze & food. Plus you get all the other games too so when the Bills season is over & they have no shot at making the playoffs, which usually happens around Columbus Day weekend, your not locked into their games & could watch the other NFL games that actually mean something.
  12. My dad had hip replacement surgery last fall. I know it is not the same, but I think they are similar in rehab and such. He was the same way, could not finish a round of golf without pain, had trouble sleeping. So he finally decided to get it done. He was terrifed but from the whole process it could not have gone better. The doctor told me the worst thing someone could do is put it off too long, then the rehab really becomes much harder. My dad was walking with a cane in 2-3 days & was out of rehab after 2 weeks. He feels great now & I actually golfed with him Saturday & he said that was the first he shot a pain free round of golf in 5 years. If your realtively healthy & in decent shape you should not have too much of a problem. Good luck.
  13. I saw him in concert twice. I thought he was pretty good. Plus there were alot of hot girls in the arena. Too bad my wife was with me both times. lol
  14. That is good pooj I like that one. Pretty funny story about setting picks. I play on Tuesday nights. It is a bunch of bankers so not a great league but not bad either. Most of us have played high school ball at the least. It is an over 35 league so we got a bunch of old timers in the league so it is not much fast breaking, but more half court offense & these bastards that is all they do is set picks & they all know how to set picks. It is a major workout just playing defense running around a pick every 3 seconds. So anyways we are playing & our one guard(who is kind of a hot head) is guarding this guy bringing the ball up the floor. The guy on the other team decides to set a pick at half court(which in this league it is kind of an unwritten rule you do not do this) & man he just ran right into & got flattened. The funny thing was I seen it coming a mile away & I have to imagine most of my teammates did also. Noone said a word. He is basically crying in pain at half court & looks up & points to us & screams "can't one of you dumb f*cks call out the pick" I just lost it. I ran out of the gym laughing my ass off.
  15. That is a pretty ignorant statement also. I have heard many times that hitting a 98 mph fastball is the toughest thing to do in all of sports. I tend to agree with that statement.
  16. I really do not understand the hate on the guy either. He is a great competitor, loves the game, has a clean image, keeps out of trouble does alot of charity work. Yeah I could see why people hate this guy. As far as him making it as a QB, I would not bet against him & I think Elway kinda of stuck his mouth in his foot about him early this offseason. I watched that whole Houston game & in the end he just refused to let his team lose. Scrambling to keep a drive alive, making a couple key throws. I think that is pretty impresive for a 1st year qb. Jury is still out on him & he has got a long way to go.
  17. Agreed. I used to like it better when it was on all day Saturday.
  18. 2006 I was all over Ngata. I could not believe our good fortune that he was still on the board. With our second 1st round pick I will never forget. I was driving home & listening to the draft on WGR. They were still b*tching how we took Lil Donte with the our 1st pick. When they said the bills have traded up I along with the boys at GR(I think it was White/Riter/Simon) were thining great, we got our center in Mangold. Wrong again. 2007 I was okay with Lynch. 2008 I was indifferent. I was kind of glad we got Mcdipshit since I believe alot of publications had him rated as the top cornerback in the draft. To bad he has sh*t for brains & the coaching staff can not trust him. 2009 I really wanted either Orakpo or Oher. I could not believe my ears when they announced Maybin. 2010 Once again I was alright I suppose with Spiller. I watched him alot in college & I seen this guy flat out take over games. Hopefully the coaches figure out a way to get him in the game plan. I know everybody here loves Fred Jackson but seriously the offense needs to run thru Spiller this year. He needs at least 20-25 touches per game. He is one of our few game breakers imo. This year with the 3rd pick even the Bills I do not think could f*ck this pick up. My preference is Dline/LB in which I would like them to either take Darius(I think Denver will grab him at #2), Quinn or Miller. The thing is I would also be alright if they took Peterson(I think he is the best player in the draft) or even Newton. I got to believe we could even trade down a few picks & pick up another 2nd for some team that is hot on peterson/Newton/Green. Should be interesting.
  19. I agree with this. But wuth that being said I have a son that is just about to turn 7. He loves sports. That is all he wants to do. He plays baseball(his best sport), hockey & also soccer. He came home last year from school with a registration for football. I talked to 3 of my friends that coach high school football & all 3 of them said do not get him into football, he is too young. If he wants to play football, let him wait to he is in 7th/8th grade to make that decision. My point is when I had my son like most fathers I suppose, I always wanted him to play football. Now I am not so sure. I think he would be better off just concentrating on the baseball. These concussions are nothing to take lightly. His friend played on the football & got a concussion last year. 7 years old & he already has his first concussion. I do not think it is worth the risk right now.
  20. Exactly, I am not going to watch the Masters from start to finish but I always have it on in the background & when it gets good I will sit down & it give it my full attention.
  21. You will still have college football if the CBA does not get fixed. I like the NFL but I would much prefer the college game. I like Baseball too. It has to be taken for what it is though. I mean they play every night so do I sit down & watch a game start to finish night in and night out? Of course not. But I do like having the game on tv on a saturday afternoon in the summer, doing yard work/hanging by the pool with a cooler of beer or playing wiffle ball with my son in the backyard & periodically checking out the scores. I also failed to mention that I am kind of a degenerate gambler & I like betting on baseball so that makes it more interesting also, although I could say the same thing about the NFL. Some of the NFL games are downright unwatchable if you do not have a little coin on them. I do not know how the non gambling public does it.
  22. I remember that game. It was a Sunday night game. Tampa should of beat Chicago by 30 points but Johnson was doing all he could to keep Chicago in the game. After one play, johnson got blindsided & it looked like his head was going to snap off & Theisman says "serious Rob Johnson is going to get killed out there, I fear for his safety, he has no idea where the rush is coming from".
  23. I feel the same way. I was 25 then & my friends & I just started getting season tickets the year before. We had 10 guys in our group. Those were the days too, nobody had wife, nobody had kids. We would get into the parking lot sometimes at 7am(especially in the early season). There was nothing like watching the sun come up sitting in the parking lot drinking a beer at 7am on a Sunday morning without a care in the world. We would drink & grill all morning, go to the game, after the game we could go back to my friends house & usually order a bucket of wings & a sheet pizza. Man, my stomach would not feel right for 2 days after that & if I did that now I would probably drop dead of a heart attack. LOL. & you went into that stadium & you just expected them to win. No team ran for 250 yards against us, there was no Tom Brady to embarass the sh*t out of us every year & we had a legit shot to win the division. Mysellf & some of the guys still have seasons, but we our down to 4 guys now. Couple guys moved away, couple guys married bitches & they told them they could not go anymore & a couple got fed up with the losing & said f8ck it. I look forward to going to the games now but it is not the same. In fact last year I only went to 3 games, sold my Steelers & Jets tickets & ate the other games I miss. I miss those days.
  24. Small little place on Main Street in Clarence. Not much of an atmosphere there & when you pull in you will think you are wasting your time but man they know how to cook a steak. My recomendation if you go is get the blackened strip steak. You will not be disappointed.
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