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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. There is alot of Gus Johnson hate in this thread & I just do not understand it. The guy is a great announcer. I am bummed that CBS would not agree to match. It was interesting to read that there may have been some jealousy involved. I bet it was that prick Jim Nance. The guy has got a great voice & knows when to turn it up a notch. I will miss him more for the College Basketball then when he did the NFL. & you say you do not tune in for an announce but until last year I always got the March madness ticket to get all the games(last year they were broadcast on stations you did not have to purchase) & I have a tournament party on Friday with about 10-12 guys coming over. Unless there is a game on with one of the schools that my friends or I have attended we always tune into the game that Gus Johnson & Len Elmore is announcing. CBS made a big mistake letting a talent like that go & they are going to regret it. Anybody that does not like Gus Johnson go on Youtube, type Gus Johnson in & there is a tribute to him call Fort Remix. Watch that & tell me you do not have goosebumps. The guy is terrific. "RISE & FIRE" "HERE COMES THE PAIN" "COUNT IT" "HA HA"
  2. No I think he is talking about the US Car Companies that were forced to pay $30 - $40 bucks an hour to dipshits that could barely graduate high school for sweeping floors & & screwing a bolt into an axle because of your unions. F*ck unions, there is no place for them in this country anymore. My father in law & brother in law worked at GM(my FIL is retired, my brother in law lost his job)& the sense of their entitlement was astounding. My father in law made well over $100K & what was his job. He had to ride around the plant once an hour to sweep the floors. He would work(& I use the term work lightly) 13 days in a row & then take one day off. He would make double time for half those hours & would openly brag that he would sit around playing cards most of the time during his shift at the union hall. He would often tell management off when they had the audacity to ask him you know to actually do some work & then he would always come away thinking he was right. MY BIL made close to $70K right out of high school(barely graduated). Since he lost his job it took him 2 years to find a job & he now makes $12 an hour, which he probably should of been making all along. Bottomline is these jobs are unskilled labor, why pay them $30/$40 per hour? It was a joke. Good point. I have not renewed my tickets yet & I will not until I see everything settled & I know even part of the season is not compromised. If I lose my seats well I guess that is the chance I am willing to take. I ma sure there will be plenty of seats available once this thing is settled.
  3. You really can not compare the two. Johnson is on a national stage & Rick is in a local market. The competition & expectations are different. I have grown tired of Rick for awhile now. I just do not like his style of announcing. He is a Mickey Mouse announcer, always trying to come up with the stupid one liner. Johnson does that too but I think it works alot better for him. Just my opinion so don't get offended.
  4. You really can not compare the 2. First Johnson is on a national stage & he broadcasts games that the whole country watches. Jeanneret is a local guy that broadcasts games that quite frankly noone is interested in except Sabre fans. Two different things. Johnson for football & especially college basketball is the best play by play man in the business. It is not even close.
  5. What kid in his right mind would give up a day of his/her summer vacation to go with their parents to work. I know I wouldn't. That does sound like a cool job. I do not know about staying out there in the wintertime freezing my a** off but in the summertime you must have a ball out there.
  6. You live in Chattanooga, TN & your making fun of Buffalo. Man you got alot of nerve. Enjoy your next flash flood.
  7. Tough call with Mallett. I would not be opposed to this pick but there will be a guy available that you could pick & they could be an immediate starter from day one on this team with their 2nd. Tough to pass that up too.
  8. Exactly. Let's fix this dline once & for all. If the Bills doctors cleared Bowers I would grab him. Not many years you can get the premier pass rusher in the draft in the 2nd round. If not take Austin.
  9. Sorry but the Sabres are not more interesting then the Bills this particular day. The Sabres season is over, they overachieved, if Phillie had a decent goalie the series would been over in 5 games. The Bills are in prime draft position. Save the Sabres talk for next week.
  10. Exactly, these guys are an embarassment to their industry. I know the NCAA Tourney is not that big of deal around WNY but the day of the tourney I remember that moron bulldog openly bragged that he has not watched one game this year. Yeah I would be proud of that you dipshit. Schopp is the guy who was not good enough to play sports when he was a kid & probably got picked on daily. That is why he comes off as a prick 90% of the time. & like the above poster mentioned, get it the Sabres are a better run organization. But since the NFL is the NFL & the NHL is well to put it bluntly probably a 5th rated sport(behind the NFL, NBA, MLB, NASCAR) & that Buffalo actually has the 3rd freaking pick in the draft & the draft is a few short hours away, you would think these 2 dickheads could maybe spend the afternoon talking about the draft & continue their nonstop sabres talk tomorrow.
  11. That is good. My junior year, when I was home from college my friends & I all got together the night before Christmas Eve. We started at Hooters at the Galleria Mall(it is now closed) & somehow we ended up down on the chip strip. We went to this bar where our friend was bartending & we did shots all night. Get home around 5am. Crawl into bed. My family was coming over that day for Christmas Eve. My dad comes in my bedroom at 1 in the afternoon & says "man you must of really tied one on last night, come you got to get up everybody is coming over" I am like "dad seriously just leave me alone today okay?" He was like alright. Hour goes by he comes back in the room & says you got to get up Aunt Jeanie is here with her kids. I am like dad I told you to leave me alone I am really hung over. He is like fine. Shuts the door. Another hour goes by & he says come on it is Christmas Eve can you get up & spend some time with the family?. Finally I had it. I am like "Dad I told you to leave me the f*ck alone can't you see I have a headache. He mumbles something & we do not say another word to each other that whole holiday. Later that week one of my friends who went out with me said on Christmas Eve morning his mother found him under the Christmas Tree buck naked in a fetal position. He does not remember how he got there but he said his mother was mortified.
  12. Thanks for the information Mike. John, I had the adjuster come over to take a look at it yesterday. It looks like I am going to be able to claim this on my homeowners. My liner is almost 15 years old so as long as the homeowners is covering it I would just rather have them put a new liner in & not have to worry about it for awhile. I will let you know if I run into any problems but from the estimate they wanted $3,600 for the liner/installation. My pool is oval & it is 16x36.
  13. Good point. I guess I would try to suck it up for a half hour & try to get as much coin as possible. Then I would tell him to go f*ck himself.
  14. I am with you on that but to each their own. I know when I was 20 & home from college & if my dad woke me up Easter Sunday morning for an Easter Egg hunt after a night of drinking with my old drinking buddies from high school I would of told him to go F*ck himself. But that is just me. If it brings your family closer together more power to you.
  15. Ah the grammar police. Look man, I did not intend to offend you & your obviously a very diehard Bills fan(I am as well). I apologize for my previous post questioning your fan card. Hopefully the Bills do not do something stupid this weekend like they usually do.
  16. Why is that insurance fraud? The guys from Majestic told me that excessive ice caused the damage. I am just relaying the message that they told me.
  17. Newton did not have a great NC game no doubt but keep in mind he did play injured & both offenses looked rusty from the long layoff. The 2nd half of the Alabama game was the game that convinced me this guy has a real shot to be a superstar at the next level. Guy was pretty much flawless in one of the more hostile environments any team had to face all year. I would not be disappointed if Newton is available at #3. If the Bills do not want to take him there, he is the one player they could probably hold an auction & pick up an extra 2nd round pick this year & possibly another 1st round pick next year. I could see Washington offering something like that.
  18. He obviously is not the only reason but I will tell you this, noway Auburn wins a NC last year if Newton is not their QB.
  19. What are you talking about. Von Miller is a LB. & if per sey there is 10 to 15 impact players in this draft(& I happen to agree with your assessment) if your not sold on one of the QBs wouldn't it make sense to trade down & pick up an extra 2nd & still get that impact player at #10 such as Quinn or possibly even Fairley? Now if you think Newton or Gabbert are Franchise qbs & they are available at #3 if your Nix you have to pull the trigger. I am not convinced that they are. The old Giants GM(forgot his name but I believe at one point he pass up on Elway; could be wrong I am sure I will get corrected if I am) said "you pass up a franchise QB & spend the next 15 years regretting it" If NIX/Gailey believe there is a franchise qb at #3, they better have the guts to pull the trigger.
  20. Sorry Liner. Thanks for your thoughtful insights. Your knowledge and comments on this are priceless & will definately let me sleep better at night.
  21. I doubt it. Even though I would question their judgement, over the years I have learned to live with the Bills lack of judgement & nothing they do would surprise me. & to Hammersticks, do you go to any games? Do you have season tickets? Do you put your money where your mouth is? Because if you do not go to the games I do not consider you a fan. How do you like that?
  22. Okay, so this weekend I decided to lift my cover off my pool. (I know the weather sucks but I am just sick of looking at it). When I pulled it off I looked down and the linar was off the tracks on the deep end & of the track on the shallow end & there was alot of water behind the linar & it was bubbled all around. So I call Majestic & the guy tells me they maybe could fix it he have to take a look at it. So I ask him if I need a new linar what am I looking at? He has my pool on file(they put it in) so he tells me $3,600. So now I am pissed. Then I start thinking maybe I could claim this under my homeowners. I called the lady at my insurance company today & explained what happened. I also said it was caused by excessive ice. She said she would put the claim in & call me back. Just wondering if anybody ever tried putting this under their homeowners & if so were you successfull. I have a $500 deductible but that sure as hell beats paying the full amount.
  23. Why would you stress about the draft????? Of all the curves & problems life has to offer your going to stress out about the draft? Man you must live a pretty problem free life. Here is some advice, you have no say or stake in the draft so do not worry about. You want something to stress out about how about this. I lifted my cover for my pool on saturday & the linar came off the tracks & I believe it is ruined since there is water behind the wall now. Now I am trying to convince my home owners that excessive ice caused the damage. If they deny the claim though I am going to be out $3,600(that was the estimate I got from Majestic this weekend.
  24. Exactly, these people that are just certain Newton is going to be a bust need to get off their high horse & actually watch the games. So what he had a simplistic offense. Does not mean the guy can not sit on the bench for a year(a luxury we have with Fitz being the starter) & be a quick study. All I know is Newton dominated & I mean dominated the best conference in the country last year. No other qb in the draft can say that. If your still unconvinced about newton's abilities watch the 2nd half of the Alabama game last year. Kid was flawless. Best qb display I seen all year. A previous poster mentioned that he does not want to shoot for greatness at the 3rd pick but a steady starter. What a horrible line of thinking. At the #3 pick in the draft you better go in expecting to get a great player or your in the wrong business. I would not have a problem drafting Newton although I would not mind to see Darius or Miller either.
  25. KC made the playoffs last year & Chicago hosted the NFC Championship game. Why would you expect the Bills to beat them?
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