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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. No I am not saying it is bad, it turned out to be a fun day. I just bought a smoker over Memorial Day weekend & still figuring out the little tricks of it. Although I will say the food turned out pretty good Friday. But I did it on company time & the chicken actually took over 4 hours to cook, or in other words about 15 Coronas.
  2. I agree with this. I am not that crazy about working at home. I work from home maybe 3 or 4 days a month I just do not like it. I feel less productive even if I did alot that day. I mean it is nice getting my son on the bus & such for school but there are too many distractions at home(I have a 7 year old & a 2 year old). My work is funny too. Either I am really busy or I am really slow, there is really no in between. Last Friday I worked from home, had just a few thing I had to wrap up going into the weekend & I ended up having a few pops & smoking a chicken & some baby back ribs in the afternoon because I was so bored.
  3. I got to agree with this. First off let me say I am not a smoker. I never have been & I never will be. But with that being said at the games I was not effected at all by the smokers. They kept them out of the concourse & the stadium & kept them into a confined area. If you do not want to inhale second hand smoke, avoid that area. Pretty simple. I bet they lose some customers over this. & now they are not opening the lots until 9am? That kind of sucks.
  4. What do the Phillies give you? How much does a season ticket run you for those games? That stadium always looks great on TV. I would like to get down there one day. Maybe when I get to Citifield later this summer(going in August/big Mets fan) I will see if the Phillies are playing at home that weekend & make the drive down there.
  5. They just had a scroll on the bottom of ESPN where it said Smith/Goodell were seen having dinner together last night & their mood looked pretty festive. I would be surprised if there is not an agreement in place by father's day. Just too much money involved to not meet some sort of compromise. If they wait for the courts(I think the next court date is August 29th, half the season will be lost.
  6. So what they still won both games. My point is don't you think it is a little early to bring out the 0-8 bull **** nonsense before any player has even had a chance to put the pads on yet?
  7. I disagree. They will sell out the stadium as long as they are winning or until the novelty wears off which will not last long since they have already had & failed to support NFL football. LA is a fair weather town, they will support a winner but will not support a poor or average product. There is just too much stuff to do in that town. Look at USC's attendance last year for football. They did not sell out one game last year including a game against #1 Oregon October 30th.(Granted there stadium holds 90K +). Look at their crosstown rivals UCLA where home attendance for a PAC 10 game usually has 30k empty seats. I am not saying that a football team could not make it there. Look they are the 2nd largest market in the country but they are going to need alot of corporate dollars to make this thing work. If they have to rely on the general public they are in big trouble unless they are competing year in & year out for the Lombardi Trophy.
  8. I am kind of curious why you would assume the Bills would go 0-8? They beat the dolphins last year & the Broncos had the #2 pick & both the bengals/titans picked in the top 10(in fact Cincy was so much better then they picked a whole spot behind us in the draft).
  9. Not all the time & besides I have 3 tvs down in my basement. One 50 inch & then 2 small ones mounted on the back of the bar. I get to watch 3 games at once. If you bet the games like I do it makes it alot more fun this way.
  10. I am just the opposite of you guys. I get the ticket so I do not have to watch the Bills games.lol Once they are out of playoff contention, which is uaully around Columbus Day Weekend I just lose interest in them. It makes the games no fun when they do not mean anything. I always call & get a pretty good discount(the one time a few years ago I actually somehow got it the ticket for free with all the discounts they gave me). Last year I think I paid $160 for it. Anything more then that & I have a tough time justifying it to the wife considering I have season tickets to the Bills games also. As the older I get it is nice watching the games from the comfort of my basement. Last year for the Jets game/Jaguars game & the Steelers game I actually got up tailgated at the stadium at 8am & had my wife pick me up at 12:55 & went home & watched the ticket.(I live about 15 minutes away from the stadium). Nice way to spend a Sunday.
  11. I am not crazy about Sanchez. I was not crazy about him in college when he could not even beat out John David Booty & where his number on the road the one year he started were downright pedestrian on a loaded USC team. With that being said, I think with the team the Jets have in place they could consistently win with him. They do not ask him to do too much & they need him to make 1 or 2 throws a game, which he is capable of doing. He will never be in the same class as Brees/Rivers/Brady/Manning. He is just not talented enough. So I guess I am kind of on the fence about him. I kind of liken him to Flacco. Young, decent, likeable, but in the end neither QB is good enough to get their team over the hump.
  12. Agreed, the China ones are fine. They are not as nice as the Authentics obviously but they are way better then the replicas that the bills offer. I think it is crazy to pay $300 for an authentic for a guy that is probably only going to be on the team for 4-5 years at best. If your going to buy an authentic your better off going with one of the old timers.
  13. Do I have the only marriage where once the kids go to bed(around 8 or so) I go down in the basement to watch a few innings of the Mets game(or something similar) & she stays upstairs & watches all her realty shows & such on the DVR? Half the time we do not even say goodnight to each other. After 10 years of marriage I kinda of like it like that. Of course it does have it's downside. I have not had sex with my wife in over a year. Oh well like in anything in life you take the good with the bad.
  14. Well I was not going to give them any money until this thing was settled. Last week they send me an email stating that if they do not receive a deposit by June 7th I will lose my seats. So I called the guy up & agreed to give them $50 per seat. The guy said I did not have to pay anything else until the contract was settled. I will say this though, if the season is compromised like they are suggesting(pushing the 1st 3 weeks back to the end of the year) I will not be renewing my seats this year & just going on a game by game basis. Who wants to sit out for 5 of the 7 games being played in December/January. F that.
  15. I hope your not referring this post to me on that. I could careless if my son plays sports or not. As long as he is doing something & not wasting away in front of a computer I am fine. He loves sports. I do not push him into it or get down on him when he misses a ground ball. Ever since he could situp & crawl he had a ball in his hands. That is just the way he rolls I guess. I am glad, because I love sports & we have alot in common but other then that I am not living vicariously thru anybody. I had my sports career, I have no illusions of my son going pro. I do think there is a problem when your kid is 7/8 years old & you son him up for baseball & they do not even know how to throw a ball. I would be embarrassed if I was some of these parents because what it tells me is you as a parent can not even be bothered to teach your kids the most simplest of fundamentals of a sport that your probably forcing them to sign up for.
  16. You make alot of sense. I guess I do got to step back & take it for what it is worth. See , I guess my son is a rare breed. All he wants to do is play sports & loves baseball. This did not come by accident as we were playing wiffle ball games when he was 2 years old. I guess all kids are not wired like that nor can I expect them to be. But it does get frustrating on the coaching aspect of it. The league he is in though does not offer travel league until he is 9 years old so he has to wait 2 more years.
  17. Could not agree with you more. I help coach my sons 7-8 year old team & it is disgusting how they try to make it as non competitive as possible. Every kid has got to rotate position. Well you know what some of these kids stink & they are not made to play shortstop or first base. & it is the parents of the kids that stink that give you the most problems as a coach. I feel like telling them, well maybe if you got off facebook for a few hours a day & threw away your smart phone & stopped the texting you would have time to pick up a god dam glove & throw a few balls with your kids in your backyard when you got home from work. I am sorry but when you are 7-8 years old you should know how to throw a baseball at least. We got 2 kids on the team that do not even know how to do that. & what is this pitching machine anyways. Teach the kids how to pitch the friggin ball. They get in the 9-10 yr old league & half these kids could not hit the broad side of a barn. Then they wonder why the games take 3 hours to play. It sounds tough I know but they are not helping these kids in the long run by babying them & making sure "everybody feels like a winner". I remember when I was that age & I pitched if I walked one or 2 guys a game my dad got all over my ass. Now I watch these kids that have no business pitching walk 8-9 guys in a row! The whole thing has gotten me sick. I feel bad for kids like my son. I have to tell him to lob the ball over to the first baseman because I am scared he is going to hurt the kid because these kids can not even catch a ball. Ah, what are you going to do I guess.
  18. Maybin has had plenty of opportunities. The problem is he is just not very good. He is the guy that could run really fast & jump really high but has absolutely no football ability at all. I am sorry about his son but I would be very surprised if he makes it out of camp this year.
  19. But for the most part the whole college basketball scene is set around an obnoxios atmosphere. From the student sections being literally a few feet behind the players bench, to all the different chants in the arenas, to the animated coaches that often times are within spitting distance of the refs to the craziness of the tournament. Gus Johnson fits into it perfectly. I remember a few years ago Missouri went into the Fog to play Kansas. Now these fan bases hate each other. My wife & my mother in law(who for some reason comes over every Monday) were mocking me for watching college basketball when a Sabres game was on. My MIL says "I do not know how you could think college basketball is better then hockey" Just then ESPN puts the screen on Allen Field House & the fans are doing some crazy chant(I mean the whole arena) before the tipoff & Musberger gets on & as only Brent can do says "folks I have been covering sporting events for a long time & I will tell you this I have never been in a sports venue that has as much energy & is as loud as this place is tonight" & I looked at my annoying mother in law flipped to the sabres game(they were playing New Jersey & the crowd was so quiet you could here a mouse fart) & said "do you see why I like college basketball a little more then the NHL?" Of course she said no which infurriated me even more. Some people are just too stupid to reason with. My point is guys like Gus Johnson & Brent Musberger add to that excitement. That can never be a bad thing.
  20. I like Nessler, Mcdonough & I was bummed that Ron Franklin's big mouth got him canned from ESPN because I used to really look forward to him announcing the Big 12(or whatever the hell they are called now) on Big Mondays. Those guys all get pretty excited also I think especially Mcdonough. Schulman is alright, Pasch & Nance I think are too boring. Just one man's opinion.
  21. Ah Vin Scully. He always has a special place in my heart for the 1986 Game 6 World Series call. "little roller up along first...behnind the bag! It gets thru Buckner! Here comes Knight & the Mets Win!. I was 13 at the time. Great call. Never forget it.
  22. Okay I see your point but the announcer does add something to the game. It is interesting but I read where Gus Johnson is extremely popular with the 35 & under male crowd & not so much with the over 35 crowd. I do not know what demographic you fit into. I just turned 38 Friday but my wife consistently reminds me that I have the maturity of a 10 year old so I guess I fit into the under 35 crowd. Could you name some names? I watch probably more college basketball then anybody & I am really interested to hear what college basketball announcers you like. I do not think nobody out there right now is better then the team of Gus Johnson & Len Elmore.
  23. Okay I guess, although I do not see why you would be embarrased for the guy. I do not know if you watch college basketball much but he was the most popular announcer for the last several years. The guy makes the game fun & exciting. What is wrong with that? What announcers for college basketball do you like?
  24. I think over the last few years he has miscalculated by continuing to trade back or letting players that could obviously still play at a high level go(Richard Seymour for example). Yeah having all those draft picks is nice but the key that runs this engine is Brady & his window for playing at an elite level is coming to an end. You would think Belicheck would want to get a couple of tru blue chip impact players to get them over the top. For all their regular season wins this team has not won a single playoff game in over 4 years.
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