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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. I know Direct TV gets bashed around here a little bit but they are so much better then Adelphia or the Dish. I am not sure about Fios since I do not think it is available in my area. If you like sports Direct TV is the only way to go. No she hates baseball. We are going out to dinner Thursday night & then we are going to donate some money to the indians at the Casino.
  2. I agree, I am not a big jersey guy but I bought 2 of them from DH Gate(Edwards & Evans) & they looked great. Are they as nice as the authentic ones? No, but instead of paying $300 for an authentic, they cost $50 & look good. They definately look better the crap replicas the Bills sell for $80 in their store. Now those look like sh*t.
  3. Update, I went down in the basement over the weekend & to my surprise the direct tv guy must of left some extra cable because there was 2 cables(both about 25-30 feet) wrapped up in the back where the cable from the satelite comes in. So I went to Radio shack & bought a 2 way adaptor & took about 1 minute to hook it up & it worked great. Weather permitting I am going to bring the tvs out this upcoming sunday afternoon & enjoy watching a little baseball. I know the Mets/yanks play this weekend. Looking forward to it.
  4. That is exactly what I am trying to do. Looked at it last night & I think I could do it pretty easy. Although the one thing Flom suggested is interesting where I could just run an additional line out of the box outside. I may have to look into that.
  5. Yeah that sounds sweet what you have. I would love to do something like that up here but the weather is just not nice enough. It is not even the cold that would bother me but it is the fuggin wind that we usually get with the cold weather. If it was just cold like you said I could bring the fire pit over & make it a day. My friend says he watches stuff out there pretty much all year round. He says he has a couple portable heat lamps he will bring out when the weather starts turning. He was telling me his favorite time of year to go out there is for the bowl games/bcs games. He loves it.
  6. I was visiting my friend down in Greensboro last year & he kind of gave me the idea. He built a beautifull deck with a bar in the middle & had 3 tvs mounted with a canopy covering the bar area.. He dropped a hot tub into the lower lever of the deck. It was awesome. I am not looking to do something that extravagant. You could do that in NC where the weather is nicer/more predictable. I am just looking to enjoy a few nice fall days outside in WNY come football season. Yeah I know. I was going to bring the receivers & tvs from my bar in the basement(I have 3) outside on the patio.
  7. Nah, I have HD so I will get what you suggested. Can not wait to try it out. Maybe even try it out for a baseball game on one of the upcoming Saturdays in July. Thanks.
  8. Okay thanks. It is probably 30-40 feet at the most I would need the extension so we should be good to go.
  9. Okay, thanks guys for the insight. Much appreciated. I did not think it was going to be a problem but wanted to make sure. I have pretty big college opener party & I have been thinking about bringing it outside for awhile. I am going to bring the 3 tvs up from the basement & set them up around the patio(I have 3 different boxes for them). We get a keg & I just bought a nice deep fryer from Sears that I am going to fry up some wings & potato skins for that day. We get a keg that I could put right on my deck & we should be good to go weather permitting. Man I am getting excited just thinking about it. It is kind of sad but my 10 year wedding anniversary is next week & I have not put one ounce of thought into that but I can not stop thinking about the possibilities labor day weekend & the opening of college football.
  10. I was thinking to myself while I was cutting the lawn this weekend, for football season is there anyway I could run a line off my direct tv to bring the TV outside onto my outdoor patio to watch college football saturdays/nfl sundays on one of the nice fall days we have in WNY. I have a system setup in my grate room along with a sustem in my bedroom upstairs & 3 tvs down in my basement. I was thinking the tv setup that is closest to the Patio outside is the one in the 1st floor(grate room). Can I just go to radio shack or something & get extensions to run the lines outside & bring the box & the TV outside?
  11. My point is I just do not see what the problem was with the way they had it set up. Let them come out with a zero tolerance policy about if your caught smoking outside this area your kicked out of the game. No exceptions. I do not smoke but far be it for me to tell someone else they can not smoke in a designated area where they are really not affecting anybody. This is going to hurt the Bills bottomline also. Poor decision all the way around imo.
  12. Your coming off pretty self righteuos aren't you? I do not smoke either but I did not see the problem with having a designated smoking area. You do not want to smell it here is an idea, avoid the area. Problem solved. The Bills could came out & said if we see anybody smoking outside this area, you kicked out of the game & if your a season ticket holder your banned for the season. My guess is that would detour the crowd that likes to light up inside the stadium. But for you to say noone should do it & it is wrong & it is either your way of thinking & calling people stupid for not thinking like you. Your painting the morality brush pretty thick. One more thing like I said I do not smoke but if they came out and banned drinking on stadium grounds, I would stop going to the games too.
  13. What little tricks????? You park closest to the center as you can(if you get there by 9 he will have no problem finding a spot) get to your car right after the game, pull out of the lot & once your by California road(half mile) it opens up & your in the clear. There are no special tricks. Look if he gets a 6:50 flight & does it the way I tell him & still misses his flight, he & his friends could spend the night at my house, we will suck down some post game beers in my basement watching the later games & I will drive them to the airport Monday morning & pay the change in flight fees for him & his friends to catch the Monday morning flight.
  14. If he does it the way I told him he will be out of the parking lot in less then 5 minutes. Seriously I do this every home game & have been doing it this way for the last 12 years. Forget the lots off of California Road, forgot the Endzone, park in lot 5 & park right next to the center towards the front(right infront of the preferred parking. It will be easy to get into the center lane & then he is out of lot in no time.
  15. Yeah your right. It is pretty creepy. I suppose the parents could of said no(which I would of done if it was my daughter)but then what happens is she probably waits to for 2 years, marries him anyways & she disowns her parents for the rest of her life.
  16. He has plenty of time to get to the airport he just has to know some tricks. Park in lot 5(which is the lot off of southwestern. When you pull in the lot & pay your money there will be attendents who try to shoot to the left or to the right, just keep going straight & blow by them(they never stop you. Once you are past them park your car closest to the center aisle. After the game get to your car(if you sit towards the scoreboard side of the stadium on the visitors side your right there) & when you get out of the lot make a right onto southwestern. Take southwestern(it will turn into transit) all the way to genessee st & make a left there. The airport is less then mile away on the right hand side. I live in Lancaster right off of transit & William & it literally takes us 15 minutes to get home(I am always home before 4:30.) You should be at the airport no later then 4:45 which will give you plenty of time.
  17. Lucky SOB. From the smirk on his face I think he knows he pulled a fast one & he is probably thinking yeah I am going to be tapping that for the next 25 years. Life is good.
  18. I love betting on the lesser known teams. It seems you could always find a value line in those lesser played games. I ran a system last year for the bowls & it went I believe 24-7-1. I am kind of eager to try it out this year during the regular season but I will need probably like 5-6 weeks of data before I could implement it.
  19. Athlon is pretty high on FSU. They got them projected going 12-1 with the only loss to Oklahoma. OU is loaded on offense. It is a tough schedule & they seem to always get burned on that Thursday night road game but to be honest with you the only game they should not be favored in is the Oklahoma game. I think Florida is going to struggle this year & you get Miami at home so that should help. Alot depends on Manual & how that defense comes together. I will be very surprised if they do not make a the ACC championship.
  20. Pretty simple. The bills could do the same thing if they wanted to. The only catch is once you tarp them the Jags can not open those seats up at any point during the season, even for a highly anticipated highly attended game or a playoff game.
  21. I am not casting stones either. I have been behind the wheel too when I should not of been but what business does he have going over 100mph intoxicated. I never did that before.
  22. Just got my College football Athlon Magazine in the mail this weekend. They have some of the usual subjects in the top 10. They got Alabama at #1, followed by Oklahoma/Oregon/Florida St & then Boise St to round out the top 5. Notre Dame, Virginia Tech, LSU, Ohio St & Nebraska finish off the top 10. Pretty interesting. I can not see Ohio St being in the top 10 this year but this Magazine was published before Tressel & Pryor left so I am sure they would of been ranked outside the top 10 taken that into consideration. They are talking about Florida St returning to national prominence & even state if they could by Oklahoma(3rd week of the season) which is played in Doak they have a chance to run the table. Looks like it could be a long year for Buffalo. They have them ranked 115(out of 120 D1A teams) & project them to only win 2 games. Not sure how many people get the Athlon, but speaking as a gambler, I love it because they rank every Division 1A team from top to bottom. Especially in the early season when the lines are a bit off, you really get a feel for who the real bad teams are & I like to play against them at least for the first weeks of the season until the lines get adjusted. There are some great early matchups also. Starts righ off the bat opening weekend with Boise ST/Georgia in Atlanta & Oregon/LSU in the jerry Dome. As mentioned earlier, FSU plays Oklahoma, Alabama goes up to Happy Valley to play Penn ST, Miami plays Ohio ST & Boise plays TCU at the end of the season. Really looking forward to a great college football year.
  23. This is a pretty weak arguement. I have probably been to over 100 bills home games in my lifetime(I am 38) & one thing I do know is it is impossible to not have your clothes stink after tailgating & watching football for over 8 hours. I mean with all the grills going, & especially in the winter time when people get the fire pits going, your clothes are going to have that smokey smell to them. It is pretty hard to avoid out at the Ralph on gamedays. My wife makes me throw my clothes right in the wash as soon as I get home from the games on Sunday. She can not stand the smell. So I doubt having a little smoking area is really going to make the big of a difference. I am a non smoker also.
  24. I hear ya. At the end of the day no matter where you are you got to get your work done. As far as the Corona I only drink it during the summer time & I do not know, I kind of had a taste for it last Friday. I like it once in awhile. Those 2 spring breaks I spent down in Cancun 15-16 years ago left a positive lasting impression on me as far as my taste in beer goes I guess.
  25. Got to agree with you Bill. Like I said I am not a smoker but smokers never bothered me in the stadium. They put it outside the concourse pretty much away from everything else. Sure you had 1 or 2 aholes smoking in the seats or outside the designated smoking area but guess what, when you get 70,000 people at one place your going to have that happen. My guess is it will still happen even with the new rules in place. The lots opened at 8am last year for the poster that thought they opened at 9.
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