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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. We almost took it to the Private lots this year once they came out with the 9am rule. Yeah I know an hour is not that big deal but it still p*ssed us off. We park in lot 5 right off of Southwestern & if they start directing traffic in that lot we will take our business to the private lot right before lot 5. The bills are just hurting themselves with these stupid rules. I can not believe that idiot Brandon does not see that. I guaranty they lose a ton of parking revenue because of this. With the product they have put out for the last 10 years, alot of people go for the tailgaiting. They should be gratefull anybody shows up at all.
  2. Yeah you do not want to be swimming where the seals are. There are usually whites around. I am kind of glad I never grew up around the ocean. I am sure I would be into surfing if I did. I have a real fear of sharks. We are plannign a trip to the outerbanks next summer & I do not think I will be going in the ocean. The house we are renting has a nice inground pool with an attached hot tub. Who needs the ocean.
  3. Peter King is what he is, a pompous overweight blowhart that somehow got a nice cushy job at CNN/NBC. He has some decent connections around the league just for the simple fact that players/gms/owners know he is not going to tell it like it is & trash them in his articles, instead blowing roses up their asses 24/7. But if you want football knowledge & insight I would take his articles for what they are worth. My 2 year old daughter knows more about football then he does.
  4. I really do not know the definate details but I believe MNF since they moved onto ESPN & NBC started airing Sunday Night football they do not get the top pick for games each week. I think NBC gets first pick of the game they want & CBS/Fox could block certain matchups once a twice a year on NBC & could block 2 or 3 games per week from ESPN snagging them. Once those games are blocked the pickings are probably pretty slim for ESPN & MNF.
  5. You think having a sandwich draft & debating for over a 1/2 hour whether a hot dog should be considered a sandwich is entertaining??????
  6. Thanks for the reports. Great job. I wonder if Jasper is going to see the field this year. I would love to see it. I really do not think they will be able to put him on the practice squad because I believe he will have to clear waivers & I do not think he will be able to get thru waivers without someone picking him up.
  7. How about talking about the NCAA BBall tourney in March. For christ sakes 2 years ago we hosted the 1st weekend & schopp & the bulldog were making fun of the tournament that week it started. I mean that is one of the biggest sporting events of the year & they are going to make fun of it & openly brag they have not watched a college basketball game in years????? Yeah go talk about whether Gaustad should be on the 3rd or 4th line instead of March Madness. That is really f*cking interesting. My wife has sirus in her car & I listen to NYC sports talk radio once in awhile & believe it blows WGR right out of the water. It is not even close.
  8. Agreed. The SEC plays the best football. It is all cyclical though. Tough to match that SEC speed though. This maybe a down year for the SEC this year. Alabama should be in the national title picture, but after that every team in that conference has their issues. LSU has a QB problem, Georgia is extremly young, Ark is supposed to be pretty good as is South Carolina. Florida is going to be down again & Tenn is a mess. Auburn is not going to be very good this year either.
  9. I guess great minds think alike. & by smoking stuff I meant food. I have enough bad habits already. lol
  10. I would be very surprised if the SEC would want Florida St. They already Florida & I really do not know how much more bigger their footprint would be by adding another Florida school. I heard if they expand it is going to be Texas A&M & a school such as Clemson, but who knows. I love Saturdays in the fall. Nothing else like it. I love going down in the basement around 11am or so & knowing I have a full 12 hours of watching College Football ahead of me. I got a smoker this year so I plan on smoking some stuff on Saturday afternoons in the fall this year. I also am going to bring the TVs out on my patio in the early season & hang out outside on the nice fall days that we have. I can not wait. Opening weekend is less then 5 weeks away. Boise ST/Georgia & LSU/Oregon is a great way to start off the season. Just wish they were on different times. That LSU/Oregon game could have national title implications. I am interested also to see how Boise's offense does against an SEC defense. If Murray plays well this year, Georgia could be a real sleeper.
  11. I realize there was no practice but I don't know, how about talking about their chances this year, how about talking about the individual competition for roster spots & such. To talk about movies all Friday was crazy. I guaranty if it was the first day of Sabres camp they would not be talking about movies. They just do not have the knowledge about sports to make a whole show about it, that is why they got to have movie drafts/actor drafts/sandwich drafts & such. The alchy at the corner bar that sits at the end of the bar knows more about football then these 2 guys. It is pathetic.
  12. Same BS???? It was the first day of training camp & the first day of free agency. It is not like it was the middle of June & nothing was going on. I car pool with South Town Tommy & we were both disgusted on the ride home with that so called sports show. Those 2 idiots should be ashamed of themselves.
  13. Too bad most of the high schools at least the good ones play well into November around here. It may snow a day here or there in October(& by snow I mean flurries or dusting) but it is certainly not the norm as our average highs in October are wll above the freezing point(57 degrees).
  14. Alright, well I have been at Octoberfest when it has been 82 degrees there & we in shorts & t-shirts at the beer tent all day Saturday. Just on that Monday night a few years ago the Bills played the Cowboys on Octoberfest weekend & game time temperature was 75 degrees. Did it snow in Elicottville that year??? Maybe you just had bad luck but the average high in Eville first week in October is 59 degrees so I highly doubt it snows there most years as you indicated.
  15. This is what I mean about making stuff up. When I was in my 20's me & about 10 other guys always rented a nice chalet down in Elicottvile for October Fest. I think we did this for 9 years. We went golfing that weekend down in Holiday Valley Columbus Day every year but one. & yes that one year we did not go it snowed. I think there was a half inch of snow on the ground.
  16. Nicely stated. I have been on this board for a number of years & it always amazes me that the people that have moved away taking pot shots at WNY. It is almost like they have to do this to make them feel better about moving away. I love WNY, if you have a good job it is just a great place to live. Been to Atlanta two times & did not care for it. The traffic was crazy & having 9 months of beautiful weather is a crock of sh*t. I was there right around labor day a few years ago & it was 95 degrees outside with 90% humidity. I think the tough sell here is not the cities but that Atlanta is on the cusp of a super bowl & well the Bills are the Bills I guess. Hopefully they blow him away with an offer that Atlanta can not match. This is the stuff I think people get aggravated with. It very rarely snows here in October. I play alot of golf & usualy without get at least 5-6 round of golf in October & in most years I am golfing right up to Thanksgiving. So stop making sh*t up okay?
  17. I agree with not signing Poz, the guy is borderline average & for $7 million the Jags & their 10,000 fans that attend the game can have him. But not going after free agents this year is a cop out & loser's mentality. Giving me a break. Nix can shore up the offensive line for the next five year by bringing in Clabo & Light. If Buffalo is not their first choice then you offer them more money then any other team is willing to offer them. Not rocket science here. The problem with your strategy & apparently Nix/Wilson's is that you want to build thru the draft fine but that means you can not let every draft/rookie free agent pick that pans out for you walk after 4-5 years. Your constantly spinning you wheels by doing that & then all your doing is drafting players to replace on the few draft picks you let walk that actually panned out for you.
  18. Okay, I just called. I called back in June & the guy told me to call back when the contract has been settled. So I called back this morning & the guy gave mesome bs about not being able to do anything for 3 weeks. I said ok. Then I started reading some of the posts & the deals you guys got so I decided to call again. This time I asked for retention department. I told the guy I am kinda upset because I think I have been jerked around. Anyways after about 5 minutes of haggling with him he gave it to me for $150 which I do not think is too bad. I have season tickets so I am missing half the year but my brother in law is comes over most Sundays even if I am not home & he said he would flip me $75 for it. All in all I am pretty happy with it but I really think if you get tough & threaten to cancel your service entirely you could pretty much get it for free. I did that 2 years in a row 3-4 years ago & they caved in. Skooby actually gave me advice on this board to do that & it worked like a charm. I did not have the stomach or the time for it this year(got too many things going on at work right now). When my brother in law told me he will pay half that is all I needed to hear. I think if your a good negotiator & stick to your guns without coming off as a total dick I think you could still get it pretty close to nothing. The problem I have now like I had last year it has been so enjoyable watching every game in the comfort of my own home that when the Bills start out their usual 1-5, 2-6 & are out of the playoff hunt by Columbus Day I find it tougher & tougher to actually go in the stadium. 3 times last year I went to the tail gate at 8am & then once 12:50 rolled around I had my wife pick me up(I live 15 minutes away from the stadium) & watch the games down in my basement. I know the bills games are supposed to be blacked out if they do not sell out but 2 games last year that were blacked out I actually got on the ticket. The Jacksonville game & there was one other game. That was the first time that ever happened since I have had the ticket.
  19. You know when I had my NCAA tournament party that first Friday in the morning I was getting all setup. The wife was going to work a half day & then come home at 11 & take my daughter shopping. Well I am lugging the keg down in the basement, get it tapped & I poured 1 beer. Could not of been more then 3-4 minutes. Go upstairs to check on my daughter who was watching Dora the Explorer & could not find her. Never been so panicked in all my life. Went upstairs check the bedrooms could not find. I took some ice off the pool cover the night before & put it on the keg to keep it cold overnight & now I am thinking I must of forgot to shut the gate to the pool & she is probably floating on top of the pool cover. Run downstairs & check the pool, not there thank god. Now I am hysterical. Running around the neighborhood screaming her name. Can not find. Now I am thinking someone must of came into the house & took her. I had the front door open with just the screen door closed. Wife calls & she tries to calm me down. She was like if you can not find her in a few minutes you got to CALL THE POLICE. She says I will be home in five minutes. Just when I hung up the phone I hear some giggling under my bed. Sure enough it was my daughter. I wanted to yell at her but I could not. Just held her for about the next 20 minutes. My point is, this is how I know Casey & possibly the one or both of the parents did something to that little girl. Anybody that has been a parent & cares for the kids do not wait 30 days to notify the police. That whole scenerio that happened to me probably took no more the 10 MINUTES & I was ready to call the police.
  20. Yep, my bad still have not had my coffee. Prosecution. I changed it, are you happy?
  21. My guess is you do not have any kids or more specific a daughter, because if you did I do not think you would be thinking like this. Nothing attractive about a woman that would allow & lie about where her daughter was for all that time, whooping it up having the time of her life all the while her little girl was in some swamp rotting away. Yeah, she is really attractive. I have a 2 year old daughter & I think Casey is one of the most hideous people I have ever seen.
  22. That is what I was thinking. I doubt she goes back to prison though. All those other charges I believe are misdeameanors. I would not be surprised if someone tried to harm her on the streets. My aunt that lives in Orlando told me last night that the area is in a pretty big uproar over the whole situation. As far as the verdict I think the jurors actually got it right but with that being said there is no doubt in my mind that she was guilty & that she should spend the rest of her life in jail. I think the prosecution got greed with going after 1st degree & the death penalty. I think if they went for manslaughter they would got a conviction.
  23. Once again agreed. Both Anchor bar & Duffs suck. They are the popular choice for out of towners because they do not know any better. Bar Bills is the best place I have ever been to.
  24. Agreed, Duffs sucks & they are overpriced. The only thing good about that place is the hot waitreses & the tight skimpy outfits that they wear(at least the one out by the stadium, never been to the one in Amherst).
  25. Temps were in the low 40s that day so at least relatively speaking for Buffalo in January it was not all that cold.
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