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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. If you want advice from a guy who golfs alot & lives in this area here goes. Stay away from Buffalo Tournament Club, overpriced & the course sucks. They do not keep it up. Not a bad layout but like I said overpriced & they do not keep it up. Rothlands sucks too but it maybe your cheapest option. If you want to just swing the sticks, have a few good laughs & keep the price down this is probably the place for you. It is a cow pasture though so do not expect much. As the gentleman a few posts above stated Arrowhead is own by the same guy, is across the street & is much nicer. Not sure what the price is but your probably looking at $40 - $50 with cart for 18. Then you have Ivy Ridge. This is a very nice course. They keep the tee times moving & there is usually not to long of a wait. At least the times I have been there although I never golfed there on a Saturday afternoon. Course is a links style with huge greens. Challenging enough but the one nice thing is it seems like everything kind of funnels back into the fairway so it is scorable. They have alot of hither past the rough but the fairways are pretty wide open. Really like this course & I would put it against & compare it favorably to alot of the private courses in the area. Not sure what the price is on the weekends but on the weekdays you could usually get out for around $30 with a cart.
  2. I understand certain people watch more TV then other people but how the hell can you not even own a TV?????? What are you some kind of commi or something?
  3. Good weekend for College Football. Brought the TV's out on the patio, had 8 of my good friends over got a keg, deep fried some wings & put some ribs on the grill & we watched about 12 hours of college football. My early thoughts on that Oklahoma/FSU game. Oklahoma is really good. I realized Tulsa had their starting RB out but they are a fringe top 25 team & probably one of the favorites to win Conference USA. I give FSU a chance in this because the game is @ Doak but they are going to have to play a near perfect game to win. The good news is that it really is a no lose situation for FSU. Lose & it is business as usual & they set their sights on the ACC Championship & what look like a 2 team race between V Tech & FSU. Win, & they got the inside track to the BCS Championship. Should be a good game already looking forward to it.
  4. Well it is definately a winnable game. As a matter of fact 3 out of the first 4 games are winnable(KC, Oakland, Cincy). The bills could start out 3-1. My guess is though they will start out 1-3 or possibly 0-4 though.
  5. Sorry but spending an extra $15-$20 mill in payroll for the next few years is not going to make a dent in the future aspirations of his kids & his wife. They are still going to get $200-$300 million when this is all said & done. I am sure they could eake out a living somehow on that just fine. What would be the right thing to do is give something back to this community in the form of a competitive football team that has supported his wrinkled old ass for the last 60 years.
  6. I agree with this. I used to dread the thought of a change in ownership thinking that would be the time when the team moves but it is time for this situation to play itself out whether good or bad. Wilson is not in this to win anymore(not sure if he ever was) but this penny pinching has gone to a new alltime low. He is going to feel it in the stands this year. The opener will sellout, the NE game will sell out(with probably 20k patriot fans) & the Philly game will sellout because it of Mike Vick. The jets game will probably have a good crowd also given all the NYC kids that go to UB buying the tickets. After that, I doubt unless they win they will get 50K people at any of the December games.
  7. Exactly, the bills should of asked Clabo what Atlanta offered & when he said 5/25 million they should of doubled it. Noone in their right mind could turn that down. When you really break it down like the gentleman a few posts did it is eyepopping how cheap this organization is. I mean their 2 starting receivers, their 2 starting ofensive tackles are making league minimum salaries. They are saving about $8 million a year on a QB with the contract that Fitz is playing under. So you offer Clabo more then what he is worth. Big deal. At least then we would have a decent olineman in here.
  8. I know Sullivan takes alot of crap around here about being bitter & such, but seriously look up his articles since Flutie was the QB & he hits the nail on the head probably 90% of the time. What do you guys want from him. To blow roses up everybody's ass in WNY telling everybody what a great run organization this is? I mean this team has not made the playoffs in the last 11 years. The way the NFL is setup, that is almost impossible to do. But here we are looking at year 12 with the strong probability that there will be no playoffs. I am tired of this crap & for god sakes covering this joke of a franchise for the last 15 years has got to wear a person down over time.
  9. Mcdipshit is a bust. There is no doubt about that. I mean he is in his 4th year & he has not even locked down a starting spot. I honestly think he is just too stupid to realize what the coaches want him to do out there & they have little trust in him. & we did one better then take a safety at #11. We took lil Donte Whitner at #8. Great front office move.
  10. What do you mean the Steelers are going to surprise some people this year? I am pretty sure every national publication has either them or Baltimore winning their division. They made the Super Bowl last year.
  11. Come on man it is not hard to figure out why they would want aTm. The SEC wants in on some of that Texas market. Plus, it would create natural rivalries with LSU & Arkansas.
  12. You know if the Patriots were not in the division I would say it might be worth a chance. I could see the Jets slipping to 8-8 or 9-7 & I could see the fish winning 2-4 games this year. In this scenerio I could see the bills stealing the division winning 9 games or so. But you just know the Patriots are winning at least 12 games this year.
  13. I am not so sure the Big 12 could survive losing another 2 teams, especially teams like aTm & mizzou. Those are 2 of your high profile teams in your conference. If it was Baylor/Iowa St maybe. The way they have this setup now in this conference it is doomed for failure. You can not give one team all these perks & advantages & expect the other 9 teams to be happy with it & not complain. I realize that Texas is the glue that is holding this conference together & they are the biggest money maker in this conference but from what I have read even though the other high profile schools left(OU & aTM) are making out pretty they are not happy with this. From what I have read(& I am no expert on this situation) part of the reason Nebraska left was because they thought Texas got preferential treatment all these years. If aTm leaves I am not so sure Texas does not join the Pac 10. I don't think they could survive in all the sports being a true independent.
  14. I don't like where this is going. If aTm goes to the SEC along with FSU/Clemson/Missouri all hell is going to break lose. My guess would be Texas & Oklahoma are going to jump over to the Pac 10 & from there the dominoes are going to be set to fall in place for 4 super conferences(16 teams each) leaving everybody else out in the cold. I could see these 4 conferences even breaking away from the NCAA. My greater concern is not with the football in this scenerio(the big boys for the most part dominate football year in year out) but what happens to the NCAA basketball tournament in this type of a scenerio?
  15. Why were you paying $300 for ST? Everybody else on this f*cking board got the ticket for free.
  16. You don't watch much football do you? Johnson could have the whole team covering him & still find a way to get open. That guy is a true flat out #1 beast of a receiver. As for your last point. Yeah that is right blame everybody but Evans. You & countless of others did the same thing when we had Losman. Well guess what Losman is out of the league now. BTW Andre Johnson played 4 years(2003-2006) with David Carr as his qb.
  17. What did you expect them to get for Evans? A 1st rounder? A 2nd rounder? Joe Flacco? Evans stinks. He caught 35 passes last year for 500 yards. Big deal. Yeah, yeah I know he took away the double coverage. What was his excuse the year before when TO was on the opposite side? The few games I went to last year he looked like he was being single covered exclusively. Have we won anything with Evans on this team the last 8 years? This team is in a rebuild mode. It was a numbers game with the receivers & Evans was the odd man out. I guaranty he will not catch more then 40 balls with the Ravens either. He is just not that good & to be quite frank was really never that good. He was no Andre Reed & he was no E Moulds.
  18. John your going back 3, 4, 5 years. Evans is not that good anymore & to be honest he was never an elite receiver. He had some decent years & granted the QB situation has been less then favorable. I just think it all comes down to a numbers game with the Bills right now. Obviously they are keeping Johnson, Gailey loves Parrish, Smith just sign with them, Nelson is not going anywhere, Davis seems like he is one of Nix's favorites & I don't think they want to cut Easly/Jones/Roosevelt. Evans is the odd guy out & his production to put it bluntly has sucked the last 2 years. Whether it is primarly his fault or not, those are the facts.
  19. Believe it or not the Summer months here are when my satelite goes out more. It will usually happen 4-5 times duering the summer when a strong thunderstorm rolls in. In the fall/winter I rarely have a problem. Snow really is not a problem unless it is the wet snow & then all you have to do go outside & brush off the dish. On my old house the sob from direct tv mounted it literally almost on the top of my roof(it was a 2 story house). I would have to climb up on a slanted icey roof to brush the snow off. A few times I almost slipped & probably would of broke my neck. My wife would always say would it kill you to go a couple of hours without watching sports when I would get my boots on to make the climb. I would always tell her "yes it would".
  20. I called last week & I got it for $150. I was pretty happy with that until I started reading some of the other posts so I decided to call again yesterday. I told him giving the ST for $150 was nice gesture but I know some other people got it for free & I think it is kind of a slap in my face that I did not get it for free. The guy gave me a $30 credit for next 5 months so it would be free. I almost feel like calling him back today & seeing what they could do for the college gameday package but I don't want to push my luck.
  21. I don't smoke but the tailgating restriction are very concerning. I have had season tickets for 12 years now & every year I get a little less motivated to actually go to the games. When we first started with tickets, we had 12 guys & our whole week revolved around the games. Years gone by & guys dropped. Some guys got sick of the losing, some guys got married & their wives gave them tough times about going & they just did not feel like having to deal with it & 2 of the guys moved away. We are down to 4 guys now. The games are not what they used but they are still fun & I still enjoy being out at the stadium. With the NFL Ticket & High Def TVs & such I am starting to question with all these restriction why I should even make an effort to go to the games anymore. Last year even with Season Tickets I only wnet into the stadium 3 times. 2 times I went to the tailgate & when it was 1 I had my wife pick me up & watched the games at home.
  22. This is usually only for away games. I go down to my basement right at game time put the game on & about 10 minutes into the game I turn the channel to another game(I have the ticket) in which I have money on or find more interesting since I soon realize the Bills stink & will probably lose. edit: It usually only takes the first 5 minutes when they are playing the Patriots.
  23. My apologies, I admire your dedication. My whole point is why do the Bills continue to insist on trying to fix something that is not broken for the most part? Exactly, I always laugh when I hear this. I am out of lot 5 in 5-10 minutes & home usually by 4:30 or so. I live about 15 minutes away from the stadium.
  24. Okay I agree with that. But with that being said if they take the tailgating experience away I guaranty alot of people would not come. It is not about just getting there & getting loaded. Myself & my group are at an age where we are past that. Do we like to drink sure. We never cause any problems though. It is about the tailgating where everybody has their routine & the Bills are trying to mess with this. I guaranty if you went to every game like we do & like other season ticket holders do, & have the same routine, park in the same spots, everybody know where the tailgate will be you would feel differently. They had the morning talk show about this subject & not one person, not one person called in & said they were happy with this. It easy for you to sit there in NC, & what do you go to maybe a game a year & comment & say how this is a good thing. Your opinion has no credibility on this subject since your not there every Sunday. It is easy to comment on something & say it is a good thing when it does not effect you. Ask The Philster or Pinto Ron on how they feel about these new rules & see what they have to say. Their the opinions that matter on this subject since they are directly being effected by this. They were saying on the radio today this is actually going to have the opposite effect. Now families are going to be funnelled in with the hardcore where in the old rules you could pick your spots & kind of avoid the hardcore tailgating if you so desire.
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