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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. What is weird is Gill had that program going in the right direction but bolted for Kansas. He was actually a finalist for the Auburn job before Chizsik(sp) got it. Auburn nation was poed, I believe Charles Barkley(former Aubrun Alum) even called it a racist decision. Stewart Mandel(who is one of the senior college football writers for CNNSI) said Chizsik has no chance of succeeding. Well all he did was win a national championship & looks like he is reloading on the run this year. Anybody that remotely follows college football can see that Gill is in way over his head at Kansas & will probably be fired after this year. Looked like Auburn made the right choice afterall. Maybe UB could bring back Gill after this year. I am not crazy about Quinn. From what I have read, from the start he treated Maynard like an outcast & that is why he ended up transferring to Cal. Maybard is leaps & bounds better at QB then anybody on UB right now.
  2. Didn't the guy have like 6 or 7 kids out of wedlock? What did you think his ex father in law was going to say? "Yeah he cheated on my daughter every chance he got but he was really fun to hang around with on the weekends."
  3. For my money, McCroskey was the best character in that movie. I love the part when he is like "looks like I picked the wrong week to stop sniffing glue" & in the next scene they show him upside down, face red as a tomato & all he says is "wow"
  4. People that buy tickets off of ticket exchange/stub hub/ebay are fools. Last week was the biggest game at the Ralph since probably the Steelers game that cost us the playoffs & my brother in law waited to gametime & walked down abbott & got 35 yard line tickets lower bowl for $40 a piece. Scalpers are all over the place at the Ralph. If you don't mind missing the first 5-10 minutes of the 1st quarter you will save yourself a ton. The tickets are not doing the scalpers any good once the game is over. Even for a big game like last week, 4-5 days before the game there were around 4,000 tickets available on ticket exchange so you know there are going to be seats out there come game day.
  5. Good analysis Rich. The only thing I have to question is how can you even doubt anymore that we finally got our franchise qb. Fitz is no flash in the pan. They have an article in the news today saying Fitz last 16 games his stats are: 59% completion/$3,841 yards/32 tds/18 ints. If that is not franchise numbers I do not know what are. I think Promo mentioned this last year. Hypothetical, if the Bills drafted Bradford last year & he put up Fitz kind of numbers we would not question him being a franchise qb. So why is Fitz held to a different standard?
  6. The Vegas line is what concerns me. The Bills should be about a 6 or 7 point favorite. It is like the boys in Vegas are begging you to take the Bills in sucker bet. The first game of the year when my brother in law came over the KC line dropped to 4 points. I looked at him & said the Bills are winning this game, the line should be about 7. BTW, TCU was not an underdog in the Rose Bowl. They were 2.5 point favorites.
  7. You got to remember that Dallas game was like the perfect storm. Columbus Day Weekend, first Monday night game in how long, weather was sunny & 80 degrees the parking lots were jammed packed at 4:00 pm. I also thought the Denver AGC Championship game when Bailey intercepted for a pick six was one of the loudest. I have that game on tape & the network actually had a noise meter to measure the decibel level & it hit all the way up to a Jet Airplane that day. Yesterday's game ranks up there though. Little disappointed the fans did not rush the field though.
  8. Good analysis. Glad you had a good time. Duffs sucks. I have been saying it for years.
  9. Sorry but your way off base here. Noone is putting a gun to their head telling them they have to play football/basketball etc.... They do it because it is their best option in life. For you to say they are not getting compensated, I just don't buy that. Tell the average 23-24 year old kid who just got their MBA & are now strapped with $200K in student loans that they will be paying off until they are 50 years old that these athletes are not being compensated. It is not the university's fault if said athlete chooses not to take advantage of being in a higher institution of learning for whatever time they are there for.
  10. One more thing. The Raiders are better then people think. They are going to be in the playoff picture too that is why beating them was so big even in week 2. I fully expect them to give the Jets all they could handle Sunday.
  11. I really never said anything bad about Gailey or Nix. I think they have been doing a good job. I was fine with not drafting a qb & was willing to give Fitz a chance this year. One intersting thing about fitz. This really is not a flash in the pan & just 2 games. I read somewhere if you take his last 16 games he has played with the Bills & use those stats, his stats compare favorably to Kelly's BEST YEAR. I think we have our QB. As far as the Spiller pick, I did not mind that either. I saw what he did at Clemson I just wish they would use him more. I though he was the best player coming out of the draft 2 years ago. We will see what happens. I expect to lose this week but if we could win at Cincy & then somehow beat the Eagles I think this team will be setup to make a serious playoff run.
  12. Have you seen their secondary. You know the one that has given up 400 yards passing to Miami & Henne. Have you seen our offense? The one that has scored 6 more points then NE this year. Do everybody a favor & go route for the Dolphins.
  13. and you would be wrong 1,000 times. I don't like him either but the guy is as good as it gets. He is like a surgeon out there. He finds the weak spots in the defense & the exploits the hell out of them. You ever think maybe he has so much time in the pocket because teams are scare sh*tless to blitz him? He is probably going to go down as the best QB to ever play the game, especially if he wins 1 or 2 more super bowls.
  14. I think you will be okay. Just walk down abbott by the stadium right before the game starts. I guaranty you will get a ticket for under $100.
  15. I could actually see this. Texas is hell bent on keeping that Long Horn Network & the Pac 10 has come out & said that is not an option. Joining the ACC would be a good deal for Texas. Football would be fine(especially if FSU is back among the elite schools). They also have V Tech which I think over the years has earn the respect to be counted on to be in the top 10 National Championship discussion most years. The other sports have got to be interesting also. Baseball would be something with Texas/FSU/UNC/Miami in one conference. You could get super crazy & add Kansas/Kansas ST & Missouri to the fold. Could you imagine a basketball conference with Duke/UNC/Kansas/Texas/Missouri in it? There would be no league that could touch that.
  16. Wow, well then Boise is getting a little too big for themselves. If I was Boise I would schedule 2-3 big time out of conference games per year knowing if they win that will keep me in the BCS discussions all the way thru. Nevada had a top 20 team last year so that wasn't a loss to be ashamed of especially in Reno & especially since the FG kicker cost them the game. Next year will be a true test for Boise. My guess is they will take a step back. Something about the Alabama team I do not like. Oh yeah it is the QB situation. Everything else looks pretty good. I heard of Saban before, I also hear he is pretty good.
  17. How is the dominant season here winter. I do not get this? It is only nice in July/August? I will admit the weather here is not the best but it gets overplayed so much. The Temp has been over 80 degrees 96 days so far this year. It has not snowed since mid febuary & my guess is it we will not see snow until sometime in December(I could be wrong). We have had a great summer & the fall is looking good so far as well. BTW, the forecast for Sunday is 71 degrees & Sunny which my guess will be the nicest weather among the 16 cities that are hosting football games this weekend.
  18. I had a different perspective on that game. I need the jets to just win the game to cover on a $100 teaser I had going & at the end of the game when Lynch was gashing the Jets line with 4/5 yard runs at a time I looked at my wife & said, well that is all she wrote. The only way they blow this is if they let Losman go back for a pass now, & not even Jauron is dumb enough to do that." As soon as I said that, sure enough Losman rolls out & fumbles the ball for a Jets score. I started laughing yelling "thank you skeletor!!" My guess would be there was more Patriot fans around you in that 2nd game because it was in Foxboro
  19. Although I do agree that Boise does not have to deal with a 3-4 game gauntlet like some SEC schools have to do, how many schools when you really look at have to run 3-4 games of extremely tough competition. In the ACC or the Big East top 10 teams such as Florida State do not have to do it. As far as your Nebraska story, my guess is the conversation went something like this. Nebraska probably told them we will play you in Lincoln the first year & then play you on a neutral site the 2nd year & play you back in Lincoln the 3rd year. One thing you guys should really start wrapping your minds around. Boise St imo probably has 30/40% chance right now of playing in the NC. They have a fairly tough game against Toledo Friday, but I honestly can not see any team on their schedule beating them. One interesting thing. Originally Boise was supposed to play TCU down in Fort Worth but once TCU decided to leave for the Big East Boise urged the commisioner to schedule the game in Boise & out of spite I imagine they agreed. I found that interesting. Let me ask you guys something. Put on a neutral field do you think Boise St beats FSU/Alabama this year. I think Boise is giving FSU 3 points & they beat them. Alabama, I would guess would be about 6-7 point favorite & I think Boise beats them too. I will take Kellen Moore/Cris Peterson combo in a big game anyday. Hopefully we get to find out in the NC.
  20. No I am not saying that at all. I am just pointing out that hockey is about the 6th or 7th notch on the bed post when it comes to popularity & to be talking about it at all in mid September with everything else that is going on in the sports world is ridiculous & I don't care what market you are in.
  21. Nope, try again. Went to one Nascar race in my life at Bristol & could not stand it. The tailgate was impressive but the event itself sucked. Could not wait for it to be over. I will never go again. The NFL, College Football/Basketball, the NBA, MLB & yes even NASCAR are all more popular then hockey. Don't try to argue it, it is a fact. Just check each leagues TV Contract & that will lay out the parameters about a sports popularity. The NHL is indeed a 5th/6th rate sport. I will get into the playoffs if the Sabres make a run but the regular season sucks big time.
  22. Got to agree. I am not one to stick up for GR but on the drive in this morning to work White & Simon were talking all football. At least they were until 7:45am when I got into the office. After that I am not sure. & to the poster who said who isn't excited about hockey with training camp days away. That would be me. Sorry with the Bills off to a great start & days away from what should be an awesome scene at the Ralph Sunday, College Football in full swing(Oklahmoa ST/FSU Saturday night), baseball pennant races winding down & the playoffs, who honestly gives a sh*t about a 5th rate sport like hockey right now?
  23. I highly doubt that. Let me ask you a question, how many of the big boys does Boise State have to knock off until you SEC guys give them credit & admit that they got one of the best programs in the country up there?
  24. 1st thing I said to my Brother-in-law at halftime was I wonder how the Bills are going to blow this one. I think that was the most impressive thing to me about Sunday. The Bills never took their foot off the gas pedal & dictated for 60 minutes how the game was going to be played. This game is all for naught though if they can not win Sunday. I am not saying the Raiders are a push over. Quite the opposite. They are a decent team fully capable of winning this Sunday. But if the Bills want to get to where they are going & dare I say make a playoff run, you simply have to protect your house & you must win games like this. Go 2-0 with the Pats coming in & the game against the Pats will be the biggest game played @ the Ralph since probably that end of the year Pittsburgh game. Got to take care of business this week though.
  25. Arizona State is not an upset. They are giving Mizzou 7.5 points tonight. Also last week South Florida was getting 11 points from Notre Dame while Baylor was only getting 4 points at kickoff so according to the boys in Vegas that handicapp for a living I would have to say South Florida was the bigger upset. As far as your picks this week, not sure. BYU could not put a bad Ole Miss team away. Not sure how good Texas is though. I could see that one going either way. I will be very surprised to see Georgia to beat South Carolina though. I think this maybe the Ole Ball Coach's best team he has had @ USC. For some reason I kind of like Western Kentucky to beat Navy this week or to at least cover. They are getting 11, they play good defense & they are playing at home. Navy is a little overrated this year & not nearly as good as the team they had last year. A Mild upset I like is Wake Forest over NC State. They are home dogs getting 2.5. I like Wake's passing offense against NC States porous secondary. Should be another good Saturday of CF.
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