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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. I like that. As the great Tommy Armour once said "I spent most of my money on booze, women & gambling, the rest I spent foolishly." If everybody lived their life by that motto the world would be a better place.
  2. God are you that dumb or are you just trying to cause an arguement? The Jets offense scored 13 points & Sanchez threw a pick six that is where he is getting the 6 points from. Sanchez sucks, I have been saying that since the moment the Jets drafted him. Could not even beat out John David Booty at SC when Carroll practically handed him the job in spring practices. With a top 10 qb, the jets are super bowl contenders. As it is now with Sanchez, they will probably miss the playoffs.
  3. I love sports. I think it is the only thing real on TV nowadays. With that being saidn I could care less about the NBA & really do not get into the Sabres until the playoffs. I love College Football but my favorite sport is College Basketball. I just think it is so interesting & for my money the best sporting event of the year is the NCAA Tournament. I get into baseball but I don't watch a game from start to finish. I like throwing the game on in the background on a nice summer day & sitting by the pool & drinking a few beers. The NFL I lov e but I have started to like college more over the last 3-4 years. I love the Bills but do not take the games as serious anymore. They were so uncompetitive, last weeks loss did not bother me one bit.
  4. I am no turkey expert so you are probably right. I am really not crazy about turkey anyways so I wouold just go for the cheaper bird. After my gram died for years my mom did not feel like cooking for Thanksgiving & my parents would always take us out for dinner. Everybody would have Turkey & I would always get the surf & turf. My dad would always give me the evil eye across the table as it would usually end up costing him $50/$60.
  5. I was in Wegmans yesterday & they had turkeys for 49 cents per pound. I would just go there & save yourself some money especially if your getting a big bird. I bet the difference in taste is hardly noticeable.
  6. Exactly. We have beat a 4-3 KC team, a 4-3 Oakland team, a 5-2 Patriots team, a 3-4 Philly team(that is clearly a better team then there record) & a 3-4 Washington team. We have lost to 2 5-2 teams in the Giants & Cincy. We have not had a soft give me game on our schedule yet but we are still 5-2. This team is not doing it with smoke & mirrors. It is time Bills nation stops thinking the worse & just enjoy the ride. We finally have a competitive team that can play with anybody.
  7. What sh*t is he going to say about the Bills? The guy flat out did not produce. 2 coaching staffs saw it. It is great that he is doing some things with the Jets but it still does not change the fact this guy is going to go down as one of the biggest busts in Bills history. He was horrible, we all saw it.
  8. It is not that simple though to just say go ahead & flex half the season. You think CBS & Fox want to give up their best game every week to NBC for half the season. They would have a real problem with that. I really do not think you could flex the Monday night game. Being that your actually moving it to a different day if you would flex it(move a Sunday game to a Monday night) the logistics would never work out. ESPN right now has such crappy games because it is my understanding that there pickings is very slim. I think Fox & CBS get to protect a certain amount of games & NBC I think gets 1st pick most weeks so after that is all said & done you get the Jets/Miami, Giants/Rams for the ESPN game. At that point they probably don't care how good the teams are they just go after the biggest which is probably their best hope of getting decent ratings.
  9. That seems like a fun thing to do in theory & a good conversation piece but when you get down to the nuts & bolts of the plan would it really be that much fun? I mean after tailgating in Philly & watching the 1pm game are you really going to want to get in your car & drive thru turnpike traffic & go to the swamp to watch the Jets play? You could say I wouldn't tailgate or I would take it easy but then your not getting the full experience. You better off doing this over a 2 year period. That way you could really enjoy yourself.
  10. Like one of the previous posters mentioned you should of took your son to sundowner & paid to get his willy wet. That would of got you nominated for Father of the Year.
  11. Although I don't agree with your assessment that Boise St is a patsy, I think your right about an undefeated AQ school getting the nod. Right now, my guess is Oklahoma ST/LSU/Alabama that control their destiny. I don't think Clemson runs the table(in fact I could see them getting beat @ Georgia Tech this week). I think Stanford has a decent chance of running the table although they do have to play @ SC this week & still have Oregon's visit to Palo Alto later next month. Okie St still needs to beat K ST & Oklahoma but at least they get OU in stillwater. My guess is if Kansas St runs the table(highly unlikely with the brutal 4 game stretch they have coming up - Okl/Ok ST/Texas A&M/& I believe Baylor) they will also jump over Boise. This should be an interesting 6-7 weeks coming up. I could actually see the loser of LSU/Bama jumping over Boise at the end for a possible rematch if there are no other AQ undefeated teams left at the end of the season.
  12. Wrong. The offense is fine the way it is. Next draft should be all about the defense again. Get a couple more playmakers & a little better defense & now you really got something.
  13. What do you care? It's not your money. Around $10 million is more then fair for both sides. It seems like alot of money but that is the price of doing business in the NFL right now. Jackson has one year left on his contract so no need to do anything right now but agreed in the offseason you have to show him some money. He is the best player on the team. As far as Johnson, I would not be surprised if he has some sort of extension before Thanksgiving.
  14. I am not saying they had to gush over Willis but they certainly did not have to justify the Poz pick by stating they had him rated higher then a guy like Willis, who pretty much everybody had as the consensus top LB going into the draft. They are either lying or that just goes to show you how stupid they were.
  15. I saw the end of it. His dad sounded like a real jerk. He still does not think he did anything wrong to this day. As far as Willis, pretty impressive. I wanted the bills to pick him so bad that draft & was bummed when SF took him a spot before us. Of course we would of probably f*cked it up anyways & took the dipsh*t Lynch even if Willis was available. I seem to recall the Bills brass after the draft stating something like they had Poz rated higher then Willis. What a dumb statement to make right after the draft before either of them even had one practice.
  16. Doubt that would happen. If Oklahoma/Oklahoma St run the table that game December 3rd which falls on the same day as chhampionship Saturday where all the other conferences play their championship game will essentially be a playoff game with the winner to go to the National Championship & the loser to go the Fiesta Bowl to probably play an undefeated Boise State or a 2 loss POregon team(assuming they lose to Stanford). November 5th is the other playoff game into the national championship between LSU/Bama. The way this is setting up there are going to be some incredible BCS bowl matchups. Bama/Oklahoma in the NC, a 12-0 Wisconsin against a 12-0 Stanford in the Rose Bowl, Oregon/Oklahoma St in the Fiesta Bowl, a one loss LSU team facing Boise St in the Sugar Bowl. The only sh*t BCS Bowl would be the Orange Bowl with possibly an undefeated Clemson playing West Virginia & even that is not that bad. I know alot could happen in the next 7-8 weeks but I seriously can never remember the BCS being this top heavy in all the years they have had it in place. If the teams that are supposed to win keep winning there are going to be about 5-6 teams that have a legit arguement to be in the National Championship. That is crazy.
  17. I did not mind the playcall. Bottomline is if Fitz makes a good throw it is a TD. Johnson had his man beat. Anybody that has been watching the NFL for the last 10 years or so knew dam well Brady & NE were going to score a TD to win the game as soon as Dallas had to settle for a FG. I don't care how bad there offense looked prior to that.
  18. He is not only a big fan, he is their main booster. From what I understand he pretty much funded their new sports complex & has given the school a blank check to fund their sports programs.
  19. It is not about being defensive Dave, but why is it that whenever there is an article on the bills or anything about Buffalo from an outsider that never probably never even stepped foot in this city they always find the need to take a pot shot at the city. I don't see national writers/out of towners take pot shots at other cities like they do this one.
  20. Georgia always has been to me a fan base that their expectations are too high. They had one National Title run 30 years ago when they had Hershal Walker & have not been in the National Title discusion much since. Their fan base reminds me of fan bases like Texas A&M & Clemson. Realistically, all the stars have to be alligned right for them to be in the national title picture but their fans do not see it that way. I think Richt is a pretty good coach. I also do not buy the 3 star athletes for Boise St. As one anonymous coach stated in the Athlon preseason magazine "I don't care how many stars they have those kids rated, these kids could flat out play." I would not read into it too much on what type of rating the kids had coming out of high school. Most of Boise St starters could play on any team in the country & I think we both know that.
  21. The SEC is not nearly as deep as it usually is. Obviously LSU/Bama are the top teams in the country along with Oklahoma but after that it drops pretty quick. MY guess is either South Carolina or Georgia are going to come out of the east & the winner of the November 5th game between the Tigers/Tide will come out of the west. The winner of that game will have the inside track on the NC. Florida/Auburn/Tenn are down this year. Arkansas is not bad. Kentucky/Ole Miss are brutal & Miss St & to a lesser extent South Carolina were overrated. Watch Georgia, I knew coming into the season that they had an extremely young but very talented team. I still can not get over that they want to run Richt out of there but they look like they got their 2nd wind now & should be a tough out for the rest of the season. They have to hope SC loses one more conference game though to have a chance to get into the SEC Championship.
  22. This can't be right. I have been told many times on this board that the only 2 good months of weather in WNY is July & August & I have also been told that it usually snows Octoberfest weekend down in Elicottville which is this weekend.
  23. Yeah but Simon has stated that Evans pulls the coverage over to his side & opens up the passing game for all the other baltimore receivers & we all know Simon is the football expert on this board.
  24. Okay maybe fool was the wrong word, but just understand you are paying the premium price on EBAY/Stub Hub/Ticket Exchange when you can get the same or similar ticket from a scalper a few minutes before the game starts for probably a third of the price that you pay on those sights. Just trying to save you some money, that is all, did not mean to insult anybody.
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