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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. The way the NFL is setup you can rebuild a team rather quickly if your willing to bring in top flight coaches & a GM that know what he is doing & are willing to spend money. The bills have none of this. They have a GM that noone wanted who has 1 foot out the door thinking of retirement, they have coaches that noone wanted, they have beancounters making critical football decisions & they have an owner that refuses to open up his checkbook. Seriously wilson, your time has come, sell the fuggin team. If that means the team moves then so be it. The way the Bills are run now, it is like they are not even part of the NFL. They are like a minor league franchise for the rest of the teams.
  2. Burfict may not even play. I guess last game he was pulled & then refused to go back into the game. This guy is a total head case & ASU is a mess. Unless Boise is totally not interested in being there they should put a real beatdown on ASU tonight.
  3. Tampa/Jacksonville/Miami don't sellout either so maybe Florida with all those retirees can not support any team either. Last year Tampa went 10-6, were in the playoff hunt right to the end & still did not sellout 4 of their 8 games. Their fan support is so great that the owner has volunteered for Tampa to be the "home team" every year in the London games. Miami does not sellout & that is even with fans from northern cities going down there in the thousands to purchase tickets to get away from the cold & watch their team play every year. Jacksonville, well all they had to do was cover up 15,000 seats with a tarp & they still do not sellout. Those in glass houses should not throw stones. You ever think just maybe, that after 12 years of a horrible product the fans have just had about enough & that is why there are still 20K + tickets left? Nah that could not be it. Blame in on the poor economy as we are all living on dirt floors up here in WNY & barely could afford to pay our utility bills up here. Fuggin Douche.
  4. Actually the last laugh is on us(as it usually is). Not only did they kick our asses twice this year, they are still scheduled to pick ahead of us based on the SOS tie breaker. So now they could draft RG right before we draft some undersized linebacker with a high motor that will be out of the league in 3 years & we could all watch RG as he lights our defense up on an annual basis for the next 12 years.
  5. Knowing our luck, Whaley was probably the (*^*&%^$^#at OBD that convinced everybody that giving Fitz that extension was a good idea & taking Troupe over Gronk in the 2nd round was the right move.
  6. Agreed. If Gill would of went 4-7/5-6 both years & not getting blown out & having your defense giving up 50 points + on a weekly basis Gill would still be the coach at Kansas. Noone expected him to go to the BCS championship, compete for the Big 12 title or even go to a high end bowl. But is it that unrealistic with 35 bowl games out there not to expect him to at least get his team into one of the lower end bowl games in his 2nd year & not have his defense embarrass themselves every Saturday? Gill deserved to be fired based on his teams results these last 2 years.
  7. I am not saying Kansas is some kind of powerhouse nor that Gill can not coach/recruit. But it was pretty apparent right from the get go that Gill was way out of his league. When your team is getting beat by 30-40 points every game & your defense is letting up 60-70 points in games someone is getting whacked & it is usually the head coach.
  8. Get the hell out of here. If you would watch any football outside of Florida you would know at least Mangino had that program respectable. They won 8 games in 2008, 12 games in 2007 & 6 games in 2006. The biggest laugh is Gill got a raw deal. Please. When your team is 120th ranked out of 120 teams in points allowed & your defense has given up 66/70/59/61 points in four of your losses no coach in Amercia is going to survive that. & yes Cam Newton obviously played a huge role in Auburn's NC. I forgot The last 4-5 national championship teams all had borderline D-1 prospects playing for them. Alabama is going to have 3, possibly 4 1st round draft picks in April playing against LSU next month. Point is there no coach gets there unless they have the horses.
  9. The guy brought a National Championship(with the help of Cam Newton). Auburn is the classic example of unrealistic expectations by their fans. There are several schools like this. Bottomline is Auburn is not Alabama & it never will be, just like Texas A&M is not Texas & it never will be. Auburn is a school if everything falls right may be able to compete for a NC once every 10-15 years. They are not going to be a school that dominates year in & year out. But the fans expect this. I lump them in with schools like Clemson/A&M/Georgia. Those schools will go to their bowl games every year but their fans expect much more & their schools are not setup like that.
  10. Could not agree more. I dropped my season tickets this year & went to the first 3 games. Yesterday I went to my friends tailgate yesterday in lot 5 & at 12:50 had my dad pick me up & drive me home(I live 10 minutes away from the stadium. As I was waiting for him to get there I was watching all the people heading up the parking lot into the stadium. The fan base looks in general very beat up. The faces on the people you could just tell they are hurt by the way this franchise is run. It made me sad. I know, I know, there is more important things in life then football, & I could not agree more with that statement. Still it does hurt that this fanbase has been taking advantage of all these years & Wilson/Brandon/Littman etc..... should all be ashamed of themselves.
  11. It wasn't that they lost games, but like bbb said, it is how they lost. I know alot of you guys do not follow college football closely this team went from respectable under Mangino(they played in the Orange Bowl in 2008 I believe) to just downright one of the worst teams in D1 in just 2 short years. I mean teams were hanging on a weekly basis 50/60 points on them. You can not have that & in the end Gill had to go.
  12. Gill was in way over his head at Kansas & it showed right from the get go. I mean alot of games they were giving up 40 -50 points. Speaking strictly football wise he would of been better served staying at UB for another 3-5 years or so. He had a good situation there, made a name for himself with the recruiting & had a good relationship with Manuel. With that being said he also probably realized he needs to strike when the iron is hot. UB is not the easiest place to win at even in the MAC. You can't blame the guy for jumping at the chance to coach big time college football & get paid all that money. One thing, when Auburn hired Chzick(sp)the guys like Jesse Jackson & Charles Barkley were none to quick to flip the racism card that they love to pull. Well I think 3 years later looking back everybody could agree that race had nothing to do with it & Auburn chose the right man for the job.
  13. There is noway those funds should of been available until the check cleared. I just cashed a $700 check that was issued from another bank & it took 2 days to clear. The only way it clears immediately is if the issuing bank & the receiving ban are the same where they could verify the funds. The only thing I could think of since it was a law firm possibly drawn from an iola account where firms usually have tons of money in those that the check was processed & actually cleared but even then it should of took a few days.
  14. Well when the bills are $40 million under the cap next year & their #1 wide receiver is Donald Jones I will be the first one to congratulate you.
  15. Who cares what he is worth. The one sure way of keeping him is to tag him. He is one of the few NFL Caliber Players we have on this roster. Tag him & worry about renogiating with him for a long term contract during the season. I highly doubt the beancounters in Detroit sign off on giving him 1 year $9 + million so yes he is probably as good as gone.
  16. That would be a good strategy for most team but this is the Bills we are talking about. Instead of trading down like they should do they will trade up & then draft some undersize linebacker that has a real high motor from East Bumf*ck State that noone else had projected to go in the top 5 rounds. Then after they pick him the cameras will show Gailey/Nix/Brandon & the rest of the morons high fiving each other like they just pulled the wool over the rest of the NFL.
  17. So you can't have an opinion about a NFL player(a correct one at that) unless you have played in the NFL? Boy, that is a new one.
  18. The funny thing was when I was watching the draft & they announce the bills traded up I am like cool, they are going to get Mangold. Then they announce Mccargo & even the guys on ESPN who try to sugarcoat everything were shocked. Seriously if Ralph really wants to save some money he should fire all his scouts & on draft day just bring in a chimpanzee from the Buffalo Zoo to throw darts at a dart board to see who we draft. I imagine the chimp could not do any worse.
  19. Makes sense. I also did not think I would ever say this but I would rather see the team move then watch this crap week in & week out. It is like the Bills are not even part of the league anymore. Look at all the undrafted players we have playing prominent roles on this team. We have an Ivy League QB as our starter & 280 pound linemen trying to play LBs. Wilson really should be ashamed of himself for holding onto the team for so long. I would be surprised to see even 1 game sell out next year. Fans around here I think have finally met their boiling point. I dropped my season tickets this year & I could not be happier. Wilson does not deserve any of our money & when Buddy Nix said when he first got hired he has never been the smartest person in the room he wasn't kidding.
  20. Last year I was at the Mirage Super Bowl weekend. We are at the sports book betting college bball games on Saturday & we thre some money down on Uconn -4 over Seton Hall. Uconn was a top 25 team Seton Hall was not very good. The whole game hall had a double digit lead. Uconn looked horrible. The last 5 minutes they started getting there act together & finally took the lead & with Hall fouling got the lead up to 5 with 3 seconds left. They had the ball under the SETON HALL basket. All the guy had to do was basically inbound the ball, game is over we win our bet. The guy inexplicablly chucks the ball all the way past half court toward his own basket. Where there is noone there except 2 Seton hall players. The one guy picks it up & lays it in as time expires. Hall c overs. The groan at the Mirage when this happened was unreal. Everybody had Uconn in the place. Guys 2 days later in Vegas how the fix was in. I have been betting college bball since I was 16 years old & I have never lost a game like that. There should of been a full investigation on both teams. It was disgusting.
  21. Don't be so naive guys. I am not saying this was the case yesterday but refs are human, have bills just like everybody else. Why is it so hard believe a ref can be bought for the right price. These guys are only part time & have regular jobs during the week. & to be honest I always thought football is one of the easier sports to fix. You could basically call a holding penalty on any given play. & for your last quote, who knows but to ask a question like that just tells me you have no idea how the great world of handicapping is all about. There are a ton of shady people with pretty deep pockets that I am quite sure try to fix a game whenever possible.
  22. Agreed, my guess is we will be picking 6-8 so if we could land Luck/Barkley/RG we got to pull the trigger. It sucks because we need players especially LBs all across the board but if one of them are available we need to finally make the commitment & get it done. I like Fitz but he just not good enough. He does not have a NFL arm & noway should he be kept on at $10 mill per season. Cut him in the offseason.
  23. Nix would still somehow find a way to f*ck it up.
  24. Brilliant well thought out post. May I be the first to nominate you "(*^*&%^$^#of the year"
  25. Disagree for many reasons. 1st Luck is ready to play now by most scouts opinion. Why not let the kid play. 2nd, Polian knows that this team even with Manning is not capable of winning a super bowl at the present time. He is going to try to trade Manning & accelerate the process of building a competitive team around Luck. 3rd & this is where I just can not see the colts keeping Manning. There is noway, a small market team like Indianapolis is going to pay Manning $28 million dollars in March knowing that they 1.) Luck is sitting right in their laps & 2.) not fully knowing if Manning will ever be the same again. My guess is Polian is going to try to deal Manning, which unless Manning will be willing to redo his contract(& why would he?)for the team that trades for him is going to be next to impossible & when a trade is impossible they will end up cutting Manning, yes cutting Manning sometime in Febuary. He will be able to hold an auction @ that point & there will be plenty of suitors that I can assure you as long as he is deemed healthy.
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