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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. Yeah I kind of felt sorry for him too. But know who I felt even more sorry for; me. I had $50 on the over & at 49.5 with the extra point The game would of went over.
  2. Well I give props to you Tboner. My stance was that these odds were so ridiculous noone should of took this bet seriously. With that being I will bet you next year for everygame Brady throws a touchdown pass you pay me $10. For everygame he doesn't I will pay you $1. That sounds good doesn't it?
  3. Last year pre draft i did not understand all the hate on Cam Newton & I did not understand all the hate on Von Miller. I watched both players play numerous times & I was very impressed with both of them. Yeah I guess so. With those odds there was noway he was going to win though.
  4. Ah, I really don't care either way. You could spin it anyway you want but it was a shady bet with onesided odds. I agree noone knew that Miller was going #2 in January but if memory serves me correctly every mock I seen had him going in the top 5. One more thing, some posters here do not watch alot of college football. Anybody that does follow college football & the Big 12, could of told you that noway Von Miller was going to turn out like Maybin. Outside of a season ending injury Miller was going to get pressure on the QB for whoever took him.
  5. This is not going to be a popular opinion, but come on man the bet should be cancelled. There is noway he could of won money on this bet as the odds were to onesided. As Tom stated Miller gets one sack & it is just about breakeven time, Miller gets 2 sacks & now he is oweing you. This guy was the 2nd friggin pick in the draft, even if he had a bad year based on his draft status one would assume he would get at least 4-5 sacks. Maybe Tboner should pay you the money out of stupidity & my initial guess is he is not a betting man but my personal take on this is that there would be no Casino in Vegas that would take this bet & the bet should be cancelled based on the fact that you took advantage of a fellow poster with these effd up odds. I am usually not one to tell people to stiff on bets but these odds were not fair, although I will say if he threw the odds out(I did not read the initial thread) then maybe he should pay you out of pure stupidity/arrogance.
  6. No the point is that Sanchez is not very good & everyone in that lockerroom knows it. He was not good in college either. This is all you need to know about Sanchez. He could not even beat out John David Booty when they were at SC together. In spring practices Carrol practically handed the job to Sanchez but he was not even good enough to beat Booty out. What you see is what you get with this guy. He is just a better looking version of Fitz imo.
  7. His foot was clearly over the half court line when he released the shot. When I was in high school for our basketball games when students came into the game they would have a box to leave your student ids. They would pick 3 ids out at halftime for halfcourt shots. The prizes I think were $500, TV, Camcorder & if you made it you would get to pick one. They would always tell you before you shot if your foot goes over the line your disqualified.
  8. Exactly, he put all of his eggs in the Palmer trade & when that did not work out & a new GM was brought in he was as good as gone. No shocker there.
  9. Well, for the home game against the Jets when we were 5-2 & a division crown were the thought in Orchard Park my friends at the game that did not have tickets said you could not touch a ticket for under $200 around the stadium the day of the game. So anybody that says Bills fans can not afford increase in ticket prices or won't pay a premium price for a good product, I don't know if that line of thinking has much merit.
  10. The Mods should ban you for 6 months for making such a stupid comment.
  11. Exactly, Manning is not redooing his contract. The Colts are not going to trade him away after just paying him $28 million. That does not make any sense. 1 of 2 things are going to happen. Either the Colts are going to decide Manning is healthy & will pay him the bonus & trade the #1 pick away for a fortune or 2 & this is what I think will happen they will cut Manning & start to build around Luck. People that are saying he is going to get traded/they will keep Manning & draft quite simply do not understand the specifics of this situation & the details of Manning's contract.
  12. I take it you never played organized football at any level or for that matter any sport before? You don't become a leader by shooting your mouth off after you spent the whole year on IR for a thumb injury & were not even really part of the team. That is not the way to get respected. I am not saying it should not of been said, it just should of just been said by someone you know that actually stepped on the field at least once during the course of the season. It was not his place & I would not be surprised if the Jets cut him in the offseason. & please save the crap about if they do we should sign him. We already have enough crappy qbs on this roster.
  13. If it was coming from a guy like Mangold or D Revis or LT I would agree. But a guy that has not even stepped on the field this year it is really not his place to speak out & I doubt it goes over well with Rex & the Jets lockerroom. Just my opinion.
  14. Exactly, to compare him to Vick is just stupid. This guy had I think 34 td passes this year & threw for a ton of yards. Vick never did either one of these things in college. Vick was a pure runner that happen to play QB. RG is a passer that also is extremely mobile. Size concern a tad but with that being said I would love him in a Bills Uniform. & if he does happen to turn out to be a player like M Vick, well the bills QB situation has been alot worse since Kelly retired.
  15. Sorry, but your opinion is wrong about him. You must not of watched him play much. He is NFL ready right now & he has nothing left to prove in College. + he has his degree already. I think it is a real long shot that he goes back to Baylor next year, rookie pay scale or no rookie pay scale. He is a polished pocket passer that will run when he needs too but looks to throw first. He is accurate, has a very live arm & is extremely quick. I think he has a chance to be better then Newton(& I was hoping the Bills had a chance to draft Newton last year, I loved his game) & I will go on record right now & say that he is going to have a better career then Luck. This guy has it all & I would not care what the Bills gave up to get him. I think he is going to be that good. I do worry about him getting injured as he is not as big as Newton & question whether he could take the pounding that a running QB takes, but with that being said, he looks extremely comfortable in the pocket so maybe he could be taught to run only when necassary. This guy is the real deal. I would love to see him in a bills uniform. I know it will never happen with the chickenshit decisions that are always made at OBD but I could dream I guess.
  16. Why would Indy pay Manning $28 million & then trade him? That would not be fiscally responsible. This is not monopoly money we are talking about.
  17. I will weigh in on this. First let me state I am not a Tebow hater. Quite the opposite. I would like to see the kid do well. I enjoyed watching him in college. I also have the ticket so I got to watch quite a few of his games. Before he was drafter I know we have some FSU/Miami Hurricane alums on this board(Ramius comes to mind) that constantly said this guy will never make it as a QB in the NFL. I thought at the time they were just being bitter after their schools were getting their lunches handed in to them on an annual basis for 3 years. With that being said I now see the wisdom of their opinions. This guys is never going to be a legit NFL QB. Honestly, some of his passes looks like a high school kid is throwing them. What people do not want to talk about in his come back wins is 1.) Their defense was playing a t a very high level to even keep Denver in the game 2.) All these teams that he came back on bottled him up for the better part of 3-3.5 quarters & then suddenly would go to the prevent defense. Tebow would then hit those easy slants & 5-10 yard out patterns. This is all he can do. He can not go over the top to beat you & if you keep him in the pocket & stop him from breaking containment he is done. KC last week kept their base defense in the entire game & Tebow could not do anything(I think he completed 6 passes). My guess his days as a starting qb in this league are coming to an end & I think Elway knows it. Look for Elway to bring some competition next year in camp. To the game this weekend. The only way Denver wins this game is if they have some special team scores or there defense score because I just can not see their offense moving the ball against the steelers. I would not be surprised if Tebow hits less then 40% of his passes, throws for under 50 yards & does not complete more then 5 or 6 passes the entire game. He is that bad. In fact if I was Fox I would seriously consider starting Brady Quinn this week. I know no coach would have the balls to do that(it would be a pr nightmare if quinn played bad) but I think that would be Denver's best chance at a win. If Pitt gets up by a score or 2 this game could get ugly. It is in Denver so I guess they have a chance but there is going to have to be some wierd stuff happening in this game for the Broncos to come out on top.
  18. #364 so I would not of been, + I was not even born at the time. If you think about it my generation is the first generation not to have to serve their country. My dad & all my friends dad's were drafted, my grandfather's both served. The age group now of 35-45 year old people are the first that did not have to go thru a draft. I guess we lucked out but in the same sense I don't think my generation has as much appreciation & allegiance to our country as the older generations do. Kind of sad actually when you think about it.
  19. your opinion makes the most sense. I really can not see it playing any other way either. Man, the Colts sure picked the right year to suck.
  20. I would give up our whole draft this year & our whole draft next year for the chance to move up to the first pick & draft Luck. Yes I think he is that good. We have a ton of money that we need to spend under the cap so just for the next 2 years treat free agency like that is your draft & restock the roster that way.
  21. Your lucky you did not plan to come down here this week. There is no snow on the ground, there has only been 3 inches of snow recorded at the airport this year & holiday valley only has 2 slopes open right now. I am sure the snow will come eventually but I have never seen a winter like this before. My son & I were playing wiffle ball in the front yard the afternoon of Christmas Eve.
  22. Yep, there was one Mod in particular that if anybody questioned him in that post he belittled them saying they knew nothing about football. The funny thing is the Mod that I am talking about(and I am sure everybody knows who he is) acts like an expert but really knows no more football then my 2 year old daughter.
  23. My friends cousin who was 12 years old & suffering from a rare form of cancer had his grandparents take him to the movies a few months ago. He was so sick he had trouble getting back to the car & there was a gentleman in the parking lot that came over to help assist him in the car. That guy was none other then Fitz. Took down his information, got him an autographed signed authentic football helmet from the entire team, helped the family with medical bills & such in the young boys final months of his life. Moorman was also a huge help & really went above the call of duty from what my friend tells me. Calling him on a weekly basis, going to the funeral, paying for stuff so that his last few months were as enjoyable as possible. My friend said at the funeral he made his way over to Moorman, introduced himself & said "man I really appreciate all you did for my cousin." Brian simply replied "that is the least I could do." Class act, both of them.
  24. Who has Alabama beaten that is any good? They beat Arkansas & lost to LSU. Who else have they beaten? If you go strictly by resumes Oklahoma St should be in the national championship playing LSU, not Alabama. They have played a much tougher schedule. & spare me the SEC crap. Besides Bama, Arkansas, LSU, Georgia(who Boise St drilled in what was a defacto home game for Georgia) the SEC stunk this year. Bama did not even play Georgia this year.
  25. You know I am not a big conspiracy guy but this is starting to play out like that movie except instead of winning the pennant the bills will be stuck in the basement of their division. Get the fan base so disgusted with the team that when they do move it will not be such a bad blow to the community. FU Wilson you greedy old bastard.
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