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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. I was at that playoff game. Only 24 at the time. Went with about 10 guys. Remember the weather was pretty warm that day(maybe around 50). One of my friends brought this kid up from DC & him & his dad were season ticket holders to the Redskins. The blackout was not lifted that game if memory serves me correct but pretty packed house from what I remember. We were sitting in the tunnel endzones & the kid from DC could not believe how into it the fans were. We were banging on the seats making a ton of noise. I remember being pretty sad after that game because I had a feeling that was Kelly's last game. The Bills were hardly a super bowl contender that year though. They had to beat KC the week before just to get into the playoff. I attended every home game that year & you could really see from the stands that Kelly was done. I think he put up decent numbers that year but honestly from the stands you could clearly see he lost his fastball. Smith may have had a great year that year but Boselli ate his lunch that day. Bitchslapped him around the entire game, the one big run by Means after the play Smith was on the ground & Boselli about 20 yards ahead of Smith going to the huddle turn around waiving to Smith as to say "come Bruce you want some more." To this day, the Titans game hurts the most. That Bills team was a true super bowl contender with a top flight defense. Not even close comparing that defense to the one that lost to the Jags. Tenn & the Bills were the 2 best teams in the AFC that year imo. Bills were banged up by I think that defense could of carried the bills to the super bowl.
  2. I think the Chop House is overrated. I think EB Greens is way better. That maybe so, I was just responding to a certain post stating the suburbs in Detroit are better then the suburbs in Buffalo.
  3. I kind of root against everything that NYC stands for. I am a Mets since I was 5 years old that is kind of the exception. I deal with a ton of NYC people thru work & their elitist, their city is better then any city in the world attitude gets annoying. I justify my following of the Mets because they play out in Queens. I mean the Giants do not even play in NYC. Technically they are NJ's team. So yes, I will be rooting for the Patriots. Over the years I kind of have grown a sense of appreciation for Brady. The guy is just good. I don't know why so many of you guys have a tough time admitting that.
  4. Yep, I have clients that come in from NYC all the time & I usually take them over to EB Greens after work & they all say you can't find a steak in the city that is this good. Mock me for that statement if you must but I have enough people from NYC tell me this that I think it is pretty much a fact. I would put Amherst/Clarence/Williamsville/Orchard Park against any suburbs Detroit has to offer.
  5. I had a job offer last year in a town called Cornelius which is just north of Charlotte. I was only there for a few days but I liked it there alot. It was really beautiful down there. Beautiful lake, nice town. They actually offered a little more money then I am making now. I was on the fence about but I would of done it but it came down to my wife & my 7 year old son did not want to move away from our parents/grandparents. I mean I like it in WNY. I really don't understand what your saying about there being no restaurants/shopping/activities to do here. I live in Lancaster & there is a ton of all that within 15-20 minute drive of where we live. My biggest complaint is the taxes I pay & the winter here. Fortunately this year we have hardly got any snow & it has been very mild(it was 57 at my house yesterday when I got home from work.). Bottomline for my family it would be extremely tough to move away from the grandparents as both sides are very close to my kids. I would be interested to know of what you can do down there that you can not do up here?
  6. Look, I am not saying that the super bowl fixed. With that being said with around a Billion dollars changing hands on the outcome of this game give or take $100 million, you would also be pretty naive not to think that there is a possibility of outside influences paying to effect the outcome of the game.
  7. NE only went 10-8 ATS this year. I would have to think the league really does not care who wins this game unless they are getting greased by the Casinos in Vegas to effect the outcome. Which is entirely possible.
  8. Last year we were at the Mirage for the super bowl & my friend put $50 on every prop bet on the board. There was probably 35-40 of them. I think he put in close $2,000 worth of prop bets. At the end of the game he went to cash in the tickets, to see what the damage was. He actually won $10.75.
  9. Well said. I thought all along that if Houston did not have their Qb injuries they could of been representing the AFC in the Super Bowl this year & not New England.
  10. I know I am not complaining. My wife is from WNY, I am from here, both our families are here, the school districts are very good. I have a pretty good job here. I like it here for the most part, paying these taxes just gets discouraging sometimes.
  11. My house is appraised in Lancaster @ $228,000 & I pay $6,800 in taxes. It is a fuggin joke property taxes in WNY.
  12. You could not pay me enough to be a prison guard & I honestly mean that. I don't think I would do it for $1 million per year. With that being said, I am not talking about you in particular but unions are a big reason why businesses can not grow in NYS. When teachers are making $70, $80 thousand dollars per year with unbelievable pensions, paid healthcare & still having 200 + days off per year & they threaten to strike every friggin year the system is somewhat broken.
  13. Although Seatle is a top notch city, the weather is not nice enough there this time of year to merit consideration. They don't get alot if any snow but this time of year temps are usually in the mid to upper 40s & there is always at least a 20-30% chance of rain. Believe me dallas is in the mix on stadium alone. Once you add in the influence that Jerry has with the league, there is noway he had a billion dollar stadium built if he was not guaranteed a super bowl every 5-7 years.
  14. Agreed, I forgot about San Diego. Nicest place I have ever been to. Tampa, I guess they could be in the rotation also. So maybe it would something like this : Miami/New orleans/Tampa/Dallas/San Diego/SF/LA contingent upon SD/SF/LA getting new stadiums. I don't think anybody could complain about that list.
  15. Totally agree. Noone wants spend that kind of money & go to a city like Indy/Detroit/Mineeapolis. I will even include sites like Houston/Jacksonville/Arizona/Atlanta in there. These cities have no business holding Super Bowls. As unfair as it is there should be a 3-5 city rotation with the definates being Miami/New Orleans. LA if they build a new stadium & maybe SF(if they get a new Stadium & possibly Dallas. That should be it.
  16. I would not call the giants game easy money. That game could of went either way & if it was not for that moron punt returner for Frisco they instead of the giants are probably playing NE. I had the under on it so I won that + I had this prop bet & took the over on 9.5 punts. Now that was easy money, I think I won that half way thru the third quarter. I needed it too, I have been absolutely getting blasted in college basketball the last few weeks. Usually that is where I win the most money every year. I am losing so much I am almost to the point where I am contimplating laying off until the conference tournaments start up in early March.
  17. A friendly tip from the resident degenerate gambler on this board. The line is New England -3 right now. My guess is it is either it is going to stay @ -3 or even dip to -2.5/-2 by game time. If it does this or even if it stays @ Giants +3 your better off the Giants on the moneyline which is +140 right now. If the Giants cover they are more then likely going to win the game, might as well get the extra juice.
  18. Agreed. I hate New England as much as the next guy but seriously this is grasping at straws. They still had a timeout left & Cundiff should of had his head in the game & knew what down it was. I mean wasn't he paying attention? After all it was only the AFC championship game. If I am Newsome, I cut Cundiff like yesterday.
  19. I don't think you will ever have to worry about that.
  20. Because the guy was a phony that is why. Ramius stated it the best. Actions are what define us & in JoPas biggest moment, where he could of really made a difference he decided to be indifferent.
  21. The whole problem with the draft is that they start it at 8pm now which is much too late. I heard from pretty reliable sources that Nix would of never took the job if he knew that the 1st 2 rounds did not start until after 8PM. That is way past his bedtime.
  22. Yep, the guy is a sore loser & even a worse winner. Barely acknowledge the 50 yard line hand shake. & then you have his brother who seems like even a bigger jerk. Did anybody see toward the end of the game when they were deciding to go for the fg or go for it on 4th & 6 Cameron came over to him & he literally pushed him away. If I was Cameron & Harbaugh did that to me I would punch his lights out right there. It would probably mean that his career of coaching would be over but he is getting up there anyways. It would of been worth it.
  23. Tell me Jack, why would he be banned? What did he do wrong in this thread?
  24. Unfortunately, I kind of feel the same way. Here was a man that we were all led to believe was above the corruption & politics of College Football. Yet, under his watch, a terrible crime was committed & what was worse is he failed to take the appropriate actions to make sure it never happened again. & for what, so he could protect his beloved University. I have a 2 year old daughter & a 7 year old son. Matt Millen said it best on Sports Center that if we can not protect our children as a society we are pathetic. & that is what Penn State is & that is what Joe paterno, pathetic. F*ck him & F*ck Penn State. I hope he takes the guilt with him to his grave.
  25. Interesting. He is right though. One thing that has stuck out to me during these playoffs is the number of ex bills players that have failed to make a play when the game is on the line. WM fumbling at the end of the game when the Broncos were just trying to run the clock out against Pittsburgh, Whitner taking a horrible angle & whiffing on a tackle at the end of the game against the Saints in what was the go ahead score at the time & now Evans. Those 3 plays sums up the Bills Organization for the last 12 years. It just seems the whole organization manifests losing.
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