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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. I was there about 14 years ago(back when Rob Johnson was our QB. Went to eat there & it was pretty good. Not the best steakhouse I ever been at(EB Greens is better & so is Kennedy's Cove) but it was really good. This was 14 years, I don't think it was too pricey but times may have changed with the prices. I thought the same thing. My boss goes down to Tampa/St Pete every April & he swears by that place & he always gets the grouper sandwich. He says you will not find a better sandwich. Funny you mention it.
  2. Honestly what do you care what the Bills pay him. It is not your money & the salary cap as stated before is not an issue. I like the signing because they are a better defense with Anderson in the D-line rotation then without him. As a fan, that is the only thing you should care about. Honestly, some Bills fans just can't be happy no matter what this team does.
  3. Wow a sports networtk that is in it for ratings. What a novel concept. Seriously guys, the Bills have not been relevant for the last 12 years & it is noone's fault except their own. If you don't like what the guy writes don't read it.
  4. Same here. I have been having my NCAA Tournamnet party for 12 years now & last Friday was the first time I ever had it outside. Went golfing Sunday, course was in early summer conditions. Temp is supposed to hit 81 today & 82 tomorrow. After the non winter we had & the average high for this time of year only in the mid 40's this is almost scary. Where are all the wiseguys been making jokes about our weather? My friend was in San Francisco yesterday on business & said it was freezing there. Put on his facebook page that we wanted to come back to buffalo where it is warm.
  5. I have not seen anybody rate tannehill over RG3. Where have you seen/heard this? I am really interested to know. I would not mind Tannehill @ 10 but noway in hell would I take him over RG3. I like him better then Luck & I think Luck is going to be dam good.
  6. 5, 9, 10, 13, 16, 18, 31. Good luck
  7. You hit the nail on the head with this post. Well done.
  8. What he did in Carolina has been overplayed for years. When Jacksonville/Carolina came into the league the league gave them so many extra perks that it would of been hard to f*ck up either situation no matter who was running the teams. From the unprecedent drafting/poaching of other teams players to the unlimited salary cap they were granted the first few year or two I believe. It was not a coincidence that BOTH Jacksonville & Carolina both made their conference champions within 3 years of their existence. Bottom line Polian is a jerk that does have an eye for talent & his son just sounds like just as big of jerk as his old man without the built in resume. Guys like Polian & his son wear their welcome out sooner or later no matter how successful they are.
  9. Something is fishy going on with this decrease. Why decrease the Rockpile. They were cheap enough & they never had a problem selling them out. If they were going to drop any prices why not the corner upper decks. Those are the seats that have a tough time selling out. Not only a decrease but to decrease them by almost 40%. Something does not smell right here. Either the Bills are truly the dumbest organization in the league(which is entirely possible) or they are setting it up to lower our average ticket price more & claim hardship next year when the games still don't sell out.
  10. Your the one with the interesting imagination. You can not possibly be comparing Joe D's era where the average player probably made $30K - $40K a year to the era of today in which the average player makes over $1 million per year; are you? Back then there was not the obscene amount of money being floated around that there is today so my guess is that the players of Joe D's era probably were not that concerned about former players. They were more worried about other pressing needs like paying their mortgages/utility bills/putting their kids thru college.
  11. I don't know I guess so. I always thought you should always take care of your own. The players all want to talk about solidarity & togetherness & banding together only when it meets there agendas I guess. Their TV contracts are worth billions every year now & your telling me there is not enough money to take care of the former players that helped build the league to what it is today? At least bump their pensions up so that there not below the poverty level & give them decent medical coverage. Honestly is that too much to ask?
  12. Why don't you do everybody a favor & save your BS for the Saints board. Bottomline here is the players/owners have turned their back on the players that have paved the way for the league's current success. It makes me sick & Brees is a major ass for saying what he said. Did Brees ever think that some of these guys can't work anymore due to the long term effects of playing football? Brees has no clue what he is talking about. Pretty dumb comment. The players in Joe D's era & before that never seen the kind of ridiculous money the players & the owners are seeing now.
  13. Yeah I have been following the story for a few months & I knew he was in rough shape. Just got diagnosed last may. That 86 teams holds a special place in my heart. I was only 12 at the time & sports was everything to me back then. Although he only played 5 years with the Mets those 85/86 seasons were some the funnest times I had following a baseball team. I am not going to lie & say Carter was my favorite guy on that team(although looking back thru the eyes of a semi mature 38 year old now he probably should of been)I will say this about Carter. He was genuine, a class act & played the game the right way with passion & dignity. The baseball world is going to miss you Kid.
  14. My apologies to you & Jack. Sorry for being so defensive.
  15. This goes for Beerball too. Read CNNSI article that Don Banks just wrote & try to convince me that my source was way in left field when he told me Manning is done wise guy. You know some people on this board actually do have credible sources outside of the select media on this board. Instead of mocking them out at every chance you get maybe you should thank them for the information they are willing to share. Not to blow my own horn but I called the Schoebel retirement in the summer before any media even hinted at it. I took some crap for that too.
  16. I am quite aware that they never gave UB a thought & that is exactly my point. When Manuel came on as AD one of his earlier press conferences he mistakenly slipped up & said one day he wants to see UB in the Big East. That offended alot of MAC people at the time. My point is UB never was committed to financially make this dream come true. If they had maybe they would of been chosen over Central Florida & Memphis.
  17. Ah, don't be too hard on Uconn. When it is all said & done my guess is Uconn is going to get into the tournament. I know they have been losing lately but if you compare their resume to other teams on the bubble they blow most bubble teams right out of the water. I think they have played 11 games against RPI top 100 & an astonishing 9 games against RPI top 50(alot of bubble teams do not have any games against RPI top 50). I also think they are a respectable 5-4 against RPI top 50. The way the schedule shapes up, there is a decent chance they can get to 9-9 in Big East play, which will definately be good enough to get them in against a water downed field. Once they are in my guess is they will be slotted in a dreaded 8-9 game & I will tell you one thing I would not want to be the one seed that has to play Uconn in the 2nd round. That team has 2 lottery picks on the floor. As far as cuse, another solid win last night. This is Boeheim's best team since his NC team imo. They have a real good chance to do some damage in march. They don't always win pretty, but I think they are really built for a run next month. They are going to be a tough out.
  18. If UB had their house in order particularly their football program they would of been a prime canidate to get an invite to the Big East. But.....there football team is a joke, they don't draw in that stadium they play in, hence they got passed up once again.
  19. Why do you hope Luck falls on his face? Kid is a class act & a terrific QB. Yeah, going to acedemical school like Stanford, passing up millions even when his own coach deserted him to try to bring a NC to Palo Alto, graduating early, always saying the right things, showing true leadership abilities on & off the field, never getting in trouble. Yeah I guess in today's f*cked up way of thinking that classifies Luck as a jerk.LOL As far as Manning, easy to spend other people's money isn't it. If Manning was so gung ho about staying a Colt he would offer to rework his contract knowing that the circumstances have definately changed since last summer. After all, didn't Manning make like $19 million last year for doing nothing more then standing on the sidelines. Bottomline here is Irsay knows that the Colts are not a true contender right now with or without Manning. Noway he cuts him a check for $28 million just out of the kindness of his heart. Time to rebuild the team with Luck as your QB.
  20. Yeah top 2 teams in that conference go right to the semis which is huge. Another thing that is wierd they are averaging over 80 points per game at home & under 60 points per game away from Alumni Arena. I follow the MAC pretty close. Ohio & Akron are probably the 2 best teams in there but UB is not to far behind & like you said if they could grab one of the top 2 seeds that would be huge.
  21. That MAC tournament in a few weeks should be really interesting. UB/Akron/Ohio/Kent St all have a decent shot to win it. Problem with UB is they are deadly at home But have struggled on the road all year. If they get hot that weekend they could win it though.
  22. I tred telling you guys this last week. Manning is done. It is one thing to be medically cleared to play, quite another to have a viable NFL Arm which he does not possess anymore. At best I see him sitting out 2012 & trying for a comeback in 2013. Even that is a longshot though.
  23. New England does not play on a grass surface. They have turf just like us.
  24. Manning is done. Take this for what it is worth but I have pretty good source inside the colts organization that has told me this weekend that Manning is never going to play again. Irsay & Manning will be sitting down this week to discuss how to exit this relationship with dignity & class.
  25. I was at that game too. Annual Bills trip with the boys. We were partying down in South Beach that Saturday night & get home around 4 in the morning loaded off our asses. Get up a few hours later & head to the stadium. I just remember being really hung over & it was really hot. We get to our seats(6 of us). We are sitting in the 2nd to last row in the upper decks. Just miserable with the sun beating down on us. 5 minutes into the game my one friends speaks up. He says "I think everybody is thinking this but I am going to be the one to have the guts to say it; Want to leave & watch the rest of the game at Hooters?" None of us said a word, we all just nodded our heeads, walked out of the stadium & went to Hooters. Best decision we made all weekend.
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