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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. I liked it better on Saturday. I would have a big party. Some guys would stop by that day that I would only see at the Bills games. It is just one less day that my friends & I don't get to hang out with each other now.
  2. Yep I was thinking the same thing. I have not paid a dime for NFL Ticket for the last 4 years. My guess is now that they will be tougher to negotiate with. People make fun of Scooby around here but he was the one that first told me what to do 4 years ago & it worked. For that I will always be gratefull to him & never say a bad word about him. The man knows his direct tv. It has worked the last 3 years also. I don't understand you people that have paid for it. The steps have been laid out time & time again how to get it free yet there are still people on this board that don't get it. I will make my usual call in August & hopefully they won't be too strict on the negotiation.
  3. Disagree, I would push the envelope & go to the draft party. Yeah sure your going to have to take your medicine when you get home but what are you going to do. My wife always takes the kids up with her family to my father in laws cottage down in Chattaqua for Memorial Day & Labor Day Weekend. She leaves Friday with the kids & does not come back to Tuesday. She always expects me to make at least an appearance down there on Saturday or something. There is nothing more in this world then I hate then that stupid cottage. So last Labor day she was like "when are you planning on coming down this weekend?" I was like well college opener is that Saturday I guess I will come down Sunday." She is like you know all my cousins are coming(she knows I hate her cousins) why don't you just skip it this year" I didn't hesitate, I was like yeah sure, thanks. Had my friends over watched, football all weekend it was great. I heard about if for 2 days after I got back. She was a real B word to me but it was well worth it.
  4. I used to have a draft party every year when it was on Saturday. It was one of my favorite days for the NFL offseason of the year. We would go golfing real early in the morning, get back to my house around 10:30/11, get a keg & have one TV on the draft & another TV on the baseball/NHL/NBA playoff games that we were betting. The weather was usually decent & we throw some steaks on the grill later in the afternoon & there usually was a pretty good poker game going on that people would be able to jump into if they so desired. Some year I would get over 15 guys there. With that being said Greedy ass Goodell has ruined draft weekend for me since he insisted on putting it on a Thursday night. I will watch it when the Bills come up but that is about it. Don't watch it religiously like I used to.
  5. I think your thinking of Rivers. He was the one that shot up the boards. Big Ben was always going to be a top 15 pick. Rivers was projected to go in the 2nd round all during his last season at NC State due to his funky delivery. With that being said, I agree with Hindsight. Rivers is the exception not the rule. I could see Gabbert was going to be a bust a mile away. I can not believe some of the pro scouts could not see the same thing. He played @ Missouri in about as QB friendly offense as there is in the country & still could not put up any type of numbers. There year before Daniels(who I think everybody could agree was going to be a marginal NFL prospect at best) put up ridiculous numbers, something like 45 tds/6 ints. Gabbert never came close to matching that.
  6. I know Promo likes to pass this as a fact but it is just not true. I think everyone could agree the golden age started in 1988. That year they sold out 8 out of 8 games - average attendance 78,000. 1989 they sold out 7 out of 8 games with the average attendance of 77,000. New Orleans December 10th was the lone non sellout still got 71,000 there actual attendance. 1990 - they sold out 8 out of 8 games with average attendance of 78,000. 1991 - they sold out 8 out of 8 games with average attendance of 79,486(franchise record) 1992 - they sold out 7 out of 8 games. The lone exception was Denver December 12th, still got 72,000 in the stadium that day. 1993 - sold out 7 out of 8 games. The lone non sellout NYJ 12/26 - still got 71,000 actual attendance. Now 1994 they did not sellout their 2 December games but by then the fans were so spoiled that they kind of took winning for granted. Believe me that won't be the case if the Bills win this year. The December games will sellout if they win & they mean something. Every game from 1988-1993(48 games) would of been sellouts under the reduced capacity that now graces Ralph Wilson Stadium.
  7. The Rams never played in the Colleseum did they? I always thought they played in Aneheim where the Angels play. & yes fan support is a real concern in LA. I remember Raider games that I would watch on TV where the Colleseum had just sections upon sections of empty seats. I remember games when they only got 35-40K at the game. So it may not be the main concern but it is a concern. Apparently.
  8. Bingo, the U of M did not want to play in a NFL Stadium anymore. They wanted to customize it so they could finally have some semblance of college atmosphere at their home games after playing in the metrodome for all those years.
  9. Okay, sorry misunderstood you. They kind of do that now, at least from what I have seen. A couple times I have seen people not let into the game due to be intoxicated over the last few years.
  10. For you to suggest something like this pretty much tells me you never been to a NFL game before. Not practical. You know how long the lines would be to get in if everybody had to submit to sobreity test prior to entering? You have to start getting in line @ 9:30am just make a 1pm kickoff. There is alot of drinking & crude behavior going on but I don't know maybe it is just my experience but I think it gets overblown. Mind your own business, be respectfull to everyone & your not going to have a problem at least that is what I see going on. Although I will say I have always sat in good seats, I don't know what really goes on in the endzones. I have not sat there since my college/high school days.
  11. I have been going to the games for last 25 years @ the Ralph & I have never seen this happen. Now I am sure it does happen, but the chances of the guy next to you or in front/behind/near you is doing this is probably less then 1%. Pay a little more & sit in the better seats(no endzones) & your chances of seeing this are probably even less then that. If you do take your son to his first game, I doubt you will ever have to explain to him why this type of behavior goes on.
  12. Tannehill - Miamim Floyd - Jacksonville Upshaw - Pittsburgh Kuechly - Buffalo Decastro - Arizona
  13. We did that one time. My friend took his dad's cadilac & 4 of us jumped in there & drove to the Jersey Shore. We didn't stay a week, we stayed Thursday to Sunday. We had no hotel room so we just slept in the Caddy for 3 days. The big joke all weekend was one of us would say "let's go back & take a nap in the hotel room." We go back to the Caddy on a side street where it was parked. My one friend slept in the trunk all three days. In the morning parked on the street we would be woken up by the sun & we then knock on the trunk & out would pop my friend. He would be like "man, there is alot of room in there, I never slept so good." We would give ourselves showers by buying a gallon of water & a bottle of shampoo & just pretty much washed ourselves up that way. can't say I got lucky that weekend but I did meet a girl there Saturday night, we kind of hit it off, towards the end of the night she said "want to go back to your place?" I said sure & I promptly walked her the 4 blocks where the Cadilac was parked. When we got there she looked at 2 of my friends sleeping in the car & said I don't think so & quickly stormed away. We all had a good laugh about that on the drive home the next day.
  14. No he doesn't have a point & it was an ignorant statement to make & I could see why people got offended by it.
  15. What was wrong with the Frozen Four in Buffalo? From everything I heard it was considered a success. The World Juniors went off fine. Why didn't you think that they did because some spoiled whiney B word from California said that the weather was cold & that there was not much to do here. The NCAA first rounds for the basketball tournament has been held here numerous times & always gets the highest grades for any 1st round tournament site. Yeah let Tampa host the 1st 2 rounds like they did a few years ago & have noone show up for the noon tipoff games. That looks really good. So you had a good time in Tampa, good for you.
  16. The average hi/lo in Minneapolis for November is 41/26, in December it is 27/12, January 24/7. I would hardly call that mild.
  17. They are not going to waste money & move Coca-Cola field to the river front. Why would they waste money like that on the Bisons. They are a minor league team. The stadium is fine where it is. As far as a new stadium, I am kind of starting to see their point. I mean my guess is that they are going to need over $100 million to renovate the Ralph. Pittsburgh/Baltimore I think built their stadiums for $300M-$400M. So my thought is you might as well pony up the extra money & get a brand new stadium out of the whole thing, lock the team in here for the next 20 years & be done with it. With that being said, it makes no sense to build a new stadium in Orchard park. You need to either put preferably downtown or maybe in Niagara Falls. Here is the thing though, if you don't put a retractable roof on it, it really is only going to be used 10-12 times per year. Put a retractable roof on it & attach a new convention center to it. The problem with that is now you are talking some serious coin. So I guess what I am trying to say is I really do not know what the solution is. One other thing, if they do put the stadium downtown or in NF, tailgating as you know it as it goes on currently at the Ralph will be a thing of the past. There will be no sprawling parking lots & the college atmosphere. Shame really but I guess it is what it is.
  18. Here is a dumb question but why are your vents so long? My vent that is hooked to the dryer is about 4-5 feet & goes right outside the house. I mean if your vents are 25 30 feet it is only a matter of time before stuff gets clogged up.
  19. I see it both ways. I know some people that save, save, save. & you know what their lives are boring & they never do anything fun in life. So what you got a bunch of money in the bank. Alot of good it has done ya. Then you got the other end of the spectrum like Sapp, who has financially ruined their lives by being a moron with their money. I think a happy medium is the way to go. Key to life is having something to look forward to to get you out of bed every morning imo. I have actually wondered why more guys don't do that. I guess when you are 20 you don't think of things like that.
  20. No we don't & for you to make a statement like that is either that you are trying to be a downer or your pretty ignorant. We are usually complaining how tough the schedule is. But with us playing the NFC West(I think everybody could agree that they are the weakest division in football currently) & playing the AFC South with Indy & Jacksonville in full blow rebuild mode this schedule is shaping up to be very manageable. With that being said things change from year to year in the NFL & keep in mind the Jets/Pats/Phins basically have the same schedule.
  21. Like I said they were more arrogant about it. It fits Payton's profile. He has been an arrogant prick ever since he got to New orleans. It was like they were almost flaunting it to the NFL. Where other teams are probably making side deals of what the bounties are going to be for that particular game in the privacy in the showers after practice, the Saints pretty much did it where everybody was going to be able to see it. Payton & Williams deserve their punishments if nothing more then being so arrogant & stupid.
  22. Bingo. Who really cares. This type of thing goes on in every NFL lockerroom. It is just that the Saints were so god dam arrogant about it they thought they were above the league & more importantly thought they were above Goodell. Big mistake. You guys & the NFL can't have it both ways. Look football & the NFL in particular is the most popular sport in the country for 2 reasons. 1.) The gambling aspect of it. From betting on the games, to all the fantasy leagues, take away the gambling aspect of the sport & it's popularity drops 10 fold. If you really look & analyze the NFL game it is actually quiter boring. All the commercial timeouts, every team running the same boring offense, the league can not find enough decent QB's to truly make it a competive league. The college game is so much more better. I am not saying it has better quality players but the game itself is much more interesting. The 2nd reason it is so popular is the violence of the game. America loves violence. King Roger Even talks out of both sides of his mouth on this issue. He wants "player safety" but then he keeps pushing for an 18 game schedule. The guy is a hypocrite.
  23. I personally want nothing to do with Cousins. Ask any Michigan St fan what they think of Cousins & I bet 9 out of 10 of them will tell you they are glad he is gone. Makes alot of dumb mistakes & is really a statue back there. The NFL game is going to be way to quick for him.
  24. Think again. Even if Bell sees every penny of that contract(which I doubt he will) the mailman made a little over $104 million over the course of his career.
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