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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. I took my son to his first regular season game last year against the Eagles & he loved it. He was 7. We did the normal tailgaiting & we went in around 12:45 or so. I am taking him to the Patriots game this year. If you mind your own business & get decent seats(no endzones) you should be fine.
  2. Thanks, appreciate the information. I will try online tomorrow.
  3. Did you buy them online or did you call?
  4. You blame him having 11 kids with 10 different moms & being busted for drug dealing on the University of Tennessee? What did they have to do with the problems he created?
  5. I would like to apologize to the board & the moderators for starting a sh*t storm in the TO discussion. That was not my intent & anything like that should be taken to off wall. Lessoned learned. Everybody made good points. I had one issue with what bkinpete said when he said "they get to watch kids that are parented by people like Gordio." My guess is this poster is not a parent. Because if he knew how tough & how much time people put in as being parents & how much parents love their kids & would do anything for them he would never say something like that to a person he really does not even know. Bkinpete you ought to be ashamed of yourself.
  6. Can't argue with that line of thinking & I also can not argue with the quality education my son is getting. He is only in 2nd grade & already is learning some basic geometry. Maybe in other parts of the country they make $30 grand but I know a couple teachers that are friends of mine & they all make over $80 grand. Not like that is crazy money but it is still pretty good. Taxes are out of control in Lancaster as they are in several other suburbs in WNY. I mean people are buying $300K houses in Lancaster & get a tax bill for $10-$11 grand per year. That is pretty steep.
  7. Never said teaching was an easy job biscuit, but why should everybody fund their pensions? Have them do what everybody else does & set up a 401k for them. That would solve alot of the budget issues. As far as the cube comment, you have no idea what I do for a living so that is a pretty ignorant statement.
  8. Yeah, yeah, yeah, you teachers have it so rough. Get paid a decent salary, get your summers off, end of the day for you is 2:00, get a week off for Christmas, week off for Easter, a week off in Febuary because the kids need a winter break, get free or nearly free medical & dental insurance & get a nice cushy pension when you retire when your 50 all on the tax payer's dime. The school districts keep telling everybody that taxes keep going up because they need to find the money to fund all of this. Why don't they do what every business in the free world is doing now & you know do away with pensions & setup 401k's & make the employees pay a good % of the health benefits. My school taxes are nearly $4 grand a year now & have gone up every year in the last 6 years since I moved into my house in Lancaster. Got little sympathy for teachers.
  9. My credo in life, if you have to have a credo goes after what the Great Gary Player once said; "I have spent most of my money on women, booze & gambling, the rest I spent foolishly.
  10. Not even close man. He is going to go down as the greatest reliever of all time(for production & for longevity) but come on that is a pretty dumb statement. Just in baseball you have Ruth, who once hit more homeruns in a season then the whole league combined. In basketball, at least from my generation you have Michael Jordan who took the BUlls to five championships. In a football you have jerry Rice & imho the most dominant player in any team sport you have the great one, Wayne Gretsky. How can you not think he was the most dominant player in any team sport? The guy was unstoppable.
  11. Week 1 9/9: Buffalo Bills at New York -W Week 2 9/16 Kansas City Chiefs at Buffalo Bills - W Week 3 9/23: Buffalo Bills at Cleveland Browns - W Week 4 9/30: New England Patriots at Buffalo Bills -W Week 5 10/07: Buffalo Bills at San Francisco 49ers - L Week 6 10/14: Buffalo Bills at Arizona Cardinals - W Week 7 10/21: Tennessee Titans at Buffalo Bills - W Week 8: BYE Week 9: 11/04 Buffalo Bills at Houston Texans - L Week 10: 11/11 Buffalo Bills at New England Patriots - L Week 11: 11/15 (Thurs) Miami Dolphins at Buffalo Bills - W Week 12: 11/25 Buffalo Bills at Indianapolis Colts - W Week 13: 12/02 Jacksonville Jaguars at Buffalo Bills - W Week 14: 12/09 St. Louis Rams at Buffalo Bills - W Week 15: 12/16 Seattle Seahawks at Buffalo Bills - W Week 16: 12/23 Buffalo Bills at Miami Dolphins - W Week 17: 12/30 New York Jets at Buffalo Bills - W 13-3
  12. I am not a Yankee fan but the guy is going to go down as the best reliever to ever play the game. I don't even think it is up for debate. Power closers often times when it goes bad it goes bad quickly & then they are done. Mo has been doing it for what 16/17 years with great success. The guy was a freak of nature.
  13. The guy that got struck by lightning & the paramedics when they were recessitating him got struck by lightning again. I am no weather expert, but my guess is the odds on that happening have to be astronomical. As far as Junior, sad ending to a hall of fame career. Parents today really have got to think twice about letting their sons play football. My son wants to play he is eight, I told him not until he is a little older. I am starting to think I don't want him to play ever.
  14. Not entirely true. Although the line is likely to c hange by opening day, there is one Casino in Vegas(it maybe the Golden Nugget) that allows for people to make wagers as soon as the lines come out. I was just reading earlier this week that Vegas opened the Michigan/Alabama opening week September 1st up with Bama being set as a 13 point favor. They said within a few hours the line dropped down to -6. So if your in Vegas it is probably possible to put a bet in on that line today.
  15. Fair enough but my point is that if you can't get excited about signing the top free agent this year, signing another defensive end away from your division rival that had 10+ sacks last year, keeping all the pieces together from last year including signing your own top free agent & having a draft that by all accounts was a success & filled critical holes then maybe old tenn boy should turn in his bills fan card & go route for the dolphins.
  16. Seriously, some guys just can't be happy. This is year 3 or this regime, & for the first time in over a decade this organization is building from the foundation up. If you can't be excited about the way this offseason has played out so far, you really should question why you should be a fan of this team. I can't wait until the season to start.
  17. Good news indeed. I am surprised they got the Rose Bowl & the Pac 10/Big 10 to go along with this. From all that I have read that was the biggest obstacle in creating this 4 team playoff.
  18. I just read it in a previous post & took it as fact. + she looks alot taller in some of those pictures then 5'7. It is probably her frog legs that make her seem taller.
  19. My guess is you never went to spring break in Cancun when you were in College.
  20. When I first saw Tannehill's wife I said wow. But then you start to see other pictures of her & between the fake tan, the chicken legs, the fact that she is 6'3(I stand 6 foot & like my girls shorter then me), the drive in movie theater she has imitating a face & the scrawny boney feet I could honestly say I have seen better. With that being said as a 38 year old man that has been married for the last 12 years your dam right I would tap that sh*t.
  21. I am a Syracuse Alum so I have no dog in this fight. I will say this about Jenkins, he was the top shut down corner in this draft. Guy shut down Aj Green & Julio Jones. Now his off field issues, well some teams could live with it some teams can't. Guy is a special talent, now whether he could keep his nose clean is yet to be determined. He is going to have an uphill battle right from the start as I suppose most of his salary is going to go towards child support.
  22. No offense but your reading way too much into this. Would you rather have us do what Cleveland did, trade away picks to move up one spot when they could of just stayed pat & got Richardson anyways. CB is a need on this team. Mgee is always injured, florence is on the downside of his career, mcdipshit is about as dumb as a bag of rocks & they already said they view rogers as more of a nickel/dime guy. It would of been interesting to see if Kuechly was still on the board which way they would of went. Hopefully that scenerio does not turn into Patrick Willis part 2. BTW, I met Mario Williams yesterday. Shook his hand, wished him good luck & told him thanks for giving the city & organization a chance. He said he is super excited & can't wait for the season to start. Huge guy, really soft spoken. Seemed really nice.
  23. I agree with what you are saying but let's face it the wins have got to start coming this year. There are no more excuses. This team that way it is built needs to take that next step. I am not saying that if they don't make the playoffs this regime should be out but I fully expect especially with the way the schedule shakes out a 10-11 win season this year. I have not felt this optimistic in a long time.
  24. Yeah but your missing the point. If the Bills were sold on Tannehill they would find away to move up to #7 & make sure they get him before the phins do. I think this is a big smokescreen. With that being said I would not mind seeing them grab Thill. He would be in a perfect scenerio where he could sit for a year & learn the game.
  25. My advice to you is wait until August, a thread on this board will pop up about getting the ticket for free, follow the instructions, be courteous but firm when you speak to DTV & you will get it for free also. In the meantime, crack open a few beers on this beautifull spring day & chill out.
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