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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. Okay usually I do not complain about stuff like this. But I am driving home for dinner with my wife Friday & the game is just starting so I turn on the radio broadcast. I listened to the game for the opening series on the radio & that is it. I am not kidding he called the Viking the Dolphins at least 5 times in that one series. He would say "Dolphins start their drive @ their onw 25 yard line." He did this about 5 times. & then when they went to commercial he says Dolphins lead the Bills. & then the funniest thing the next day I heard some of the highlights on GR & at the end of the game he did the same thing. Honestly, what the hell is wrong with him. I mean jesus christ will he get his head out of his ass & start calling the games the way a true proffessional should call them. I mean one time I could see okay, but he did it at least 5 times & I only listened to about 2 minutes of the game. Come on Murph, you got to better then that. & Kelso is not much better, imo they should shitcan both of them.
  2. The jumbotron endzone is typically where there are the most fight because I think that is where you get some visiting fans sitting there along with Bills fans. The tunnel I think there are less fights since I think that area is mostly comprised of Bills season ticket holders.
  3. Agreed, I have been going to the games for nearly 30 years, since I was 9 & I just have never seen anybody pissing on a kid, person throwing up on anybody etc.... I have seen fights & the f bombs but that is about it. I am sure this stuff happens but it does not happen in every section like it is made out to be in threads like this. I took my son to his first regular season game last year(against the Eagles, he was 7) & will be taking him again this year against the Pats. Honestly, if your kid can't take hearing a few f bombs then your kid lives a pretty sheltered life.
  4. You should try it sometime. It is kind of fun.
  5. My advice to you is get off the computer & start having some fun. Your only young once. Most of us come on here during the day to take a break from work. No reason at all for a young kid like you on your last day of summer vacation to be wasting it on a Bills message Board. Get a good fake ID & everything else will take care of itself. With that being said, I agree with Tom. Your probably some 50 year old pervert that in some sick twisted way gets his kicks out of pretending he is a teenager on a Bills Message Board.
  6. I think that is the shortest post you have ever made. & for the record count me in on the group that thinks Kelsay sucks. When your getting paid starter money, are in on the majority of the defensive snaps & are looked upon as a team leader as Kelsay is, it would be kind of nice for him to make a meaningfull play once in awhile. The stache says they going with eight DL. I hope he gets cut. Go with the 2 Williams, Dareus, Merriman, Anderson, Johnson, Carrington & Edwards. I would be fine with those 8 up front.
  7. You should of took the money line like I did.
  8. They were up 78 points at halft time. Believe me you didn't miss much.
  9. What makes you think Mcgee will be healthy by midseason? He has not been healthy in 3 years. Good player who outperformed his draft status but the writing is on the wall. His time is up. Too many good young prospects at corner on this team. I will be shocked if he makes this roster.
  10. I don't know I took my son(he was 7 at the time) to his first game last year against the Eagles & he had a ball. Yeah he heard a few f bombs but for the most part it was all good. Found some kids parked next to our tailgate & they had a little football game right in the parking lot. He loved it. Taking him to the patriots game this year. This stuff about sheltering the kids from the big bad bills football games gets way over played on this board.
  11. If you coming from Amherst I would definately park somewhere off of Southwestern. I would probably stay on the stadium side of the street. You could park in lot 5 if you go the season ticket pass. We park there & I live in lancaster & I am usually home 15-20 minutes after the game has ended. Like the other poster said, once you get past California it moves really quick. There are also some grass fields before lot 5 that are pretty much easy in/easy out.
  12. #3 is good advice. At least for me marriage was not really a life changer unless you are marrying a real b*tch, which it does not sound like the poster is. When I got married I was still going out with my friends 2-3 nights a week, playing play station for an hour or two before I went to bed & such. My wife was pretty cool about it too. Never really gave me a problem. Then we had our first child three years into our marriage & the noose got a little tighter around my neck after that. It worked out okay because it happened to all my other friends too & my wife is probably the most laid back easy going wife out of all my friends so I wouldn't get to see them much more anyways. I will say though those 7-8 months when your wife is pregnant with your first child cherish those days. You got to live dammit. My wife would go to work & she was so tired from the pregnancy she would come home get something eat & tell me "I don't care what you do, don't bother me I am going to bed." It would only be 6 at night. I would not see her or the dog until the next morning. it was beautiful. Looking back on that time, that was probably the happiest time of my married life.
  13. There is no doubt nelson was talking about Evans. Come on guys connect the dots. I have it on a pretty good source that Evans & Gailey did not see eye to eye on the way the offense should be runned & he should be used & that gailey could not get Evans out of here fast enough. Didn't one time during traing camp Gailey stated something to the effect that Evans needed to start running better more precise routes. That is a pretty good shot coming from a head coach to a 7-8 year veteran receiver. Evans to me was always a little overrated as a teammate. He threw Edwards under the bus a few times(not that it wasn't deserved at times) & he always seemed like he had these underlying meanings in his quotes. Good receiver that had a nice career but I think when Nix/Gailey took over they immediately earmarked Evans as expendable.
  14. Yeah but your act wears thin. It seems like you argue just for the sake of arguing. It is a noticeable & pretty significant point E is making. Nix is calling out 2nd & 3rd round picks that he drafted. Very few GM's call their own picks into question so early in their careers. Nix is confident & secure enough to do this. He was also candid about stating the excuses are over, it is time to start winning some ball games. Unlike some posters, I actually don't mind some of your posts but you do seem overly pessimistic most of the time almost as if you rather see the Bills lose & be able to B word about it then have them win & be happy about the team. If your a Bills fan & can't be optimistic going into training camp after the offseason we have had you probably should look for another team to route for.
  15. Excellent post, guys that do not think this is a big deal & a harsh punishment just do not understand the dynamics of how major college football works. & don't forget if they don't get the right guy into lead this program(which at first they probably won't) your pushing the recovery process back 3-5 years with every bad hire. This is just like the death penalty imo & your correct sir about Penn St fielding MAC level talent teams for the minimum the next 10 years. People seem to forget before SMU got handed the death penalty they were just like a Texas/Oklahoma is today. They finally made a bowl game in January, 25 years after they were banned from playing & they will never be back to what they were. Penn St is in for a similar recovery process imo.
  16. Kind of a poor analogy with USC. Yes they are going into the season ranked in the top 5 but that is just because they have a ton of returning starters coming back who now will be seniors which were recruited under Carrol's watch & before the sanctions hit. After this year, watch USC the next 5 years, I guaranty they are nowhere near the national title picture. They are going to feel those sanctions for the next several years.
  17. Honestly this is just like having no football. There is going to be a max exodus of players leaving Happy Valley as the kids are all going to be released from scholarship if they chose. No bowl games may not seem like a big deal but you got to consider that no recruit in there right mind is going want to go there unless they have no other options. Lastly, I know it does not seem like alot but losing 20 scholarships is huge. The recruiters for PSU have -0- room for error under these conditions.
  18. What are you talking about? This is a walking Death sentence. This is going to take Penn State decades to recover from & I would not be surprised if the Big 10 kicks them out of the league. Couldn't happen to a better university. F Penn State for what the allowed to go on their campus for all these years.
  19. Not to steal the thread here but come on man. I could see why you would not like Flutie since he was kind of self promoting & shady but if he gives it to Thurman Jacksonville stuffs him & we lose the game. Great gutsy call.
  20. Exactly. The fan in me wanted Boise State/Oklahoma State/Stanford playing in the National Championship if one of those teams ran the table just to look forward to the matchups. If one of those teams got in Les Miles would of been holding up the trophy down in the Super Dome Championship night last year. I guaranty if Miles was being honest, the last team he wanted to see was Alabama & Nick Saban across the sidelines.
  21. Why do you think that TD shouldn't of been? It was a great improvise by the Flute & one of the gutsiest calls/plays I have ever seen in a game.
  22. That is not a bad idea but you said yourself. It is a dream. I mean this would mean that they would basically be blowing up the whole system & starting from scratch. Like I said, not a bad idea but it will never happen in our lifetimes.
  23. Who should of had a shot @ LSU in the NC? Oklahoma St who lost to Iowa State? Stanford who got pasted by Oregon, the same Oregon team that lost to LSU in the opener? Boise State who got beat by TCU on their home field? Or Alabama, who nearly lost to LSU in the regular season because their FG kicker could not make an FG attempts? The system got it right last year, & how could anybody argue with that after Alabama totally dominted LSU in the championship.
  24. Sorry but your wrong. The regular season is very important in Coillege Football. I don't want it to be modeled like the NFL where an 8-4 team could somehow be in the National Championship discussion. As far as Kansas State, any team that loses to a mediocre Oklahoma team 58-17 does not deserve to be in the NC discusion. There best win was against Baylor, although a decent team, there defense was one of the worst in the country. Their 2nd best win was against a below average Miami team by 4 points in Coral Gables. Other wins include a win against Easter Kentucky(which they won 10-7)& Kent State. You say they were playing great ball at the end of the season. Really? Their last 5 games the got pasted by Oklahoma, lost to Oklahoma St, won in ot against a horrible Texas A&M team 53-50, beat Texas by 4 & beat a bad Iowa St team by 7. & of course they lost Arkansas in the Cotton Bowl 29-16. So yes, I would be quite comfortable leaving a team like Kansas State out of the title mix. As far as Alabama, come on man you can't be serious. Anybody that watched this team play should realize they were one of the top 2 teams in the country. They lost to LSU because their FG kicker could not boot it thru the uprights. Even Urban Meyer before the game stated that Bama's defense was the best defense he has ever seen in all his years of College Football. The regular season is important in College Football, more important then any other sport imo.
  25. I am not fired up I was just trying to correct you. From my experience Buffalo has nicer weather then NYC. We get more snow but that is the only thing they have over us. We have drier springs, we have drier nicer falls & our summer weather is the nicest in the country. So I really don't know why anybody would think NYC has nicer weather then Buffalo.
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