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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. Save your breath. Your talking to a guy that claimed to be a Dodgers fan, he moved from SoCal to Nocal, the Giants happen to win the World Series that year & now he is a Giants fan. The Dodgers & Giants are bitter rivals. They are the west coast version of the Yankees/Redsox. But this guy converts to being a Giants fan after rooting for Dodger Blue all those years. Chef is a sellout, he has no idea what being a true fan is.
  2. I actually did watch some of the UB Georgia game. I think that first half was more of a case of Georgia trying some different things & working out some kinks then UB playing a good game. Their next opponent was an FCS team so I wouldn't read too much into that pummeling. As far as Wednesday, Kent St is not very good, UB is at home so they should win. Hopefully they are on the right track. I have my doubts about Quinn.
  3. There are four decent teams in the MAC(Bowling Green, Toledo, Northern Illinois, Western Michigan) & one good team(Ohio). The rest of the conference stinks including UB & Kent. With that being said if it is a nice night out I think I will take my son to the game. I always enjoy taking him to the UB games & he loves it. Thanks for the heads up.
  4. Save your breath man, most of the people on this board think the only football is played on Sundays. With that being said, you I believe live in SEC Territory & Georgia Territory(Atlanta maybe?) & would certainly know more about the guy then I do but I am intrigued by A Murray. I wread one scouting report on him that said "if you look up the definition of what a quarterback should look like, A Murray picture would be right next to it." Strong arm from what I have seen. I think he compares favorable to Stafford when he was at Georgia. Count me in the camp that wants nothing to do with Logan Thomas. I stated this in another thread but the production is just not there. He will shoot up the draft charts because of his tangibles though.
  5. I honestly don't understand where all the Sullivan bashing comes from. He writes an opinion article. What is he supposed to say over the last 15 years of covering this joke of a franchise? Is he supposed to write about how great it is that we are the only team in the league that has not made the playoffs this decade?
  6. Obrien is in way over his head. We will see how many fans show up if they continue to lose especially if they get beat by Navy this week. Penn St football was barely relevant before this all went down unless you consider going to & getting beat in such prestigious bowls as the Ticket City Bowl & the Outback Bowl. The kids have I believe until next summer to transfer without penalty. Any kid that is decent on that roster is going to look to high tale it out of Happy Valley this spring.
  7. I don't know man. Who honestly cares what Sue Paterno is going thru? She stood by a man for 50 years that covered up children being abused. If your not part of the solution you are part of the problem. As far as the kids from Penn State that decided to stick it out. Most of these kids that stayed because it was so late in the game they had no choice but to stay. You watch this offseason, you will have a ton of kids that have options leave that program. Penn State's time as being relevant in football is over. I would not be surprised in the near future that the Big 10 gets sick of them & kicks them out of the league. Penn State offers that league nothing right now except bad press & embarassment. The whole Penn St community should be ashamed.
  8. What the hell are you talking about? Adams Mark is probably about a 5-10 minute walk to Chip. It is supposed to be a beautiful weekend with temps in the 80s. They could walk there if they want. Bar Bills is awesome & they do have the best wings & beef in the area but that is a pretty good hike from downtown. Duffs & Anchor Bar both suck.
  9. I would be careful on Thomas. THis guy is goiing to shoot up the draft charts once the combine starts due to his measurables(6-5, athletic, has a cannon for an arm) but if you watch alot of their games he does not dominate them like he should. I would think with his ability he would dominate like Cam Newton did at Auburn & it is just not the cae. I mean Beamer plays a certain close to the vest style & likes to lean on the Defense/running game/special teams so that may have something to do with it also. Like I said he certainly has all the tools but so did Russell.
  10. Hey no problem. When you go into enemy territory you got to expect stuff like that to happen. To be honest your lucky you didn't get your tires slashed. If the Jets lost that is what probably would of happened.
  11. How is throwing a cork at your car going to damage it? If the guy whipped as hard as he could from point blank range at your car I doubt it would even make a scratch. It sounds like you were looking for a fight as soon as you drove into the parking lot.
  12. Honestly guys it is not even worth spending the energy getting upset with this team anymore. Until this franchise decides to devote the resources into drafting a franchise QB we do not have a chance. People made of fun before the draft when I said I would give this year & next years draft to get a shot at RGIII in that 2nd slot. Fitz is what he is. A guy that has a below average arm & horrible accuracy issues. The problem is you really can't correct these 2 things. Back in Losman's 1st full season as starter right before the season(I think it was his 2nd year) I ran into Van Miller & asked him what he thought of Losman(remember this is before he played any games & everybody was kind of high on him). He said "I will tell you, this kid is never going to make it in this league because he is just not accurate enough & unfortunately that is really hard to correct." I will never forget that conversation & he was dead on about him. What makes Fitz accuracy issues even worse is that he has a noodle for an arm. At least Losman could get away with some of his mistakes because he had a strong arm. My daughter has a stronger arm then Fitz & she is only 3 years old.
  13. Totally agree. I have been to 12 different Stadiums around league for Bills away games & the only time I have worn a Bills jersey is in Miami because there are usually about 20k Bills fans in attendance there & I feel relatively safe. Call me a p*ssy, say I don't represent, whatever. I just don't need to go looking for trouble & even if you mind your own business that is exactly what you are doing when you go into an away game with a bills jersey on(or whatever team you route for).
  14. Your exactly right. I have been saying it for years. You do not have a chance in the NFL if you do not have the triggerman. There is a reason why Fitz never received a Division 1 scholarship, got drafted in the 7th round. That reason is he sucks. He is not a NFL starting QB. I would gave up the whole draft this year & next year to get into position to draft RGIII or Luck this year. Yes that is how important the QB position is.
  15. There is an article in Yahoo I believe that states that Savannah has to play these teams to get the payouts which basically bank rolls their whole Athletic Department. Kind of a sad situation & totally unfair to the players but I could see the logic in this. & before anybody starts giving it to Ramius for Florida State taking on 2 weeks in a row a Division 2 opponent, they were actually supposed to play West Virginia this week @ Doak but WV backed out which left FSU scrambling to fill the schedule. My guess was WV realized they got a chance to make a run at the BCS Championship this year and did not see the beenefits of going down to FSU in week 2 & see those chances go up in smoke before they even get into Big 12 play.
  16. If I parked in Hammer's lot that would seriously tack probably 45 minutes to an hour on to my commute back home. I am nto exagerrating. From Lot 5 I get right out onto Southwestern & once you past California there a re no tie ups. I wish Hammer's lot was on Southwestern close to Lot 5. I would park there every game. It sounds like it is the place to be.
  17. I did not watch the game last night but I was at the Pittsburgh game & I thought Williams looked horrible. It seemed like Big ben was not even looking at Gilmore's side of the field. This is a problem. I never thought I would say this but I think I would rather have Mcdipshit starting opposite Gilmore.
  18. Who in this thread posted something that wanted you to put them on ignore? Unless your Kelvin Sheppard. Bottomline here is Shep stinks. The middle linebacker with our defensive line should be wreaking havoc all over the field. The book on him is he is not big enough & he is not athletic enough to be in the middle. Bad combination. I really don't know what their options are at this point but I really don't see shep getting any better. The guy is limited.
  19. Yep, you hit the nail on the head. Noone can make an arguement that the SEC is not the premier conference. If they try they are really grasping at straws the last 7-8 years. IMO the SEC is usually extremely top heavy where they usually produce one dominant team per year(sometimes 2 as was the case last year & some of the Tebow years with Florida/Alabama) The SEC does have a big advantage by being rated so high in the preseason polls. It allows a team in the SEC that are ranked in the top 5 or so to lose one game & still be picked for the National Championship. As far as the middle pack of the SEC I think as those mid tier bowls show on New Years Day(Capital One/Outback/Gator) the Big 10 holds their own against those teams. This year I think the SEC is loaded. Georgia/South Carolina out of the east & LSU/Arkansas/Bama out of the west all have hopes to reach the NC. Even teams like Florida/Auburn/Tenn look like they are going to be pretty strong. It will be interesting this first week as Clemson plays Auburn & NC St plays Tenn. Both of those games are in Atlanta. I kind of like the ACC in both those matchups. Anybody else is as excited as I am for the start of College Football? I love this time of year!!!!!
  20. There is a 7/11 right across the street. They probably figure people just go there if they forgot something.
  21. the problem with Hammers lot is it is really not convenient for me to get home from where his lot is. Lot 5 is perfect since all I do Is got on Southwestern & take it going towards Lancaster. Honestly I am home in 15 minutes. I think we are going to start parking in the grass lot right before lot 5. Honeslty I know it is there peragativebut why do they have to keep messing with the tailgaters. I mean first they don't open the lots to 9 now & now this nonsense about parking. Don't they realize that tailgating is a vital part of the game day experience.
  22. I took my son to the game last Saturday. I always park in Lot 5 off of Southwestern. We probably did not get to the stadium unti 5:45. We had my wife drop us off right in front of the lot as she was going to shopping & take my daughter out to dinner. I met my brother-in-law who parked in Lot 5 & he said they were directing everybody where to park & basically he could not park wherever he wanted as has been in the past. It is almost like they were doing to Lot 5 what they did to Lot 2 last year. Does anybody know if this is the case & if it is going to be like that going forward into the regular season? If so that really sucks.
  23. Kind of been following this thread. Sorry it did not work out. Listen man, I am a little older then you so there is a lesson to be learned here. When a girl inititiates the breakup they usually have another guy already in the fold to replace you. I have 3 friends that their wives all initiated the divorce proceedings & all 3 rtimes it came out at a later date that they were seeing someone else. For whatever reason girls do not want to be alone & will very rarely look for a breakup if they do not have another option.
  24. I remember that game. Wasn't it an incredibly low scoring game due to the field (6-3 or something, Steelers over the Dolphins) on MNF? I remember that game. It was a Monday Night game. Pittsburgh was laying 15 points in the game also. I was watching ESPN prior to the game & they were showing the field conditions. The under was like 34. I put $200 on the Dolphins & the under in a 2 game parlay thinking there is not going to be 15 points scored in this whole game. Easiest money I ever won. The problem with the Steelers field is it is over used. Pitt Panthers play there & my friend used to live down there & he says they have high school games on it all the time. That is fine if you have field turf but there is noway you could get away with that up in the northeast with grass. I think one year they actually ended up resodding the field half thru the season because the grass became dormant due to the cool weather & was not going to grow anymore.
  25. I usually don't mind him either but how do you make that mistake so many times. I am telling you it was like 5 or 6 times he did it & that was only just on the Vikings opening drive.
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