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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. Every area has their bad parts. You forgot to mention how nice it is in Williamsville/Orchard park/Amherst/Clarence. Not questioning your fact but seriously why would anybody buy a house in NT if the taxes are like that. My house in Lancaster is assessed at $230K & I pay $5,500 in taxes. He did not say Buffalo was the poorest region he said WNY. Is there a study showing that WNY is the poorest in the country?
  2. Well here is the thing. Wilson may or may not get better, my guess given the kids charachter & work ethic he will get better. I mean he came into Wisconsin in his last year of eligability on a top 10 team & immediately learned the playbook, became a leader & was voted team captain. That is pretty impressive. He does have some physical limitations(height). But guys of his make often times overcome those limitations. The other side of the coin is I am pretty confidence Fitz is not going to get any better. He has been in the league for 7 years & he is still making the same boneheaded decisions & bad throws he was making with Cincy & with the Rams. He is what he is. A journeyman QB that is trying to be some kind of gun slinger.
  3. I see this statement thrown out on this board time & time again. How do you figure that WNY is one of the poorest areas in the country? Where do you get this information from. I am actually really curious. I live here(Lancaster to be exact) & all I see is new developement after new development go up in the surrounding suburbs. Someone must be buying these 3-4 hundred thousand dollar houses or they would not keep building them. Are we New York or Dallas or Boston. Of course not. But poorest in the country please. Contrary to popular believe on this board we are not living on dirt floors & eating cans of Spam for dinner every night just to survive in poor old WNY. Here is a crazy marketing idea. Why don't they try to win for a change. What a novel concept. The product would sell itself. & save the BS about people would not be willing to pay top dollar in this area for a winner. Last year when the team was 5-2 in 1st place & the Jets were coming to town I was in Florida that week but my brother in law said you could not touch a ticket from the scalpers for less then $200 that day. He said even a few minutes after the game started. He tried to buy a ticket from a scalper but did not want to pay that much. Ened up watching the game down the road at Buffalo Sports Bar.
  4. That was with tip included. Some of these people were drinking the Martinis one after another. I know my mother(who I honestly have never seen drink before) had 4 of them herself. I also seen my brother in laws friends(there was 8 of them there) do 4-5 rounds of shots of some kind of whiskey. It adds up pretty quick at a place like that. I was drinking Sam Adam's Octoberfest(which was included in the open bar) but honestly I did not see too many other people drinking beer. Most of the people I saw were drinking Martinis. & why is it so hard to believe that 34 people could not put down 150 Martinis? That is only a little more then 4 a piece. I don't know how they drink in New Orleans(I assume they drink heavy) but here in Buffalo that is considered a light night out.
  5. Actually just went to my sister's wedding reception there Saturday. Small reception, they rented out the top room. Had the filet it was good, but funny you say your steak was salty because so is this. It was wrapped in that proscutto so that is where it was salty. I could of done without that. I think they charged my sister $100 per plate which included open bar from 7-11. You could get any kind of beer/wine/well drinks. If you wanted something else(seemed like the rasberry martinis were popular they charged my sister extra for those. Talked to her yesterday. She had 34 people there(it was just for close family/couple friends). Said when she got the bills(it was $3,400 for the dinners & open bar-$100 per person) said was $5,200. I think they were charging her $12 per martini & some of the people were drinking them like they were koolaid.
  6. Your the one that is smoking something. The Jets have a much better roster then us. They have beaten us 6 times in a row & usually in this stretch the scores have been pretty lopsided. There is no coach or GM in the league that would not take the Jets roster as it is over the Bills roster right now. Sad but true. & yes Buddy Ryan & his staff are better coaches then Gailey & the Stache. The Jets have beat us 6 times in a row & New England has beaten us what 18 out of 19 times, Man this organization is pathetic.
  7. Vegas makes so much money on prop bets it should be illegal. The prop bet clearly plays on fans emotions rather then their brains. My guess is that 99% of these placed wagers never pay out. My one story on prop bets. I was in Vegas in March right before the start of MLB. I am a lifelong Mets fan(yes I know can I honestly have picked 2 worst run franchises then the Bills/Mets) this was in 2006. I put $200 on the Mets to win the pennant in the National League. They were one of the favorites that year going off @ 5:1. Well we moved a month later & I ended up losing the ticket. They ended up making it to the NLCS against the Cardinals. I was sick about losing the ticket & actually was routing against them. How messed up is that? When it went to Game 7 & Beltran struck out against Waignwright with the tying & winning runs on base to end the game, I was actually relieved. I go to Vegas every year but I will never play a prop bet again.
  8. Give me a break man. We are going to get killed against the Cardinals. This team has no heart. I understand how the offense stinks because you can not be successful with a noodle arm loser that we have at QB. But I don't get how the defense is this bad. I mean there is actual talent on that defense. It has got to be the schemes they are playing. I don't understand how a front four like we have just can not get any heat on the QB. It does not make any sense. On paper they are a top 5 defensive line.
  9. The problem with your reference is moments after Deniro said this Pecci puts about 10 holes in Spider. Hopefully this works out better.
  10. I know I saw it out of my office. Then my boss & me started thinking back about the super bowl years when the blimp seemed like it was coming in every other weekend. I can't remember the last time I have seen it come in for a Bills game. We were like 2 kids in a candy story watching it float by my window. It made my day. Brought back some good memories.
  11. I don't know if I could handle seeing 25,000 Steeler fans invade Orchard Park on an annual basis. It would be nice though to have an organization(Cleveland) that is as big if not bigger joke then us in the division so we would not always have to finish in last place every year. We could alternate years.
  12. He gets nominated but he never makes it down to the final weeked, or at least I never remember him making it down to the final weekend before they announce who made it. He will never make the HOF nor should he.
  13. I said if he could be productive play him. I can't believe how many people in this thread are treating this game as some throw away game & if we lose no big deal. It is a big deal & if your to biggest weapons on offense are healthy & go provide production you play them.
  14. If he was absolutely a HOF caliber NT then why isn't he in the HOF or even better yet even getting voted on? Take of the rose colored glasses. I have never even heard Smerlas' name be mentioned as a possible canidate for the HOF.
  15. Smerlas was not a HOF player. If he is holding a grudge on the bills against that he is dumber then he looks which is really saying something. This was a few years back when Smerlas used to come on the Howard Simon show on Fridays in the morning & the week of the Patriots game he was acting really arrogant & putting the Bills organization down saying they are going to get killed & they don't have a chance against Brady/Bellicheck & Simon blew a gasket. He went off on Smerlas. It was hilarious. I mean Freddy was right but it was still funny hearing Simon getting all worked up over it.
  16. Sorry John but that is the wrong attitude to have. This is a huge game, a game where if we win we would essentially going up 3 games against our biggest threat when tie breakers a factored in. I know it is early but these division games are very important, especially at home. If they are healthy to go & can be productive you play them. What are you saving them for? When we are 4-8 & playing Jacksonville in another meaningless December game in Orchard Park?
  17. Yeah, if they are anything like Little Ceasars wings I will pass. Just being cheap last night, should of went to Santora's & dropped the $20 on a large pie. Like I said you get what you pay for.
  18. So does Papa Johns. Picked up a large Pizza for the kids last night. Went there just because they had a special large & 1 topping for $7. Ah you get what you pay for. The dog wouldn't even eat it. Can't even imagine what their wings are like.
  19. Everything is cyclical. People tend to forget that Alabama was not very good 5-7 years ago. It does always seem that the SEC produces 1-2 dominant teams per year. Flordia & UT were strong in the middle of thsi decade & now it seems like LSU & Alabama have picked up the slack. This year at least early on it does seem like the SEC is very strong. I mean you got LSU/Bama but you also got Georgia who is very good & South Carolina who is very good & it does look like Florida is on the way back. I think the easiest explanation is that A.)The recuiting ground is the best down south. B.) You have universities there that are willing to throw a ton of resources at their football programs. The ACC is down south but their flagship programs are basketball programs first, football second. On a side note, I really think Florida State has a chance to knock of one of the SEC teams in the National Championship this year.
  20. First why would you letyour life revolve around a game anyways? Take football for what it is worth. A form of entertainment & a nice way to spend Sunday afternoon. No, because it was the right call but due to the nature of a close game & the time of the game & that it was going to go against the Patriots it would of never gotten called by the regular refs. I give that replacement ref kudos for having the stones to throw the flag in that situation. Is that a good enough explanation for you?
  21. You know I think your onto something here. The real refs make bad calls all the time to but they always seem to favor the good teams or the popular franchises(NE/Pitts/Dallas/Green bay etc...). The regular refs could of just as easily made the same call last night. What is crazy is this type can not be reviewed hence that is my guess why the call was not changed when it went upstairs to the booth. If anybody watched the end of the NE/Arizona game noway that the regular refs call the holding penalty on Gronk that led to the go ahead TD. It was a borderline holding call but kudos to the ref that made that call. I thought Tricho & Gruden last night were pretty hard on the refs. I mean there were alot of flags but some of the calls especially against Seatle were blatant penalties but Gruden was still criticizing them. Some of the pass interference call were bad, especially the last one, but that is nothing new. The regular refs call some pretty bad interference penalties also when they should just leave their flag in their pocket. You just figured that out now????? The only thing the NFL cares about is printing their own money. It is still fun to watch & gamble on the games though.
  22. Agreed, Nix even stated this over the summer that the time to win is now. Look, I don't want to blow up the whole thing either but you don't go spending the way the Bills spent this last year if they themselves did not think they were ready to win now. How the team does this week should add another piece to the puzzle especially on the road against a tough Cleveland team. The more I look at it though I really think that Jets game was a fluke. Bottomline is the Bills are going to have the advantage whoever they play on both sides of the line, they should be able to win alot of games by that advantage alone no matter how mediocre Fitz is.
  23. I don't doubt that happen but with that being said when I was 15 years old back in 1989 I ran into Kelly at the Gallery Mall. There was hardly anybody at the mall that day. it was a Monday after the game. They got beat pretty good by the Colts & he did not play very well. I think he may have hurt his shoulder that game as his arm was in a sling. I said simply "nice game Mr. Kelly." He seemed shocked & said "thanks kid I really appreciate that." He ended up buying me a Bills T shirt & signing it. I still have that T shirt today.
  24. Promo doesn't know what he was talking about when it comes to this topic. He continuosly states that even during our glory years we had trouble filling the stadium. I laid it out in other post how we averaged 77-79k fans at the games from 88-94. There were a couple of non sellouts during that period but they certainly were not the norm & even the non sellouts drew 70K + to the games. Bottomline is you put a winner here in Buffalo & those December games will sellout. Put a perrenial winner here & give the fan base some real hope & you would be able to jack the ticket prices up $10 - $20 across the board & the place would still be sold out. I really believe that.
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