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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. It was definately an isolated incident & certainly did not ruin our good time. The crowd at the Bills games are young & last night it did seem like it was especially young. I did stupid things too when I was in my 20's. The guy apologized & gave my friend some money to get the car detailed. No harm no foul I guess. My brother in law was pretty close to knocking his block off though. Glad he didn't. All in all good time last night.
  2. I will add one more thing. I have been going to games for 20 years now & last night my friends & I almost got in a fight for the first time ever. We had a keg & as people were walking by us some asked us if they could have a beer. As any good Bills fan would do we said sure. This went on about the last hour of the tailgate. There was a group of about 5 guys that came by about 7:30. We had no idea who they were but they were Bills fans & they asked if they have a couple beers from the keg. So we got them glasses & there was some left over steak & lobster tails so we said help yourself guys. It was my friends 40th birthday so we got him a cake & we brought it out soon after those guys showed up. Well around 8:15 we see 4 of the guys take off abruptly(no thanks or even a goodby) & the 5th guy takes the cake & smashes it over my friend's windshield(the one who's birthday it was). We surrounded the guy who did it(his buddys were long gone) & my brother in law was about ready to pund the sh*t out of him. I had to talk him out of it saying it is not worth it. The guy said his friends gave him $50 to do it. I know they were young & stupid(they were all in their 20s) but why would they do that. We welcome them into our tailgate, feed them beers, give them left over lobster tails for christ sakes that cost $20 a pound, did not ask them for a dime. I was pretty hot. The guy who did it to his credit gave my friend $20 to get his car detailed today. Other then that I had a great time last night. It is a little rough out there but I saw 15 of my friends that most of them I have not seen in months, so I guess you take the good with the bad.
  3. I do hear where your coming from. Last night we did not go into the game until about 8:30 because we still had some of the keg left & I looked down our aisle(we tailgate in Lot 5) & it looked like a warzone. I mean what is so hard about bringing a couple garbage bags to the tailgate & cleaning up after yourself? That is what we do.
  4. Yep, I know he was hurting but he could not of been that hurt since he was in one play later. Just not a smart team & it starts with the coaches. I am the last one to defend Schope but he said it best yesterday. He said "it is not a coincidence that the same teams win every year. It sounds harsh but winners win games like that & losers do what the Bills did at the end of the game."
  5. Really????? Everytime I see my inlaws come over I shoot right down to the bar in the basement & shut the door. I also use it on the weekends to watch sports & make a day out of it. I have 3 tvs down there & I love sitting there watching sports & making a day of it on a Saturday afternoon. With that being said I am degenerate gambler & I kind of have a slight drinking problem.
  6. I am not so sure that is quite right. Out of Oregon/K State/Notre dame, ND has looked the least impressive. Kansas State has rolled thru their schedule & Oregon has done the same. ND not so much. Barely beat Purdue, needed a gift overtime win to beat Pitt, I believe Stanford game was overtime as well. Did not look all that impressive against a horrible Boston College team just last saturday. If ND looked more impressive in some of their games & it was Kansas State getting taken to overtime every other week, I believe ND would have jumped K State by now.
  7. It is actually going to be great weather to watch a football game. I have seen a couple of posts that says it is going to be crappy weather. It is? There is going to be no wind, around 45 degrees when the tailgates start & sunny & temps hovering in the mid to high 30's by game time. Not a chance of rain. This is considered crappy weather in WNY in mid November now? Man the fans have gotten soft over the years also. This will be the last home game I am going to barring an unforseen run at that last wildcard. We got about 13 guys, getting a keg, going to grill some steaks & lobster tails, looking forward to it.
  8. It is going to be 70 degrees in WNY today. I am going to bring the tv out on the patio & play a little wiffle ball with my son. I will have the game on in the background, do a little grilling but I am not expecting too much from the bills. Doubt they even make this game close.
  9. I was reading an article the other day that suggested if both Texas & A&M win out there is possibility that they could meet in the Cotton Bowl. They said if that happened they would sellout those 100K + seats in about 45 seconds. They did mention that they did not know if any bowl would have the balls to try to pull that matchup off & it would obviously p*ss off the 2 major conferences in the country by picking A&M over an LSU team that beat the Aggies in College Station & the Big 12 by picking Texas over an Oklahoma team that just killed the horns earlier this year but my guess is if any bowl has the balls to try pull this off it would be the Cotton Bowl with a friendly nudge by Jerry Jones. Haha, the BCS standings will be K ST, Oregon, Notre Dame, Georgia, Alabama. Be warned though, if 2 of the 3 teams at the top lose the winner of bama goergia in the sec championship is going to the national title game. If history has taught us anything in college football; when November comes around, expect the unexpected.
  10. I don't remember anybody saying they wanted Gabbert on this board. If you follow college football I think it was pretty easy to make the opinion that Gabbert was going to royally suck in the NFL(look at his stats the last year he was @ Missouri). Hell, I remember even some of the Mizzou fans on this board said he was going to suck. He picked a great year to come out in the draft.
  11. Exactly, parlays are suckers bets that rarely come in. They are almost a bad as teasers. Maybe if he is betting money lines on the games they come in but then you got to figure that he is betting favorites which would nullify the odds to a certain extent. With how much parity is in the NFL, the risk/reward does not seem like it would be worth it. Gambling is tough business & not for the faint of heart(believe me I know). Anybody that makes it sound like it is easy is full of sh*t.
  12. NC State is going to be the best team in the ACC this year. Syracuse & Pitt for that matter will both hold their own when they get to the ACC next year. The last 5-7 years the Big East has been a better basketball league from top to bottom then the ACC. As far as Duke, it will be the same old story with them. They will go as far as their perrimeter 3 point shooting takes them.
  13. Your spot on with your analysis. I have had gout for about 20 years(since I was 20 years old). When I first got diagnosed with it I used to play alot of basketball & it was so painfull to walk I honestly thought somehow I broke my foot. They ran some blood tests & found out what the true cause of it was. The doctor wanted me to go on allopurinol but I was young & like you & said I don't want to take a pill for the rest of my life so I did not take it. Well the flareups continued about 2-3 times per year & they were bad. I mean so bad that sometimes I could not walk. After about 3-4 years of that I went to see an arthritis doctor & he told me you got to start taking the allo or your going to continue to have these attacks. One thing he did tell me though he said that was different from the regular doctor was take the cholicine(sp) with the allopurinol for the first 30 days & then just go to the allopurinol. He said when a person takes the allopurinol at first sometimes it causes an acute attack. The cholicine would prevent that attack. I have been taking the allopurinol for about 14 years now & have not had an attack since. I drink quite a bit, don't eat a ton of red meat(maybe once every week or so) & am about 20-30 pounds over weight)I am 6'1 around 218. So I think with the medication you should be good to go. I would not put off getting the medication. It will come back if not taken care of. & it is debilitating. The minor attacks that I do get maybe once a year or so(very minor, nothing like I used to get) I just jump off the allopurinol for a day or so & take the indomethicin for a day & it is gone.
  14. I could definately see us getting swept by the Dolphins & Jets. The Dolphins are a better team then us & the Jets may suck just as much as us woth just as bad of a QB but Rex Ryan seems to have our number. He did probably have some thoughts about taking one last chance in the endzone but then thought better of it remembering anything over 10 yards Fitz can't hit the broad side of a barn.
  15. It is pretty simple Bill. Spiller will never be able to carry this team on his back because Gailey will never allow it. Spiller is in the top 5 playmakers in the entire league. He had 6 rushes yesterday. Let that sink in for a second. He is averaging over 7 ypc which is the best a RB has done this late in the season since the 1960s they said on the GR this morning. This is insane, that Gailey would rather put the ball in the hands of our noodle arm loser of QB then Spiller. Spiller should play the entire game & Jackson should be in only when Spiller needs a rest. He needs to touch the ball 25-30 times a game imo. Why they keep platooning these guys is beyond me. Spiller is better period. Ah what's the point, another lost season & it is just half way over. I don't why you keep saying Spiller is small. He is 5'11 200 pnds right. My guess is that is average for a NFL RB.
  16. I mean does it really matter. You guys are going to be happy if they lose 31-17 instead of 45-3. It just goes to show what a loser mentality this organization has & I am talking right down to the fan base. It is tough to shed that mentality once it has been ingrained in an organization for so long. As far as Shep, I like the kid & I think his head & his heart is in the right place. He is just not talented enough to be a starting linebacker in this league. Neither is anybody else on the team.
  17. I admire your optimism but I doubt they win. In fact I will go as far as to say they will lose this week, they will lose next week @ NE, we will lose the Thursday Night game against Miami & we will also get beat @ Indy Thanksgiving Weekend which will squarely put us at another meaningless December here in Orchard Park.
  18. This should get interesting. Notre Dame should win their next 3(they have Pitt/BC/Wake Forest). That sets the stage for the finale @ the Collesium which imo would be a toss up. K State has a much tougher road to finish undefeated(Home against Oklahoma St/@ Baylor/@ TCU/home to Texas). Alabama has got (@LSU, A&M, W Carolina & Auburn). Then of course if they beat LSU this weekend all likel;yhood an SEC championship game against Georgia. Oregon has @ USC, @ Cal, Stanford & then @ Oregon State & then the Pac 10 championship. One could argue that Notre Dame has the path of least resistence to an undefeated season. If they do go 12-0 my guess is that they are in the NC even if there is 2 more undefeated teams.
  19. Got to agree. The Giants have the formula for winning playoff baseball. They get great starting pitching, excellent defense strong bullpen & timely hitting. It also seems like an average guy or 2 in their lineup steps up huge in the post season. Sandoval did it this year(guy had 12 HRs all year yet hit 6 in the postseason). I remember in 2010 noone could get Cody Ross out in the postseason after he was marginally average for most of the season. As far as Detroit they went off at -170 to win the World Series so obviously someone they were pretty talented. I said before the series started that Detroit needed to win the games Verlander pitched & hope for the best in the other games. When he got bitchslapped in game 1 I knew this series was going to be an uphill climb for Detroit. I did not think they would of been swept. A's/SF would of been a more interesting series.
  20. I guess I picked the wrong week to stop sniffing glue.
  21. You don't think Flacco is better then Fitz? Flacco blows the doors off Fitz, it is not even close. Noway Baltimore let's him walk.
  22. I feel the same way. I dropped my season tickets 2 years ago because I just can't bear the thought anymore of sitting in that cold stadium for another meaning less December game. We used to have 12 guys in on season tickets in the 90's. When I dropped them 2 years ago there was only 3 of us left. A few moved away from the area but the others dropped them out of disgust of the franchise years ago. I take my son to the 2nd game of the year(the last 2 years). He likes the Bills but he also likes the falcons & I got the NFL ticket so he would rather watch them play & quite frankly I can't blame him. I feel guilty enough shoving the Mets down his throat at a young age & making him be a Mets fan when all his other friends are Yankee fans.
  23. This is more desparate then I thought if we are all counting on Billy Volek to come out of retirement & save the franchise.
  24. Good points but I guess my question is if it is so easy to run against the nickel when we are on offense & are in 3rd & long & the other teams nickel defense is on the field why don't we run it instead of letting old noodle arm chuck another interception or underthrow an open reciever by 10 yards?
  25. This is a myth that is commonly accepted by this board but it is just not true. I think everybody could agree that 1988 was the start of the Golden Era of the Buffalo Bills lasting thru 1994(the first season after thei 4th super bowl loss & 1st year they did not make the playoffs in that stretch) 1988 - Sold out all 8 games including 1 game in December where actual attnedance was over 77K. Average attendance that year - 77,849 1989 - Sold out 7 out of 8 games. Lone game they did not sell out was against New Orleans Dec 10th. Actual attendance that game was still over 70K. Average attendance that year was 77,464 1990 - 1st Super Bowl year, sold out all 8 games including 2 December games, one the day after Christmas. Average attendance was 77,693. In addition they also sold out 2 playoff games both in January. The actual attendance at the Raiders game was over 80K in the AFC Championship, ONLY 42 NO SHOWS AT THAT GAME. 1991 - Sold out all 8 games including 2 games in December, one being against the Lions 3 days before Christmas in which the game meant nothing to the Bills & they rested most of their starters. 635,889 bills fans walked thru the gates that year setting at the time an in house NFL single season attendance record. Average attendance that year was 79,486. They also sold out their 2 home playoff games, both in January & both with actual attendance over 80K. 1992 - Sold out 7 out of games including 1 in December. The only game they did not sell out was a game against Denver december 12th. They still had actual attendance of 71,740. Average attendance that year was 77,916. 1993 - Last of the Super Bowl years, Bills fans became kind of a spoiled bunch & an entitled fan base. Little did we know what lied ahead over the next 18 years we may have appreciated that team a little more. That year they sold out 7 out of the 8 games including a game against the Raiders in December. The only game they did not sellout was the Jets game on 12/14 in which it was one of the coldest games ever to be played @ Orchard Park. They still got over 71K fans at that game. They sold out their 2 home playoff games once again but only got 61K in the joint for the Raiders game which was even colder then the Jets game & I think was the coldest game in the history of Orchard Park(0 degrees, -32 wind chill). 1994 - Attendance started to fall off. They only sold out 6 out of 8 games. They still averaged over 74K per game in actual attendance. So please for the last time spear me the crap, you & Promo & whoever else that says they had trouble filling up the place even in their super bowl years. Most other owners would of killed to have attendance like the bills had back in the late eighties & early nineties.
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