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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. I usually shave once a week, on Saturday morning. By Thursday I got a pretty good stubble/start to the beard. I would grow a full fledge beard but I too can not get past the itching stage & my 3 year old daughter does not like it & usualy tells me to shave by Thursday/Friday. Also I am in banking so a full fledge beard is probably not the best look especially when I have to go to NYC to meet with my clients. It is funny when I first started in banking 16 years ago there was absolutely no facial hair allowed. Now it seems like the bank does not give a sh*t what their employees look like. I mean, ladies in the summer wearing flip flops to work, I used to wear a suit everyday now I only wear a suit when I got to visit clients or I have a meeting with some of the higher up & even then I often times just go business casual.
  2. I don't know. I have no doubt Dean Smith bent the rules but that is a pretty heavy accusation you are making against a guy that to my knowledge has never been brought up on an investigation in his 36 years of coaching. As far as Duke, it is a weird school. It is located right on tobacco road but is considered more of an East Coast Northern snob school then a North Carolina, at least by the locals. That fact is probably the reason most of the residents of the great basketball state of NC can not stand the program even though they should be viewed by the locals as one of the hometown/homestate schools in the region. Coach K is a whiner, plain & simple. I watch a ton of college basketball & no program in the country gets more calls then Duke does year in & year out. When they lose which is not often, he always has a little rant or a back handed compliment for his opponent. The bottomline is the Crazies are one of the least respectful fan bases in the country & one of the most intimidating so he has some nerve complaining about other venues. For years Duke has received favorite seeding in the tournament. I mean ther were some years where they did not have to leave NC for the tournament until the final four. How is that fair? They are always getting the pod in NC for the first weekend of the tournament whetehr it is in Raleigh, Winston Salem or Greensboro & when Charlotte is hoisting the regionals it is a great bet that Duke will be seeded in that region. When they do have to go out of state for the regionals it is always in New Jersey/Boston or some other northeast city where they have a ton of alumni. I can't remember the last time they were shipped out west even though they would have a late season slide that would of deserved that. Of course K was alright with the crazies taunting one of the NC State players about his grandmother passing away, which was a few days earlier.
  3. Going into the draft, there was some talk about AW having the skill sets that translate to safety & he did not have the skill sets to play CB in this league. I agreed with that at the time & could not believe Nix pulled the trigger on him early in the 2nd when Kap was sitting right there. If I could see this, shouldn't Nix been able to realize this also?
  4. I am not one who is on the "he is a system QB." I mean a system QB does not put up 4,000 yards passing every year. He is going to go down as one of the best of alltime, especially if he gets another ring. With that being said, something is very fishy about this contract. It is not that he took less then market value, this extension is not even in the same ball park as what he should be paid. Something stinks & my guess is he is compensated by Kraft under the table so to speak to make up the difference. Whether it is a promise for a % of ownership after he retires or other kickbacks. That I don't know.
  5. If we wanted an idiot & a loser for QB we could of just brought back Losman.
  6. Yes exactly. Bringing in Pettine is the best move the front office will do all offseason. There is noway, with the players on the defense the Bills had last year they should of been that bad. Most of it had to be coaching. & yes we need a few LBs but other then that I think this defense should be much improved over last year.
  7. What is ridiculous is your going to compare a guy like Sanchez, who was a one year starter & could not even beat out John David Booty when Carroll all but handed the keys over to Sanchez in spring practices to a guy like Barkley, who was a 4 year starter, threw for more then 12K yards & had over 140 td passes in his college career. I am all aboard the barkley train if he is there @ 8. If Woods is there in the 2nd round & the bills grab him I will consider this draft a success no matter how of the rest of it turns out.
  8. I was a season ticket holder for 12 years before dropping them before the 2011 season. I got a call from my old season ticket rep yesterday at work saying that he has a great deal for me. He said I could purchase season tickets for the year for $225. Now the seats he was offering me were not great, in fact they are probably the worst seats or one of the worst seats in the house but spoke with 2 of my friends that dropped the seats along with me & they were like for that price let's do it. After hearing the price I thought they would be in the Rockpile(which if they were I would of been estactic) but he said no those are all sold out. They are in section 308 right on the ailse towards mid field row 31 which are a long way away from my old seats(section 108 row 21 right on aisle). My reasoning for renewing last few year I have went to 3 games each season and although they were better seats that I would sit in (always lower bowl between the 20's) I was spending $100 per game on the ticket. So for $75 less I get the whole season. Me & my friends will muck it up with the rift raft up in the nose bleeds. We will see how it goes. I doubt I go to every game but for this kind of money who cares. & if by some miracle they are still in playoff contention come December, I guess I will have to buy myself a pair of Carharts because it is going to be f*cking cold up there. haha. Anyways, even though these seats are the worst a season ticket holder could have, it feels good to be in the season ticket club again.
  9. Exactly, I know some people do not like ESPN & I do have my issues with some of their stuff but I am a college basketball junkie & they do a terrific job covering that sport. I mean there are games on 2 out of their 3 main channels(ESPN/ESPN2/ESPNU) every night & sometimes all three are covering it. I am surprised they have not made a play for the NCAA Tournament. They could easily not even get any other Networks involved & just put all the games on their 4/5 networks. They pimp soccer now because they cover it & they are always pimping the NBA because they cover it. Like ESPN or not The NHL made a grave mistake by cutting ties with ESPN(it may of been the other way around). ESPN gave them visibility on a nightly basis something the NHL has not had since their relationship ended.
  10. Nice guy my mother in law knew him & he gave us his tickets on occasion even for one of the games for the playoffs a few years ago when we played the flyers. He will find another job no problem. It was time to part ways though. The players on this team are mostly made up of marginal to below marginal talented NHL players & they have tuned him out. Which brings me to my next point. Regier should be on the same bus out of town with Ruff. He is the one that put together this heartless lack of effort team. IMO, Ruff did the best with the hand he was dealt for the most part.
  11. Honestly, this roster does not need a small WR that catches 100 balls a year with regularity. It is all about priorities with the Bills. If I am Nix this offseason I go balls in to make sure we resign Ruevel Martin to solidify the WR position. Guy is a flat out baller.
  12. Football is tough, these careers are so short & they end so abruptly. Baseball & NBA I think are a little tougher to squander away your money. Christ if your a southpaw with a .500 career winning % & an era hovering above 4.00 teams are willing to pay you 10-12 million per season. That is what a top flight receiver in the NFL makes. Some of the numbers that NBA players have made throughout their careers is staggering. I read that Antoine Walker(who was a good player but never was a guy that could carry a team by himself) made something like $140 million in his career & is flat broke. How could a guy blow threw coin like that? & honestly making money like that why would anybody even bother with a financial advisor. The majority of FAs that deal with pro sports//athletes it seems like have bad intentions. You make that kind of coin put it in something secure, not too risky & you, your family & for generations after that are not going to have to worry about money for the rest of their lives. I guess that is noty flashy & sexy enough for these guys.
  13. I agree with pretty much everything you have said. In a perfect world is Vick my 1st, 2nd or even 3rd option at starting QB this year, absolutely not, but for people to sit there & say he is not an upgrade over our noodle arm QB is silly. I watched some Eagle games this year & could not believe the beating Vick took. He would hammered on pretty much every pass play. If the Bills have a chance to bring him in I say do it. It will be an upgrade over Fitz.
  14. That is pretty good. On our way to Vegas Friday morning we had a 3 hour delay thru Southwest because of mechanical issues(the battery on the plane was dead). They gave us a $100 voucher. I thought that was decent.
  15. You may want to have your Daughter call Southwest directly. On our trip to Disney last October on the way their Southwest broke one of the wheels on our stroller. My daughter was 3 so we kind of needed it when we went to the parks. The stroller still worked but if you lifted it one of the front wheels fell off. It was a minor inconvienance. We complained about it at the airlines when we got off the plane in Orlando & their response was you signed the waiver, nothing we could do. I told my wife they are right. She called customer service when we got home, saying it was a major problem & a 5 minute call they gave us $500 in vouchers.
  16. Someone that has a mentally disabled child may take offense to that. Maybe you should think about that before you put insulting phrases in your Avatar. Like metz said, I have seen people banned from this site(including myself a few years ago) for less then that.
  17. The only thing I will add to this is I agree with NoSaint, good weather it will still be a logistical nightmare to get around town to all the good parties & events during the week. People do not want to wasting their time getting from destination to destination which will be the case next year. Peter King lists the worst super bowl place as Miami & his specific reason was everything is too spread out. I think it is pretty awesome that like NoSaint said in NO this year he could walk to everything. That makes the week so much more enjoyable. If it is bad weather or if a Noreaster hits that week the NFL & everybody attending the Super Bowl is screwed & there is no other way to put it. 2nd, I was flying into Newark Monday coming home from Vegas. It was a clear day & I noticed out the window was Met Life Stadium. I know I was in the air, but the stadium does not look impressive at all. In fact from an arial view at least, I would suggest the Ralph looks better. I just thought it was going to be this awesome looking stadium & it looked like there was nothing special about it. If anybody has ever been in that stadium please enlighten me about the strong aspects of it. It would be much appreciated.
  18. I guess my question is kind of obvious. If your wife is hot enough to catch Marino's eyes(who like him or dislike him has his pick in women) what the hell is she doing with you. You must either A. make a sh*tload of money or B.) have a dick the size of an elephant's.
  19. The only other guy I could think of in sports that is uglier then TH is Willie Mghee.
  20. I was only 3 at the time so I don't really remember it. Pretty interesting set of circumstances though. The lake froze on December 9th that year(a record for the earliest date). As any Buffalonian knows once the lake freezes the snow machine usually gets turned off. Well that year after the lake froze over the course of the next 4-5 weeks a little more then 3 feet of snow got dumped on WNY. Not all at once but more like a few inches every day or so. Much of that snow was sitting right on the lake. When the wind kicked up reaching gusts of up to 70 mph, that picked up the snow off the lake & there you had the blizzard of 77. Some of the drifts were reported to be 30 feet high which must of been incredible. Interesting story, Christmas Eve 2001, I was 27 at the time. I worked at the center on the 18th floor. Since it was Christmas Eve there was only a few guys in the office. One of the Senior VP's one of the old timers called me into his office. He had a clear view of lake erie from his office. He said "look at these clouds, I only have seen clouds like this one time in my life & that was before the Blizzard of 77. Something big is going down, I am getting out of here, I suggest you do the same." I left a few minutes after that. Shortly after, over the next several days that is when we got the 8 feet of snow dumped on us. Not sure how he knew, but when one of the old timers tells you to start running for the hills, you better take their warning serious.lol
  21. I wouldn't put too much stock in what the vets thought at the time especially Thomas/Reed/Smith. These guys were just about shot & they were on their way out & they knew. It is funny, Flutie was always labelled a me first guy but on that team the ultimate malcontent imo was Reed. Remember he shot his mouth off a few days before the titans game saying how miserable this year has been for him & that the coaches don't want to give him the ball? Great timing on that Reed. Noone says anything about that though. Also, wasn't the first two teams he changed was due to the organizations having financial problems? I thought I read something like that before. I am no CFL expert so if anybody has different information, please correct me.
  22. I never understood the hatred by some Bills fans for Flutie. The guy pretty much saved the franchise by helping sell those boxes to trigger the state funding & he was the last QB to lead the Bills to the playoffs. You could say he had a great defense but Johnson with the same defense went 8-11 in the 3 years Flute was with the BIlls, Flutie went 21-10. That should be the end of the arguement who was the better QB. You know nothing about football if you think Johnson had a better career with the bills then the flute did. I mean I wasn't married to the guy but come on, given the win/loss & stats record, this topic is not even debateable imo.
  23. Thanks. Took them last night against Tech. The young guys are starting to buy into old Roy's system.
  24. Yeah can't bneat the location, that area especially across the street is my favorite part of the strip. We usually stay at Harrah's because my father-in-law always gets me a couple free rooms but my friend came thru with the suite at the Flamingo thru his work so we decided to try that out. Harrah's is nothing special but they always treated us pretty good & I do kind of like their sports book. My wife told me she loves the Flamingo's pool(she stayed there a few years back with some of her friends) but most of the pools are not even open that time of year(temps are usually only around 60. My wife always tells me why don't you & your friends go there when the weather is nicer & I always tell her because we love betting college basketball & there is too much drinking to be done to worry about going swimming.
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