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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. I hear ya about Monday Night Football. Back then I think it was a bigger deal because the networks were not carrying 80 games a week between college/NFL like they do now. My mom always worked Monday nights & my dad too would let me stay up as long as I jumped into bed when I heard my mom's car pull up in the driveway & I did not give my mom a tough time about waking up in the morning. My sisters would be playing in their rooms(they did not like football) & when the MNF song came on, something about it that was special every week. My dad would sit in his recliner, pop a few Genny Creme Ales, make my sisters & me pocorn & let us drink as much rootbeer as we wanted. We would watch the games together every week. Just me & my dad. Those were special times & I too remember it like it was yesterday. I also remember that Chargers team as it seemed like they were on MNF quite a bit back then. Good times. I used to like Muncie. Good RB.
  2. I loved those early 80 Chargers teams. I was only 8,9, 10 years old but I remember how fun they were to watch. Fouts, Chandler, Winslow, Brooks, Jefferson & of course Muncie. That team could ring up the scoreboard in a hurry.
  3. It is sad that is what the NFL has become but your exactly right, your either a Big League City or your not. & I am pretty sure unfortunately Buffalo is not a big league city.
  4. I agree with you. MY question is why are they dumping in the neighborhood of $200 million into a stadium that is clearly outdated. Wouldn't it be smarter to just build a new stadium? I know it will cost close to a billion for a retractable dome stadium, but what are you going to do? That is the going rate for having a NFL team now. Either go big or go home. This half ass sh*t rarely works.
  5. I have played in Arizona once before too & they told us the same thing. My dad the crazy bastard that he is would go in after them anyways. I took my drop, wanted no part of it. That is one thing I like about living in the northeast. We do not have to worry about any of that stuff.
  6. I was playing down in MB one time & my ball was right on the edge of the water. I went to reach in & get it as it was right on the edge & I looked & lying right next to it in the water was a gator. You could barely see him he camoflauged with mud/water so good. He was not as big as that one but he still probably would of took my hand off if I went and tried to grab the ball. I guess that is why they say don't go after the ball if it goes in the water down in those parts of the country. That gator looked pretty big. I thought they try to get the gators out of there if they get as big as that.
  7. You win that sounds amazing, although Beerball's sounded pretty good too. For me, I went over my brother-in-laws. I usually have fathers day & he takes mothers day. For fathers day I usually do some kind of steak & seafood combo on the grill. He served cold cuts yesterday & potato/macroni salad. Cheap motherf*cker. I told my wife that is the last time we are going back to his house. I got him back though. I drank all his beer.
  8. The better question would be E Moulds or #83. I'd of course go Reed but Moulds lives in Reeds neighborhood. Evans please, maybe the most overrated Bill of alltime on this board. Decent receiver on a bunch of sh*t teams, nothing more nothing less.
  9. Sometimes this board comes off as real snobbish. What is wrong with playing the lottery Jboy? How do you know she is going to be broke in 5 years Chef? Although I will say if she goes to you for financial advice she probably will be.
  10. I am with ya. Without gambling i don't know what I would do. I look at it as entertainment value. I will be making a run to the OTB after my sons travel baseball game tomorrow. Anything stick out to you(I really do not follow the ponies). I think it is supposed to be muddy at the derby tomorrow.
  11. Blackjack & Craps if you know what you are doing you could win money. But you got to be good & you have to have to have the stomach to ride out a bad shoe or 2 before the cards shift. Those side bets they offer in Blackjack are suckers bets. They would not offer them if they did not favor the house. The same with insurance in Blackjack. I go to Vegas once a year & rarely step into the Casino except for the sports book. I used to win money playing Blackjack when I was younger but with a mortgage, 2 kids, I just don't have the bankroll or the stomach for it anymore. I can't remember the last time I was at the Casino around here. Had to be 5-6 years ago.
  12. My father in law literally blew his life savings @ the Casino playing Video Poker. He still has good pension & is fine financially because he worked @ GM all his life but man the money he blew @ Seneca Niagara & in Vegas he could of paid off my house, paid for my kids college & still probably had more then a cool million in his savings account. Every once in a while my wife thinks about it & almost goes in a panic attack from him blowing that much dough. I always tell her no use crying over it now. My wife despises gambling(yeah I know she married the wrong guy). Anybody that bets slots at the casino is an idiot, plain & simple. You might as well throw the money right out the window.
  13. I have spent most of my life savings on booze, women & gambling. The rest I spent foolishly. You play the stock market don't you? Aren't you some kind of investment advisor? Your gambling everyday of your life if you ask me.
  14. I don't know what the odds are but you can put that bet in Vegas. I did it for the Bills a couple times in the early 2000's. Then I realized I was just throwing my money away & stopped doing it. I think it was 2006 I put $200 on the Mets before the season started to win the NL(lifelong Mets fan). They had a good team that year. The odds were 8-1. Well we moved that year & I lost the ticket. If you remember they got to the NLCS & game 7 against the Cardinals. I was really torn. On one hand I really wanted the Mets to win, on the other hand I couldn't believe how stupid I am losing that ticket. When Beltran struckout looking against Wainwright with the tying & go ahead runs in scoring position in the bottom of the ninth I am embarrased to say this but I was a little bit relieved.
  15. Agreed, FSU was very talented last season. In fact I had them winning the National Championship before the season started partly because of that talent, partly because I knew they were returning Manuel & partly because before the year started I did not see a team on their schedule that they should not beat.
  16. Agreed, I loved this kid out of TCU but his production in Indy has not been great. With that being said, Shep never worked out here & I think Hughes has more potential to make an impact on Pettine's defense.
  17. I would of liked to see them trade back one more time too to get another 2nd round pick. But one thing you have to give the Bills credit for. They got extra picks & nobody can say they did not get the QB they wanted. As far as manuel I don't know. He seems like a good kid, good intangibles & probably has the most potential. Potential gets quite a few coaches fired. I would of took Barkley.
  18. Your drinking on a Thursday night, what is the occasion?
  19. I have seen him play & his downfield accuracy is just not there. I agree that Manuel has the biggest upside of any QB in this draft, I also think he has the biggest bust potential out of all the QBs being talked about in the first round(Smith, Barkley,Nassib, Manuel). What I would like to happen is if they trade down to the mid teens, but gun to my head & I have to pick someone at 8 I am going Barkley. This kids intangibles are off the chart. I jsut think he is going to be very successful. I don't give a sh*t what any of the experts say.
  20. I have my sons baseball practice @ 6:15 tonight. It should be done around 7:30. I was thinking after practice heading up to Quaker Steak(I have a $50 gift card) & watching to the Bills pick comes on. My wife won't be happy with that since it is a school night(my son is 9 years old) & we probably won't be home until after 10 if we stick around for the Bills pick. If not that then I will probably just get home & go down into the basement, drink a few beers & watch how the bills f*ck up yet another draft.
  21. One thing scares the h*ll out of me about Manuel. He is just not very accurate. I am a firm believer that you can not teach accuracy. Either you have it or you don't. Save the BS from you high school coaches about adjusting your foot work & such. I remember I was working out on a treadmill right next to Van Miller a few weeks before Losman was going to make his first start against Houston. I asked Van what he thought of Losman & what kind of career did he think he was going to have. Van did not mix words. He said "this kid will never make it because he is just not accurate enough & from my experience you can't teach that." Boy was he right on the mark with that one.
  22. I think the wind angle gets over played too. Take a look at last years home games. This is right from accuweather - KC game Sept 16th - 69 degrees -0- precipitation - 8mph winds New England Sept 30th - 59 degrees -0- precipitation - 5mph winds Tenn Oct 21 - 55 degrees -0- precip - 19mph winds Miami - Nov 15th - 38 degrees -0- precip - 4mph winds Jacksonville - Dec 2nd - 50 degrees -0- precipitation - 10mph winds Rams - Dec 9th - 39 degrees -trace of precipitation- 11mph winds Jets - Dec 30th - 29 degrees - -0- precip[itation - 14 mph winds This home schedule was back loaded as ever I could remember. The weather was not bad. I am quite sure Barkley could throw in 10-15 mph winds. If he couldn't he wouldn't be on any teams board.
  23. I am starting to think Austin/Warmack is going to be the pick barring a trade down. Austin is the most dynamic player in this draft & I just recall a few years ago when noone saw the Spiller pick coming & this kind of the same scenerio. I would be fine with this. Good luck trying to find the right matchups with Austin/Spiller/Johnson on defense. I think Landty Jones is the pick in the 2nd round.
  24. Okay, I remember hearing that story. On most ways believe it or not that probably worked out better for the Bills. They got to suck a few more years(got to pick Bruce Smith #1 in 85) & Kelly got to learn & refine his passing game by the great Mouse Davis down in Houston. If Kelly comes here in 83, we are probably not in position to take Smith in 85. Funny how little things like this thru the NFL timeline changes the landscape in the NFL for a whole generation of players.
  25. What was the story? I plan on watching it tonight.
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