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Everything posted by Gordio

  1. My wife's little cousin who when we first got married was probably 4-5 years old used to sleep over our house all the time. Her parents were going thru a bad divorce & I mean she would literally live with us on the weekends. I would take her out for ice cream, take her to the movies & such. It was almost like she was a weekend daughter for me for a few year. I have not seen that much of her in the last 5-6 years but last weekend she called my wife & ask if her & her friends could spend the day Saturday over our house to use our pool. My wife said sure Well she is going to be a senior this year in high school & 4 of her friends came over & one was hotter then the next & they were all wearing bikinnis. I felt like the biggest pervert in the world. I had to get out of the house because I could not stop staring at them. They sure did not buld girls like that when I was in high school.
  2. Exactly, conferences have gotten to big. When you don't play a team in your own conference for 3,4,5 years something is wrong. Plus realignment has taken some good rivalaries away. Texas/A&M, Missouri/Kansas(especially in basketball), Pitt/WV, Georgetown/Suracuse to name a few. Those historic rivalries is what makes college football great.
  3. Totally agree with this. There are some perks about working for a big profitable company but the drawback is they view everybody as replaceable. In our reviews that happen in Febuary I usually get a 3-6% raise. Back 5 years ago or so my bonuses were unreal. I would usually get 25% or so which was awesome. Now even though they are more profitable then ever the last few years they have really scaled back our bonuses. The last few years I have only gotten 7% or so which kind of stinks. I can't complain though, I am with Pooj, just grateful they let me in the door everyday, my boss & his boss are awesome to work for(I am not sure I would take another job making 20% more due to the fact that I love working for these guys) & back a few years ago when some companies were making employees take paycuts & we were really taking it on the chin for a few years in a row they never asked us to do that & still gave us small raises & bonuses.
  4. Yeah I know it was a toilet but I miss that place. Actually named my daughter's middle name Shea after Shea Stadium(It took pretty much the 9 months of pregnancy to get my wife to agree to that), These new stadiums have no character.
  5. My wife knows most Saturdays & every Sunday in the fall is devoted towards football. Every once in awhile she say "I am sick of you watching football every weekend." which I simply say "you should of married someone else then." I am a piece of work ain't I? Hard to believe she has put up with this crap for 12 years now.
  6. I believe it after seeing what I have seen over the last 4 years. Simply disgusting.
  7. Across on my floor there were a ton of IT people, & my place outsources alot of the IT work & they contract these people in from India(don't ask me where they find them). This has been going for about 4-5 years now. Ever since they did this the bathroom have been disgusting(keep in mind at a white colar atmosphere, not some assembly line). I mean plugged up toilets, boogers on the wall, crap on the seats. One time I walked in there late in the day & there was actually crap on the floor. I mean what kind of culture do these people have? I would think common courtesy would stop them from doing stuff like this. I mean it has got to the point where I was fearful of even taking a leak at work not knowing what I was going to find. Well they moved all the IT people out 4 weeks ago & magically the bathrooms are cleaner then they ever been. So it is not just me stereotyping either. That is the good news, the bad news is we are supposed to move to their location shortly after Labor Day so I better enjoy the work bathrooms this summer I guess.LOL
  8. Hey Harvey pitched Sunday, he is one if not the best young arms in that game right now. Everytime he goes out there the kid is capable of throwing a no hitter & he is definately more entertaining to watch then whatever has been the Yankees decide to trot out to the mound.
  9. Well said, I don't know what Baldo's beef is with Moulds. Maybe he is one of his illigitimate bastard kids that got sick of getting stiffed on their birthday & Christmas from the man. But as far as alltime great Bills receivers go, I will put him slgihtly & I mean slightly behind #83 as an alltime great. If he has a QB like Kelly throwing to him for most of his career he is in the hall of fame imo.
  10. I also figured they were going to go to Canisius, Frannies or OP. Those 3 schools seem to be the class of WNY the last 5 years or so. Canisius also is getting another transfer that is considered one of the top players in the area next year. I think from Amherst. They should be loaded.
  11. I hear ya. I love watching him play baseball, especially when he is pitching. Nothing more then I would rather do.
  12. My 9 year old son is a pretty good athlete. He plays on 9U travel baseball team that is one of the best in the area & he also play on travel soccer & hockey. He also plays basketball in the winter. I have not let him play football to date. He asks me to play every summer. Some of his friends play. I told him no again this year. My wife is dead set against him playing football, of course she did not want him to play hockey either. His favorite sport is baseball & that is probably the sport he is best at also. I rarely miss any of his games(& believe me between the 4 sports he plays a ton). I got to be honest with you, out of all the sports he plays, I just dread watching the soccer games. They are so boring. All the other 3 sports he plays I really enjoy watching, the soccer it is rough. I just don't like the sport. I really can not see anytime where that sport ever becomes popular like the NFL is.
  13. I don't know if Brandon has enough hair on his balls to ban alcohol from stadium grounds. They would lose half their clientale(including me) & they know it. They could talk a good game about family atmosphere & such but at the end of the day they know exactly what age group & what type of people line their pockets every Sunday.
  14. The shoe is awesome. Went there when I was in college for the Michigan game. My friend went to Xavier & we all rode down there for a few days & then drove to Columbus. We did not have tickets but we got to tailgate there. The tailgate was like a Bills game xs 10. I also went to a game there a few years back when they played Ohio. Actually had tickets for that game. Pretty impressive place though. From what I saw, C-bus is a pretty cool place.
  15. Yeah in my neighborhood that ahole is usually me.lol It seems like I am the only one on my street that does not have a snow blower. You think one of my dipsh*t neighbors would help a neighbor out & snowblow my sidewalk. My son & I get even with them though for being such lousy neighbors. We usually egg their houses at least once or twice in the summer.
  16. I have heard of the stories of Kelly in his younger days & a couple of the stories I have on good sources. I am not going to rehash them here while he is down. So he has some skeletons in his closet, so does everybody else. Nobody is perfect. Along with Doc Gooden & D Strawberry(I know I picked a couple of winners. What can I say, Gooden was must see TV for me anytime he pitched & Straw had the sweetest swing I have ever seen), kelly was my idol. I met him one time in 1987 when I was 14 at the mall. It was a Monday. My friend & I were in a sporting good store & there is #12 all by himself. We went up to him, told him nice game & he bought us posters of himself & signed them. I still have the poster. I met him a few other times too & he was always nice. He signed a hall of fame plaque I have of him at a football camp he was running. Whatever mistakes he has made he has paid for them 100xs over with the fate of his son. & what him & Jill have done for chariity, noone could ever take that away from them. With that being said, god bless you Kelly, you are a Buffalo Icon.
  17. It is not that they are over populated, it is that they don't belong, have no natural enemies there & are wiping out a good portion of the rest of the wildlife in everglades. I am not an expert on it but from what I have read they are a big time problem down in South Florida.
  18. I am with you with the Bills & Mets. Mets I started rooting for in 1983 when I was 10 years old & the Bills 1986(Kelly's first year). 30 years as a Mets fan & 27 years as a Bills fan & one friggin championship to show for it. I would not even know how to act if one of these teams were a team that won multiple championships. I actually think in some sick distorted way it would take the fun out of being a fan & become boring. At least that is what I keep telling myself. Funny you mention that. I was at a bar watching that game. Huge crowd, bar is going nuts. I kept saying to anybody that would listen "ah their going to f*ck it up somehow." People were actually getting pissed at me. The worst part is I started believing they would actually win this game for the 1st time all night just right before Mckelvin fumbled. I was with about 8 guys & my wife was with me also. When they lost we all walked out of the bar not saying a word to each other. My wife said, "aren't you going to at least say goodbye to your friends?" I looked at her & in a tone only a disgusted broken heart Bills fan could say "F*ck them." & got in the car.
  19. I met Smith once too. It was a while back Kix's nightclub across from the airport. He was walking down the hall coming in & we were walking right at him coming out. He was in a bright yellow suit & wearing a bunch of gold chains. He was also smoking a cigar. Of course the drunk obnoxious college a**holes that my friends & I were back then we all started yelling "BRUCE!!" at the top of our lungs. He looked right at us & said "That's right" & kept walking. Not the biggest prick in the world like your experience but he could of at least gave us a couple high fives. Oh well, like I said we were pretty obnoxious back then so not really sure if I blame him.
  20. My one friend's dad when they renovated the stadium last time, he had lower bowl tickets but he got bumped to the upper deck. He was pissed. Since he got bumped they gave him any choice in the upper deck & he picked first row around the 50. He was close to dropping them because being in the lower bowl alll those years he wanted nothing to do with the upper deck. That was what back in 1998. I will see him every once in a while at the games & it never fails he still to this day mentions how much he loves his seat now in the first row upper deck. Says he will never sit anywhere else in the stadium. He swears by those seats.
  21. No, he said they have more arrests then every NFL stadium combined & I am telling you that statement is just not possible. Does that statement seem possible to you. I mean on a given Sunday at the Ralph there are probably between 100-200 arrests. So your telling me in 15 other venues in a particular Sunday, where the combined attendance is of those 15 other venues is probably pushing a little north of 1 million people, that there are not 200 arrests combined? His friend is wrong plain & simple. People love to exaggerate how bad the atmosphere at the Ralph is just how people love to exaggerate how bad the weather is here. That is my point.
  22. Sorry but when you start out by saying your friend has told you that the Ralph has more arrests then the rest of the NFL stadiums combined on any given Sunday your friend loses a touch of credibility on this board. That is just not possible. The Ralph is what it is. It is for the most part a young crowd(20-40 years old), it is a drinking crowd, with true blue collar fans in attendance, it is one of the last few stadiums in the league that has not been taken over by Corporate America. If they ever do start winning, the Ralph will be one of the most feared stadiums in the league for visitors to come into(kind of like in the late 80's/& most of the 90's). It does get ugly in there sometimes, but with all the losing that is to be expected. Keep yout head down, don't look for trouble & try to sit in the better seats & your fine. I have been going to the games for 25 years & have only had one incident happen to my friends & me. I still like going to the game day experience.
  23. This kind of sound likes a scam to me. Here is a scenerio, the grandfather/granddaughter/mother/step father have a behind the scenes agreement, let's get this sob story out & we could raise enough money & could split the difference. Why would the daughter evict her own dad? How could she possibly live with herself? & the other thing is why would she want this on her concience & basically probably get disowned by her family for evicting him, when the property is going to be hers anyways in less then 5 years(the guy is 90 something years old). Even the granddaughter's comments are suspicious. "I don't have anger for my mom & she is a human too." Something stinks in this story.
  24. What the hell are you talking about. They are in the super bowl hunt year in & year out. They just made the super bowl 2 years ago. They are a prerenial contender & they own the AFC East. I would like to say they probably over the last 5 years have won more games then any team in the league & they would of won the super bowl 2 years ago if Welker would of caught that pass for a 1st down late in the 4th quarter against the Giants. Hell they would of won another Super Bowl if it wasn't for one of the greatest/luckiest catches of all time by Tyree 5 years ago. So basically 2 plays kept them from winning 2 out of the last 6 Super Bowls. They have done much more then just beat the Bills.
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