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Everything posted by JM57

  1. smart money is on him being in the 24% who don't do hard time. He's got money for a good attorney and unlike Plax, didn't discharge the weapon
  2. Every time I see the names of DRC, Mike Jenkins, Aqib Talib, and Antoine Cason, all I can do is shake my head and remember how the Bills picked Leodis McKelvin over all of them. Thanks a lot, Dick and Marv. No that would be pronounced Mar-keese
  3. Oh, there's a way. I know a handful of STH that are disgusted with the on ice product and have begun selling their tickets on some days when they have better stuff to do. Couple that with Pittsburgh fans travelling well, especially when the game's only 3 hours from home...
  4. You want a more recent example? Gronkowski sure as hell isn't sober in those partying pics but it doesn't seem to effect him on the field very much.
  5. Yeah the Super Bowl era players didn't do any drinking in their day Or coke. Or wife beating. Choirboys, the lot of em. /sarcasm
  6. Bro you need a dictionary and some keyboarding skills. My lorddddd IIRC, Carroll has only drafted 1 USC player since he signed on in Seattle. And it was like a 5th rounder. He's brought in other guys as street FAs, but not broke the bank for them. Its a crazy notion
  7. Rinehart is really, really good depth. He could start on many teams in this league at RG. Its why we don't notice a huge drop off when he comes in to play. But neither he nor Urbik is wellsuited for LG. Its why we need Levitre to be resigned
  8. May be available....for a 1st or 2nd. He isn't worth that.
  9. Who says the real USC isn't a championship contender?
  10. It was all just speculation. But y'all are dumb if you don't see Incarcerated Bob as a credible source. Somehow, someway, that dude is ALWAYS breaking stories DAYS ahead of the MSM.
  11. Oh you want Tyler Bray, do you? So I take it you enjoy crippling turnovers and boneheaded mistakes?
  12. Well then i guess its a good thing NFL players don't get paid weekly in the offseason. Ralph would be really pissed if Stevie was giving less than 100% on his payroll.
  13. Oh right. I must have forgot that just because you're older, you are therefore smarter. Wtf do you think this is pal, the 1970s?
  14. Eric Ciano, is that you? Or is it just someone pretending to be in the know? Paraphrasing Jeremy White just now on Twitter.... Thurman told me (White) the last time he lifted weights was at the combine in 1988
  15. So much stupid in this thread. My lord.
  16. Just finished watching. Seems alright thus far. I will give it a few more weeks to see how it moves along. I remember being very iffy on Justified for the first 3-5 episodes before it really took off.
  17. Its an addiction. Some people simply don't have the will power to stop.
  18. Is it as far fetched when Jon Ritchie, the starting FB for that same team, has stated for years that what they practiced all week and what they did on game day were completely different gameplans?
  19. The only reason its a big deal is because of WHO Ray Lewis is. Any other time, it would be a typical "2 a**holes started a bar fight and the people they started with retaliated" story. Like it was said on the front page, what did those guys think? That they were gonna crack someone in the head with a bottle, shake hands and call it a night?
  20. The most fickle fans in sports, at least outside of LA. Look at the Bruins earlier in the 2000's. You couldn't give tickets to those games away. They put a good product on the ice and all of a sudden the Chowdaheads love dere Bruins again. Like you said, look at the Celtics. They've ridden the wave of popularity from the bottom to the top, and are sinking toward the bottom again. Look at the Patriots before the Belicheat era. No fan support. They're terrible fans, and even worse (just like Philly fans) they expect their team to win every game, and cry like it's the end of the world when they don't. The difference is, Philly fans will spew vitriol about the team, the players, the coaches, the refs, the owners, the league, etc. and still show up next year. They love their sports and they are super passionate about it, and knowledgeable too, as obnoxious as their mannerisms are. Boston fans knowledge is basically: 1) We're winning. Championship baby! 2) We're losing, we suck. 3) Shut up, the Sox/Celts/Bruins/Pats have ____ more rings/titles/cups/trophies than (insert your team here) This was my basic understanding of it too. They were at a Super Bowl party, a fight broke out between some of Lewis' friends and the group including the deceased individuals. Ray Lewis was not actually "involved" in the part of the scuffle that ended up with 2 people getting stabbed to death, but obviously knew who was, and supposedly disposed of the lovely white suit he was wearing that night. If he was guilty of anything, obstruction of justice/tampering with evidence. He probably should have just been smarter and not dumped the suit. His celebrity status would have earned him the benefit of the doubt.
  21. They SHOULD be viewed as a team that could win in the regular season, but once they got caught cheating, couldn't win when it counts. The proof is there. They've been regular season winners from the 2001-2012 regular seasons. In the playoffs, they were winners from 2002-05. Since then, they've been caught cheating and have not been victorious again. What's the reasoning for that? Is it simply coincidence? I myself find it pretty damning that they were 3-0 before they got caught taping practices, and 0-2 in the big game following it. It's a little harder to win when you're not positive what D packages you'll be facing, isn't it? Not saying they're a bad team. They're not. You CANNOT argue with the regular season success that they have had for 12 seasons. That's not luck. But WHY, OH WHY could they not finish the deal after being caught cheating?
  22. Again. Cuse under Robinson was a bottom 10 program in D-I. 10-37 over 4 years. What was Oregon under Bellotti in the 4 years immediately preceding Chip Kelly's 3 years? Look it up and get back to me. Tell me which guy made more of an improvement in a program. Look past the stats.
  23. His Ryan Miller is a whiny baby, Lindy Ruff and Darcy Regier are stale and clueless, and Jochen Hecht was a mistake columns are already saved as a draft on his PC. Just have to put in dates and specific game examples in where the placeholders are.
  24. Technically speaking, I already do. I current play $124 a month to TWC. I use my DVR for maybe a dozen series, year round (Breaking Bad, Justified, Sons of Anarchy, Its Always Sunny, Workaholics, CSI, criminal Minds, and some stuff for the wife) Other than that, I barely ever watch my cable channels. If the TV is on, I am watching sports or the aformentioned DVR series, which I could just subscribe to Hulu and get for $8 a month. So I am paying $124 a month for internet and sports.
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