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Everything posted by JM57

  1. IMO they have some talent. They've had subpar coaching and QB play which just happen to be two of the most important factors. With a good coach and a few holes plugged this offseason they could be close to the promised land
  2. I will give Scott credit for one thing; he doesn't get a whole lot of support from the team around him. In fact I believe Trent Dilfer said something similar last year when he was breaking down the tape of Nick Foles. Basically the quote about Foles was "I have never seen a QB get so little help from his playmakers." As far as I know, Foles and Juron Criner were the only 2 players drafted from that team so I would assume the majority of the receiving corps that hindered Foles also hindered Scott
  3. At this point it doesn't really matter. We won't know if the contact actually happened or not since they won't sign everyone they do contact. I like who they have supposedly contacted. Shows they know where they need help. Antoine Cason huh? Finally realizing they picked the worst of the top 6 CBs from the 2008 draft? (DRC, Mike Jenkins, McLovin, Cason, Talib, Brandon Flowers) I think it needs to be considered that its not 2003 anymore. Not everyone posts from their Gateway 2000 desktop PC on their dial up modem. Like I said, I post almost exclusively from my phone. Its damn near impossible to link between apps and the browser. So I say exactly where it is I got it from (ex. Talbot's Twitter). If people really need a direct link to the source...I don't even know what to say. Its internets101
  4. Just caught up with the last two episodes off my DVR. First legitimate "WTF" moment I have had with a TV series in awhile. I never saw that little plot twist coming re:Drew Thompson
  5. -_____- Thanks for deleting my thread. My source was incarcerated nob and TBD poster Damond Talbot just so everyone knows. Find him on Twitter. @drocksthaparty. Add Brandon Moore to the list with Landry and Gibson
  6. Precisely. They need at least 2 players at each position. So you would hope they sign at least one at each to make the draft smoother sailing
  7. You take people for what they are. Tim Graham is a professional journalist who acts very unprofesssional. Sal Cappacio is a professional broadcaster who ACTS professional. Bob is not...and has never claimed to be...a professional who deals almost exclusively in speculation. I don't take his word as gospel and instead just read it for the entertainment value. I would much rather watch some unprofessional hack speculate after reading 100 blogs than read them myself. That's why I follow him. Its like the CliffNotes of Sports Blogs. I also would much rather watch a common person take jabs at people than someone who thinks they're Jesus the Journalist because they are a sports reporter in a one paper town. If you are a professional you are supposed to act professional. Its not like its Graham's personal Twitter account. His handle has TBN in it....which by extension makes it his "work" account. And if he were my employee I would be disgusted with the way he (and Harrington) used said accounts that have my business name attached to them.
  8. The hate people have for this guy is hilarious. Especially when we all laud Tim Graham who...while a good reporter...is by all accounts a total douchebag to anyone who dares challenge his mighty position
  9. I wouldn't doubt they at least give them all a call. Can't sign more than one or two buy do your due diligence
  10. The difference is that reporters only deal in absolutes. They won't REPORT anything unless its actually happening and is therefore NEWS. People like Bob go wrong by calling their speculation NEWS. For all we know he could be right more than 29% of the time when he says things like "teams a b c and D have interest in player T. Team E is asking for U V W x y and z" We all know discussions happen about players and trades that never get reported because they never come to fruition. I quite enjoy the speculation because of the small possibility you're getting a quick look behind the scenes Brandon McCarthy Paul Bissonnette
  11. Thought about saying the same thing lol
  12. No idea but I agree he often has good scoops in ALL sports.
  13. So you think guards and tackles are of equal value? Interesting take.
  14. Geno Smith Matt Barkley Eric Fisher Luke Joeckel Dee Milliner Xavier Rhodes Cordarrelle Patterson Lane Johnson Basically I am hoping they go QB or CB but OT could be solidified as well to get a solid bookend and let Hairston be the swing tackle. Patterson would be my #8 of these 8
  15. As a football move....meh. Hopefully as a special teamer or something. For the community.... great. He seems like a real genuine guy who commits himself to charitable deeds and loves Buffalo
  16. See title. Wouldn't mind seeing Dunta Robinson opposite of Gilmore. He may not be elite, but he's a proven veteran who isn't terrible and could bring some stability and nastiness to the defensive backfield (albeit with some unnecessary roughness flags along the way). Signing a proven veteran to play with Gilmore greatly downplays the need to go CB at #8 and instead would allow them to focus on their other much more pressing needs.
  17. Yes please. If you're going to start a thread and make your stand that he's "barely top 10" you had better bring your top 10 list along with you. I'll start. Brady, P. Manning, Rodgers, Brees, E. Manning, Big Ben, Flacco, Ryan, Schaub, Cutler (with the last two likely to be supplanted by RG3, Wilson, and/or Luck with their continued success)
  18. The difference is Patterson played JUCO and IIRC Maybin did not. Patterson obviously produced enough at the JUCO level to get an SEC scholarship. I may be wrong, but I believe the Bills already employ a receiver who went the JUCO/SEC route....he's pretty good.
  19. Terrible, but good news. Terrible because he likely just lost a lot of cash with his draft stock. Good because that exam probably just saved his life, or at very least, a heart attack before 30.
  20. It is well documented that longer arms are actually a detriment for bench pressing. Its not necessarily because of the distance you have to go up/down, as much as the odd angles that occur because of the length of the arms. IIRC, someone with long arms needs to take a wider grip or essentially bury their elbows to bring the bar down to pec level. Either way, it creates more stress on your shoulder muscles and joint as opposed to pec strength. That being said, even with longer arms, you would like to see a DE pull off at least 17 or 18 reps.
  21. How long were his arms? Don't know anything about him. Just know that sometimes guys with freakishly long arms really struggle to bench.
  22. Tyler Bray sucks....jussayin
  23. He didn't have a choice to keep Campbell under Golisano. After matching the Vanek offer sheet, there wasn't room in the budget to keep Vanek and Campbell. Unless, of course, they let Miller walk. Would you rather have Miller or Campbell? On the other hand: Name the players on Florida, Ottawa or Phoenix who are "above average" they too, like the Sabres, have only 2 or 3 quality players. Unlike Buffalo, they show up to play every night. And were in the playoffs last year. Sure the Sabres aren't a star studded team. But coaching means a lot in the league too.
  24. Discharging a weapon in a nightclub is the same offense as being dumb enough to carry it into an airport and declare you have it? That's like saying doing 90 in a 35 is the same as 75 in a 65. Both speeding tickets but....
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