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Ned Flanders

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Everything posted by Ned Flanders

  1. You're not doing your homework. The Red Sox have indeed clinched a playoff spot.
  2. Let me assure you, as someone with his a$$ parked right in downtown, this city will embrace the Expos/Senators/Grays/Monuments/etc. What they will embrace more, like the Wizards/Bullets and the Caps, however, are the road teams. This area is so transient, it took me 10 years to find someone actually from here...whatever...when the Cubs come, RFK will sound like Wrigley. When the Cards come, you'll think there's a Bud brewery nearby. When the Mets come, you'll think you're at Shi% Stadium, I mean Shea Stadium. God help us when the crass Philly fans hop on I-95 south...
  3. I was there also, upper deck, visitors side. We were on the end of the aisle, close to the tunnel leading to the concourse. When Hooks scored, I looked down the tunnel and there were guys running out of the bathroom, some with their pants still down around their ankles, to see what all the cheering was about... Not a pretty site...but it was funny nonetheless.
  4. Yeah, I know, the Yankees rule, the Sox suck...or is it the Sox rule and the Yankees blow? Whatever.... But today at 5:00 PM EDT, Politicos here in DC will announce that the Expos are moving here...to play at RFK for three years, then move to a brand new home not far from the capitol. As an O's fan from Rochester, I'll still make the 45 minute trek a couple of times a season to go see Angelos' Underachievers...but it's going to be nice to have a team here we can call our own. Bring on the Senior Circuit!
  5. Jeeziz, I never knew this thing was "lifelike."
  6. Sure, I remember him, part of the Fish teams that took us to school (pun intended) during the 70s. If I remember correctly, his claim to fame was a great catch vs. the Skins in Supe VII....
  7. I know this must have been asked before...but who is the dope on Phin radio who's always screaming "AWWWW RIGHT, MIAMI!!!!" Everytime I hear that on some NFL Film segment, I feel like Elvis and want to shoot the TV.
  8. Madden's routine is starting to look, and sound, like a Saturday Night Live skit...he has been terrible for about the last eight years or so...there's only so much "BAM!" and "BOOM!" you can listen to. I wish Madden would take the advice given to him by the refs in that vintage NFL Films bit regarding the "Holy Roller." Bill King, Raiders radio announcer: "They tell Madden, 'Get your big butt outta here...' He does!"
  9. Look at the "Spectator Index" which is an 8...out of 10. Which is described as being "very good." Spectator index, Buff vs. Jax
  10. When was Dick Cheney run outta Rochester?
  11. Where's Boomer's pick, the annual Bills-49ers Super Bowl prediction?
  12. Yes, and the weather.com forecast keeps getting better a well.
  13. Going through the 2004 concessions list "Ya gotta eat!" I see they knocked the always popular fried bologna sandwich off the menu! Let me see if I got this right: You can order a "Philly" steak at RWS, but you can't get a "Western New York filet" sandwich? Where's the love? And, oh yeah, $6.50 for a 20oz draft. Welcome to the NFL, which stands for Not For Long at these prices!
  14. I, for one, am glad that the SB logos are going down...I know, I know, "We were the only ones to go to four in a row, etc., etc..." But ALL of those games have left a sick feeling in Bills fans' stomachs, so it's time to move on and let history be history. I never liked 'em on the side of the scoreboard that faces Abbott road either. Everytime you approached the stadium, the reminders of those fateful Sundays were the first things you'de see. Now, if they were AFL/AFC banners, that would be another story...
  15. Um, Sue, I hate to break it to you, but the NFL Network will not be showing any future Bills games....NFLN is showing exhibition games only. This is in case you didn't already know that, of course.
  16. Agree completly...the Big Eleven will soon be looking at four hour games as the norm...not a good thing.
  17. While I said earlier that these long range forecasts are shaky at best, they're usually in the ballpark when it comes to the temp...66 degrees would be perfect wil a little bit of sun!
  18. There are none...zippo, zilch, zero. I'm in Arlington and the best wings around me are at the Dominos on Columbia Pike, and that's not saying much. Grevey's are ok, but I haven't been there in four years...last I remember they were on the small side. Jimmy's in Herndon is owned by a Buffalo guy and he uses Anchor Bar sauce. Never had 'em (G.Host?) but he serves a good fish fry.
  19. They look like creamsicles...
  20. Orchard Park weather I know these long range forecasts are a joke, but it's good to see opening weekend appear on the radar screen...62 degrees would be perfect, if we can just keep those showers out of there.
  21. Coming up for the opener and am looking for suggestions on what bars need to be visited and which ones to avoid on Chippewa...never been there and would like some local input. Bear in mind, I'm an old geezbag (46)...and can't stay out past midnight!
  22. Great post...thanks for sharing.
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