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Ned Flanders

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Everything posted by Ned Flanders

  1. I do like PTI though, because they're both old like me, complain about many of the same things in sports I do, and also like me, Tony goes to bed at 9:30. Often times though, they're caught up in the NBA/Lakers/Warriors drama, which during those segments, I zone out.
  2. I live in the DC area. I can substantiate that crime is again a major issue in the District, not only in the Chinatown area but throughout the city. https://wtop.com/dc/2024/03/12-year-old-2-teen-girls-charged-with-beating-64-year-old-man-to-death/
  3. Did you see the HR Jackson Holliday hit at Norfolk last night? Holy hell...
  4. For an evidence-based chiropractor, go to this site: https://handsdownbetter.org/find-a-doctor/
  5. Agree...and his antics at the KC playoff game were just another drunk schmo rooting for the other team.
  6. Growing up in Rochester when they were an Orioles farm, I immediately latched on to the Birds. Saw Don Baylor, Bobby Grich, Mike Flanagan, Al Bumbry, Mike Mussina, Mike Boddicker, Cal and countless others at Silver Stadium on their way to the bigs. NBA? Meh...
  7. Looks like Kelly spiked the ball with 9 seconds left...that's an eternity in today's game. Full PxP: https://www.pro-football-reference.com/boxscores/199101270buf.htm#all_pbp Linked page does not say when TOs were taken, but I believe the Bills were out of them. I hear Four Falls is a great documentary but I won't watch...too soon.
  8. Seemed like he always enjoyed his summer trips to SJF.
  9. This is the closest one to me, would love to see him, but I've heard getting in and out of this place is a nightmare.
  10. Read Boys in the Boat over the summer, best book I've read since Unbroken. I'm putting off seeing the movie because I was very disappointed in the Unbroken movie...the uneven reviews for BITB lead me to believe the same for that movie. UPDATE: Saw Boys in the Boat last weekend. Very good movie, not great, and I believe it captured the essence of the book.
  11. I'm a senior citizen. Don't worry about me, I'll be watching.
  12. Saw Tony Gross at the Penny Arcade in Rochester MANY years ago.
  13. Heard this song this morning at the gym...haven't heard it in ages. Nice tune by the great Cat Stevens.
  14. The "policy" was a game needed to be sold out 72 hours before kickoff to be televised. It was never a "rule" or even a league "bylaw." Seemed the policy shifted week to week and team to team. Teams (owners) often got "permission" from the league office to extend the deadline if a sellout was close. So glad the league has jettisoned this policy.
  15. Didn't have any picture issues, but every three minutes or so, the sound cut out for a split second. Wish the sound would cut out every time Collinsworth opened his pie hole... Anybody else have any tech issues?
  16. This thread is starting to resemble the one where NJ Sue (RIP) was looking for help with her homework...
  17. The late CBS game is Cincinnati at KC...which makes it a lot more watchable.
  18. Tore an entire family apart in 1974.
  19. Fire up the ol' Zenith, wrap your rabbit ears with tin foil, place a metal colander on your head, and while holding on to the rabbit ears, stick your colander embraced head out the window, facing west toward Buffalo. This should get you the game.
  20. Can't believe Homicide is not streaming anywhere...one of the best shows of all time for me.
  21. This is the correct answer. I had ST on DTV for over 20 years and I never recall this happening.
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