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Ned Flanders

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Everything posted by Ned Flanders

  1. The NFL has played loosely with the "75 mile rule" in recent years. Viewing areas are now measured more or less by general proximity and not 75 miles from a certain stadium. For example, a couple of years ago, the Bills wanted Syracuse included in their "home viewing area" and conveniently found a slice of land within 75 miles of RWS and "within" the Syracuse viewing area. Thus, Syracuse is now a Bills viewing area. Of course, this doesn't mean the Bills, or any other team, may not trot out the "75 mile" decree when it sees fit. In the end, you will get the game(s) your "local" team wants you to see, sellout or not.
  2. CHARLIE GIBSON: "Well, well said, Curt and Shonda. You both have certainly lifelong membership now in the Red Sox nation. It was a great thing to watch, and I think everybody – whether they were great Red Sox fans or not — had to admire what this team did. It was extraordinary, and one of the great stories of sport. And sport always produces such great stories. Curt, Shonda, great to have you with us. Congratulations." SCHILLING: "And make sure you tell everybody to vote, and vote Bush next week."
  3. Criqui had one good line: "The wind was so fierce coming from the west this morning, that when I went out to get the Buffalo News, the Sacramento Bee was on the doorstep." Criqui, I believe, has done more NFL games than anyone, after Pat Summerall. His closest competition could be Dick Stockton. He was NBC's number two guy for ages and I think with a seasoned partner, and Tasker is becoming one, he's as good as anyone. He's getting a little long in the tooth, but he makes up for it with zingers like the one above.
  4. In other words, not too shabby....
  5. He denies any interest....for now. Spurrier to Miami?
  6. Rich, check your e-mail...see you next Sunday.
  7. Bills had this guy in the mid 70's named Halvor Hagen. He was a reserve lineman, who, I think, played both ways. (Don't go there! ) Great name. Sounds like a Norwegian pro wrestler. Also liked this Saints WR from the same era: Jubilee Dunbar.
  8. Hmmm....I think it's an omission...I know they early 70s jerseys had the red/blue piping on the jersey stripes. Yeah, it is a neat site. From what I gather, this was a labor of love for the webmaster, who had to give it up because of time restraints. Go to the "UNIforum" link at the top of the page...some interesting conversations on NFL uniforms and history.
  9. You're freakin' right they were the best...check the link and then double-click on the Bills to see a real NFL uniform. 1973 Bills uni's The only thing though, is that you don't see the red trim on the blue jersey stripes, nor the blue trim on the white jerseys...these detailed stripes gave the Bills jersey a very clean look.
  10. JK jersey Nice looking jersey, must be a new throwback line from Reebok. Gotta pick up one to go with my JK road classic. Memories...that's all we got these days....
  11. Thanks to this year's Cincinnati Bengals, who now look like the Hamilton Tiger-Cats, the Bills no longer sport the worst threads in the league. Thanks, Tom Donhoe, for another "winner."
  12. Yankees-Red Sox....Yawn...ZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzz.......... What makes a rivalry is that some of the time, one team has to beat the other. 1978? 1999? 2003? I think this is one of the most overblown "rivalries" in sports...it is so one-sided, that the "rivalry" has taken epidemic proportions, especially for those residing in New England. I'm so sick of hearing about the "long suffering" Sawx fans. Lose four god-damned Super Bowls in a row and then, and only then, tell me how to "suffer." If this series makes being 0-4 in the AFC East a little easier, enjoy. That great sucking sound you hear will be the snores of millions of Americans who will be fast asleep by the time the seventh inning rolls around...at 11:00 PM Eastern.
  13. 1. Bills Not even close: Orioles On the radar screen: Notre Dame/Navy/SU football (decent, I guess) Done till when? Sabres When does practice start? SU basketball Well, at least we have baseball coming to DC next spring...
  14. Um, Coach...this game sold out minutes after the few tickets that were available went on sale. I understand your frustration, but your best bet is e-bay, as people on this board have been looking for tickets to this game for months. Good luck.
  15. I suppose you mean the baseball version? It's still a pretty good game, just call the 800 number and tell them you want the game with the 2003 rosters. The 2004 teams come out in January-Feb I believe. I think the standard game is around $40...have never played the computer version. Did you ever play Sports Illustrated Baseball? The 1971-72 versions were the only good ones...bought a 1971 version on ebay for $125 last year. Well worth it and for being over 30 years old, still the best baseball simulation game ever, IMO. Good luck with your son...may be hard to turn him on to these types of games. Kids today want the computer animated graphics of outfielders crashing through walls, catchers going 30 rows into the stands for a foul, and 700-foot homers...
  16. Keep tabs on this guy, for in the coming years, he will be mentioned as a possible local owner when Ralph goes to his great reward. Hell, he could buy the Bills with what he has in his wallet...and considering the options, i.e. Los Angeles Bills, he wouldn't be a bad choice.
  17. Last month it was Dave Moore (is he still in the league?) Bad vibes...really bad vibes.
  18. You're leaving out something very important...Coughlin had no Pittsburgh ties, hence he wasn't considered. Coughlin had a layover in Pittsburgh once, but that didn't count.
  19. You're not doing your homework. The Red Sox have indeed clinched a playoff spot.
  20. Let me assure you, as someone with his a$$ parked right in downtown, this city will embrace the Expos/Senators/Grays/Monuments/etc. What they will embrace more, like the Wizards/Bullets and the Caps, however, are the road teams. This area is so transient, it took me 10 years to find someone actually from here...whatever...when the Cubs come, RFK will sound like Wrigley. When the Cards come, you'll think there's a Bud brewery nearby. When the Mets come, you'll think you're at Shi% Stadium, I mean Shea Stadium. God help us when the crass Philly fans hop on I-95 south...
  21. I was there also, upper deck, visitors side. We were on the end of the aisle, close to the tunnel leading to the concourse. When Hooks scored, I looked down the tunnel and there were guys running out of the bathroom, some with their pants still down around their ankles, to see what all the cheering was about... Not a pretty site...but it was funny nonetheless.
  22. Yeah, I know, the Yankees rule, the Sox suck...or is it the Sox rule and the Yankees blow? Whatever.... But today at 5:00 PM EDT, Politicos here in DC will announce that the Expos are moving here...to play at RFK for three years, then move to a brand new home not far from the capitol. As an O's fan from Rochester, I'll still make the 45 minute trek a couple of times a season to go see Angelos' Underachievers...but it's going to be nice to have a team here we can call our own. Bring on the Senior Circuit!
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