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Ned Flanders

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Everything posted by Ned Flanders

  1. I try to avoid phrases like the plague...
  2. My annual rant on the on the ticket distribution process
  3. I would actually feel sorry for the guys locked up at Gitmo if listening to this station replaced waterboarding.
  4. Well, should Jax move to LA, you know the divisions will be realigned. It may take a couple of years, because I can't believe neither the Broncos or Chiefs will give up the great rivalries, but I think the Chiefs would be moved to the South to replace Jax, which would go to the West as LA. Leaving an LA team in the South will do nothing for them...no one in Hollywood would be excited to see Tenny and Houston come in on an annual basis.
  5. I'm in on a full-season ticket plan here and, like typical Washington, excuses are like "I can't find the channel they're on...blah, blah, blah." The main reason nobody watches is that they stink. Pure and simple. They've got more than a dozen players on the DL. The only young "star" they have, Ryan Zimmerman, has been on the shelf since Memorial Day. Only 25 percent of the games are in HD...yes, this is 2008, and I'd rather watch the Royals-Rangers in HD than Nats and Phils in SD. This market is too wealthy for anyone to get worried. The team will get better...someday, and people will tune in. Until then, we're watching "Ugly Betty" reruns here. Why isn't this thread on the Baseball board?
  6. NBC would be wise to go back to this classic type of format and theme to open their broadcast:
  7. I'm thinking Lynch, and maybe a good many of his teammates, wouldn't rather spend the 15 days in the clink than doing two-a-days in Pittsford...
  8. I truly hope the Bills sell the remaining tickets they're holding back...but I can see a scenario where they may have 2000 Seattle tickets to move in a week...and everyone's going to wonder, "I thought they told us every game was sold out?" Again, I hope I'm wrong...I hope the remaining 5000 or so tickets go before the Detroit preseason game, but I'd like to see someone from the local media call the Bills on this whole "sold out" business that seems to be the integral componant of their season ticket marketing campaign.
  9. I still have a problem with the strategy...labeling games as "sold out" when over 5000 tickets are still being held back, is a fraudulent marketing ploy. And the D and C reporting that “fans who do not go to games should be able to count on seeing 15 of the Bills’ 16 regular-season games on local television,” is poor reporting. The June announcement that the 49ers game, or any game for that matter, is “sold out” does not guarantee that the blackout will be lifted.
  10. Ahh...guess I shoulda read the date you originally posted this...thanks, my bad.
  11. I did not see the Bills-Skins game in the DTV guide nor did I see it list on the NFL Network online schedule...where did you see this?
  12. I was at this game, and paid $5 for a ticket from someone in the bus lot. I always tell people to go there if they're looking for a ticket or two on gameday, because you just know someone in the group was hungover and missed the bus, and the group leader is stuck with an extra ticket or two...or three.
  13. I stayed and we were in the upper deck near one of the tunnels, on the aisle. Hooks catches the TD, crowd (or what was left of it) goes wild. Just about that time, I look down the tunnel and guys are flying out of the restrooms, after hearing the cheers, some with their pants still down around their ankles. Funniest damn thing I've ever seen.
  14. I was at the first regular season game against the Jets...Sept. 30, 1973. Every September 30th, I remember that sunny day, a 9-7 win, behind three John Leypold FGs. My ticket cost $7.00...that was mid-range. I believe end zones were $5.00 and sidelines $9.00...jeeziz, it cost more to park these daze.
  15. Sounds like they had all sorts of trouble there last night: Link
  16. Great idea, but I'll go one better...wear the patch the entire season.
  17. Gowdy, Al DiRogatis, Charlie Jones...now that was AFL football. My favorite Charlie Jones line, after the Bills scored to make it 35-31 against the Oilers: "Ya gotta love it! Unless you're in Houston."
  18. That's pretty much true, ST is a money loser for DTV. ST is the only true tangible programming difference between DTV and Dish, cable, etc. DTV needs Sunday Ticket to help in the promotion of its overall programming package...without ST, DTV is just another provider.
  19. At Oakland, he succeeded Al Davis and preceeded John Madden. He wasn't a bad coach, just a victim of "timing."
  20. Good article from the New York Times archives: Link
  21. The Superfan package IS the HD package, so yes, if you want to see Sunday Ticket games in HD, you have to purchase Superfan.
  22. If, by the end of July, that 8000 number hasn't moved much, and my ten-cent opinion thinks that it won't, I believe they'll leak some tickets. Like in past years, it won't be announced, but tickets will magically "appear" on Ticketmaster...then after the Detroit game, as you said, the floodgates will open.
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