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Ned Flanders

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Everything posted by Ned Flanders

  1. Second that...the Lids down here in DC area carry a wide assortment, but of course, no Bills. You may have better luck in the northeast.
  2. I was home in Arlington, about a mile from the Pentagon, and the f'n plane flew right over the house...didn't see it, but it sounded like a freight train going over...we weren't allowed to walk down near the Pentagon until the following Saturday. God bless all our heroes that day.
  3. I usually budget for at least an hour between connections...but that's just me, others may be more daring.
  4. Back when I was a young lad, around 1970, 1971...WXXI (Ch 21) use to show some Boston Bruins games...I think it was before the Amerks became a Boston farm and they were still with Vancouver. I remember it very well, although I don't remember if it was the Ch 38 in Boston feed they were getting...maybe HNIC?
  5. Kinda hard to do when your jaw is on the floor...
  6. So, the Sabres will have a local radio affiliate in Rochester (did they before?), but the Amerks are now with Florida? Interesting.
  7. This will be the real test...stand by for mayhem. I hope you get 'combat duty' pay.
  8. Buffalo Night Flyer Always fun, but get there EARLY.
  9. Isn't it odd that he and Jason Peters report to Orchard Park the same day? Have you ever seen the two together? Could it be that....?
  10. Jimmy's is the best bar in the area...little far out, though. I think Grevey's in Falls Church still gets Bills fans.
  11. Last year, after the Skins game, I hitched a ride back to DC with the McFaddens' crew...only to get to the bar, at 6:30 pm, and find it CLOSED. Was looking forward to some wings and a soda pop before heading home, and Mac's was already shut down for the night!
  12. Can someone get a clean copy of this to Fezzer so he can burn some DVDs? (Sorry, Fez...
  13. You're right...butterflies are starting to flutter in the ol' breadbasket...couple of frosties after work will fix that. Tomorrow, turn on the college games...start thinking more about the Bills. Sunday morning, wake up around 7:00 AM, and the first thing I do is put the gameday Bills flag up...after that, commence becoming a nervous wreck. It happens every September....
  14. Almost stopped reading right there...but this post was too much of a train wreck to pass up. Thank god for that Yup, shoulda stopped up top... Yeah, you helped me with a good laugh. Thanks!
  15. Good pickup, but I think since this is a special circumstance (US Open) where CBS has no late game, this may mean that there has to be at least one CBS and Fox game in each market. So, in other words, CBS has to get a game in each market and they waive the "rule" for this week only. But don't take this to the bank, just speck-u-latin' here.
  16. Brian Billick is doing color for Fox?!?!! Oh my Gawd, pray that for our only other Fox game, SF, Billick will be somewhere else!
  17. But you gotta like the look of WGR's new website....
  18. That's only a fraction of the reason: the Super Bowl bye week was primarily installed, permanately BTW, to insure the Super Bowl is played in February, the big TV ratings sweeps month. Installing the bye week actually has very little with a catastrophy contingency plan...the NFL is simply going after the biggest TV money available. Surpised?
  19. That's right...Labor Day weekend is one of the worst TV weekends of the year...not many want to spend the last weekend of the summer cooped indoors, so the NFL vowed several years ago not to start the season Labor Day weekend...which also leads to the Super Bowl being played in February.
  20. I'm with you, but holding the Lombardi Trophy would constitute a little bit more than 'satisfaction.' How 'bout 'ecstasy?'
  21. It's all about saving face at this point...Parker has to hatch a scheme so his client can declare victory, regardless of whether or not a new contract is reached. Maybe Parker can take a page outta Hillary's playbook to develop this strategy....
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