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Ned Flanders

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Everything posted by Ned Flanders

  1. Why don't they just cut the snake open and get the baby out?
  2. Why don't they just cut the snake open and get the dog out?
  3. Just more pre-election day grandstanding centered around what these pols deem to be a populist issue...
  4. Interesting. King is a heavyweight with the HOF voters and if he's behind a guy, that's usually good news. (So, we like King this week? ) For years, he was blamed down here in DC for keeping Art Monk OUT of the Hall. King's premise was that Gary Clark was the more feared and effective receiver...whatever.
  5. Whitner's name has popped up on the blogosphere but really no credible sources...ESPN sez it's only 8 players, some say more, blah, blah, blah....
  6. Here's my take on how the conversation will flow: Golic: "Hey Greeny, your Jets are going up to Buffalo this Sunday whatta ya think?" Greeny: "You know Golic, the Jets are a big market team and with Favre, I think the J-E-T-S win up their easily...but the Jets better pack their parkas!" Golic: "We've got Jim Kelly here...Jim, how long do the Bills have left in Buffalo?"
  7. Putting the Sabol family in the Hall would be a good decision...growing up in the 60s and 70s, NFL Films was a driving factor in me becoming a pro football fan...the highlights, Facenda, the music...the Sabols made it all come together. I believe they helped create a generation on NFL fans and their election to the game's highest individual honor is indeed fitting.
  8. You guys do your best hunting in the hills around Helmand province...
  9. no, playoff format stays the way it is.
  10. Here's one with a good ending...the wife was pulled over for speeding down here in Fairfax, VA about a month ago...as the officer approached the vehicle, he saw the Bills license plate frame...he told my wife he was from WNY and a huge Bills fan...she got off with a warning.
  11. I didn't have a huge problem with it at the time...thought it was early in the game, just get the points. Does not excuse not getting the TD, however. With three shots from inside the five, you should be able to get the TD.
  12. This is where having D* comes in handy. Commercial break = change to Red Zone Channel. Always some action and no commercials.
  13. Rivalries are not exclusive to teams that are "winners." Winners are just given more air-time on ESPN. Think Army-Navy is not a rivalry, just because Army has stunk up the joint for, oh, the last decade? And I think OSU-Mich will always be a "rivalry" regardless of won-loss records....just ask people in Columbus and Ann Arbor. I still fail to comprehend the young lad's assertions that 80% of those watching NFL games are between the ages of 15-30. I'd like to see some citation there....and that moving to the AFC North will somehow instill an instant rivalry with the Browns and Steelers. You think those in Cleveland and Pittsburgh are clamoring for the addition of Buffalo in the division? Me thinks not, but that's only my opinion.
  14. That's the key...Bills stop Brown, they win. Brown runs wild, it will be a long afternoon. I share your concern.
  15. Why don't you check with the person(s) who got you the on-field pass rather than depend on the mooks on this board? Sorry, just jealous of your wealth... Enjoy the game, if you take pictures, please share!
  16. Baseball has always been their bread and butter...it started primarily as a baseball publication many years ago...it's only relatively recently...30 years or so, that they started covering football with any depth. Now, they're into the four major team sports plus NASCAR (they still doing NASCAR?) I still have a copy from 1970, with Brooks Robinson on the cover...sigh....
  17. Nice list...but no Bills-Fish list is complete without the 1980 opener.
  18. It depends on what the definition of the word "IS" is... Look, rivalries are about tradition and history, with a bit of demographics thrown in...It's more than rooting against the Fish, it's rooting against the whole Miami lifestyle...South Beach, art deco and stone crabs cause me just as much angst as Marino, Csonka, and Cox. I'm sorry if my "living in the past" does not live up to your standards of fandom. You're saying that the Bills-Fish rivalry is "not the same anymore," when you have no sense of what the rivalry actually "IS." I know you're the target audience for the NFL...it's proven in the ads I'm force-fed every Sunday. But like many who have already responded, I have to add, that to declare the Buffalo-Miami rivalry dead is pure nonsense.
  19. Yes, and tickets in Pittsburgh and Cleveland are always plentiful...
  20. In 1980, the Bills were 5-1 and went down to Miami...and laid an egg. In 2008, the Bills are 5-1 and heading down to Miami...let's hope history doesn't repeat itself.
  21. Looks like it...where are we with Dr. Z this week?
  22. The classic NFL Films music, the play, the Murph call...if this doesn't get you fired up, the pilot light is OUT.
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