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Ned Flanders

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Everything posted by Ned Flanders

  1. I think you answered your own question in the first sentence...
  2. In early 2023, about two weeks after I signed up with YTTV, they dropped MLB Network...that really got my dander up, because when I signed up with them, I knew I was losing MASN on DTV but figured I'd get my seamhead fix from MLBN. I read one time that MLB charges about 39 cents per subscriber, a mere pittance of what the World Wide Leader charges. Still upset about MLBN but YTTV has been pretty solid in the coming up on two years that I've had them.
  3. These were funny for about the first five years...sorta like Seinfeld.
  4. Why the controversy here? They make a great wing and always my first stop when in town.
  5. I'm old enough to remember when Baltimore Colts home games started at 2:00pm because of some obscure Maryland law. NFL fought like heck to repeal it and Maryland finally did, with the NFL's help of course. The NFL likes uniformity and telling the networks what time a game begins.
  6. The $700 or thereabouts, is the Apple price...and if anyone pays that much for ST, they have more money than brains (I guess I'd take that trade off though). Seriously, there are deals to be had, you just have to look for them.
  7. Jumped on the early bird renewal back in the spring for $289 w/Red Zone. Then I see I could have gotten it for FREE through Verizon or even $199 through ID.ME. Next year, may be better to wait than to get in early.
  8. Still can’t bring myself to watch Four Falls, so don’t know how excited I’ll get for this. Godspeed to the filmmakers but I imagine a lot of attention will be paid to crashing tables, mustard, ketchup, Elvis, and the other regulars.
  9. Our IL would make a very decent rotation: Grayson, Eflin, Means, Bradish, Wells...with Bautista as the closer.
  10. I won't feel out of place, but my wallet will.
  11. Suarez has been the unlikeliest of key players for the O's this year. With all the pitching injuries, he's constantly come up with quality starts. Of Suárez's 17 starts, eight have been scoreless. No pitcher in MLB has more scoreless starts in 2024 (with a minimum of two innings pitched in each outing), as Cincinnati's Hunter Greene, Atlanta's Reynaldo López and Seattle's Bryce Miller are tied for second with seven. https://www.mlb.com/news/albert-suarez-extends-scoreless-streak-in-win-over-red-sox#:~:text=Of Suárez's 17 starts%2C eight,tied for second with seven.
  12. Eflin turning out to be a trade deadline steal.
  13. Wally Cox for the win.
  14. They’re so easy to make at home and better than 9099.9% of the places you find serving them outside WNY.
  15. I agree with Lyles' assessment about the term "World Champions." If you win the Super Bowl, you are Super Bowl Champions or NFL Champions. If you win the World Series, you are World Series Champions. If you win the Stanley Cup, you are Stanley Cup Champions. If you win the NBA finals, you are NBA Champions. Don't understand where the whole "World Champions" thing comes in...the only time you can claim to be a World Champion is when the individuals or teams play in a "world" tournament, i.e. Olympics or World Cup.
  16. You buy a hat like that, I bet you get a free bowl of soup.
  17. Hasten Down the Wind is such a great album...fell in love with Linda after that came out in 1976.
  18. Somewhere, there is a lonely YouTube TV customer rep waiting for @nucci to call for a discount...sitting by the phone, coffee in hand, dreams of a seaside vacation dancing in their head...but alas, those days are over...sigh...
  19. Such an awesome collection of talent
  20. I think I saw the NFLN schedule earlier which stated that the Carolina game will not be shown live nationally. It will available sometime on NFLN but not live.
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