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Ned Flanders

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Everything posted by Ned Flanders

  1. Loved him as a player of course, but I find when he does Bills games, he goes out of his way not to sound partisan. However, with the very likely blackout in the Cincy market, maybe he'll ease up a little on that this Sunday.
  2. You can thank Peerless Price for this...it was his idea to go all blue for the Chicago game in 2002. Players voted "aye" and the rest was fashion-disaster history.
  3. It does when people are carrying stuff back to their cars...like extra coolers they happen to find.
  4. If you take 390 up, get off on 63, I believe it's Mount Morris, and take that to 20A. Taking 390 all the way to 20A in Geneseo adds about 20-30 minutes.
  5. You should have signed the agreement on the steps of the Hall of Fame...
  6. I wouldn't blame the Bills if they dumped SJF over the lack of playing fields. I think SJF blew this one. But I also see the Bills looking to stay in the Rochester area, for obvious reasons. I hope the Bills are looking at RIT and perhaps my alma mater, Brockport. If Cortland can host the Jets, Brockport should be able to handle the Bills.
  7. Handshake deal by Tuesday and a memo goes out to all players "Be ready to report to training camp at your club's assigned date." Free agents starting to get nervous...standby for a wild two weeks. Bears and Rams will report to their camps by Friday, and the HOF game will be played as scheduled. It's football season once again!
  8. Fans too. I was at a Bills hangout, Grevey's in Falls Church, VA, and when it was 13-6 at halftime, people were singing, dancing, and acting all giddy. I knew it was far from over. When Dallas scored to tie the game, you could feel the oxygen being sucked out of the entire bar.
  9. True dat...if for a couple plays mentioned above, the Bills could have won XXVIII. And XXV could have gone the Bills way as well, but for a couple of snaps and, especially, missed tackles. What I'll never forget about looking back on XXVIII, is that for the NFL Films highlights for the Super Bowl preceeding that one, Pig-Face Satan is shown in the beginning saying, "I knew we were going to win, I just didn't know what the score would be." How could the Bills NOT come out on fire in XXVIII and shove it up the Cowgirl's a$$?
  10. Been here 26 years now, 20 of which were spent in Arlington. Moved to Fairfax County three years ago and still miss Arlington. Don't know if it's in your price range, but the orange line corridor in Arlington is great. Lots of good restaurants, shops, etc. Schools are good in Arlington too, if you're there long enough. It's a safe area also. Suggest you check Arlington out.
  11. Fugly, yes, but not much worse than what they're wearing now.
  12. With the Skins playing at the same time, it may be difficult to find the Bills on the tube there. Go down King St. toward the water and right before you hit the river, on your left, is Bugsy's. It used to be called the Penalty Box. It's more of a hockey bar, but on Sunday afternoons, they have all the games on. Better yet, they have Blue on tap.
  13. Even when he was on Sunday Night Football, you could have made a drinking game of everytime he said, "He did a nice job." Trouble is, you'de be crocked before the end of the first quarter...
  14. Jack's spot on here. I always go to the bus lot first; there's always a couple of guys who miss the bus because the alarm didn't go off, or they're too hung over from the Saturday night before. Picked up pairs for as low as $5 in the bus lot, just as Jack sez, the group leader just wants to unload them in a hurry.
  15. I've bought two Sabres jerseys from this guy...great quality and fast shipping Linky
  16. Mac, I, for one, will miss your pictures from camp...your August postings were very much looked forward to. Good luck in Thailand...hope you can find some white Zweigles!
  17. Come on down here to DC...we've got 16-24 inches coming Friday.
  18. Sad thread actually...jeez, remember 15 or so years ago I couldn't get enough Bills stuff for Christmas. I also remember looking forward to the playoffs around this time of year.
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