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Ned Flanders

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Everything posted by Ned Flanders

  1. This and a 1983 stinker at home against the Patriots https://www.pro-football-reference.com/boxscores/198310230buf.htm Also, the opener in 2004 vs. Jax, where the Bills lost on the last play of the game, where only moments before, Jax had a fourth and a mile and the Bills "prevent defense" gave up a huge gainer. https://www.pro-football-reference.com/boxscores/200409120buf.htm
  2. Just tried the chat option. Didn't get very far, offered me my current $40/month in credits but could only take a small portion off ST. Person on the other end was helpful enough but said that's the best they could do. Finished the chat by saying I'll contact them again at a later date.
  3. Shows the same on mine. I think it just means that you're automatically renewed but they haven't started billing yet.
  4. No, they came home to a raucous crowd at the airport after the SF win.
  5. Went to six homes games that year...win one the two against Baltimore and the Bills would have had home field advantage..and I'm convinced we go to the Super Bowl that year.
  6. On the field, after the 1980 opening win vs. the Fish, I saw a guy take up a piece of turf large enough to cover the first floor of my house...and said nothing to no one. After the 2002 OT win vs. the Bears, I bought a Bledsoe jersey.
  7. So "The Tank" that was supposed to be last year, is actually this year? Got it.
  8. 1976 lime green Camaro...WNY winters lead to it rusting away.
  9. The Old Man was the best part of that show...sad news.
  10. That buffalo mascot at 49:16...I remember that thing. Simply awful yet strangely appealing.
  11. No, that was the last game of the 1975 season. It was a Saturday game, which BTW, didn't sell out and was blacked out in WNY.
  12. Any SabreSpace mods/admin here? Tried to recover my password to sign in and, for weeks, keep getting the message below. Any help appreciated, thanks in advance.
  13. Odd fact: the game didn't sell out in time and was blacked out in WNY You may be thinking here of the 1975 MNF game against the Giants. Another MNF game that was blacked out in WNY.
  14. Unfortunately, just another example of parents' ongoing destruction of youth sports. I feel sorry for the young girl softball players who had to witness this pathetic display. And it's happening all over the country, I see it all too often in my supposed "affluent" area of Fairfax County, Virginia. I've witnessed, not on this scale fortunately, parent misbehavior in our elementary school basketball league. It's just a damn shame.
  15. This is outstanding! You should contact Paul or Phil over at uni-watch.com as they're always on the lookout for stories like this. REALLY cool stuff!!!!
  16. In Rochester, we use to get a lot of Browns games also. Still a good many Browns fans in ROC. I don't remember the AFL Bills being on a lot in Rochester, as the home games were blacked out, regardless of sellout, until 1973. I started out a Raider fan, who were on TV it seemed like every Sunday, loved Daryl Lamonica, then moved to the Vikings after they lost to the hated Chiefs in Supe IV. Went to the first game at then Rich Stadium on September 30, 1973 and have been a Bills fan since. Of course, that was the year every kid in WNY had a "Miami's Got the Oranges, But Buffalo's Got the Juice" t-shirt, so it was an easy transition.
  17. As Ruddy's father said upon entering Notre Dame Stadium, "This is the most beautiful site these eyes have seen."
  18. Wasn't Rick Azar the main PBP guy at that time or was it Meltzer? Ed Rutkowski was in the booth with them too.
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