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Ned Flanders

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Everything posted by Ned Flanders

  1. I watched the game at an old Bills bar, Grevey's in Falls Church, VA and by the 4th quarter, the cooks came out of the kitchen to watch...it was that kind of game.
  2. True dat. A couple I didn't see mentioned: Tom Petty, the Live Anthology Guess Who, Live at the Paramount, IMO one of the best live albums ever.
  3. This movie has potential. Waiting anxiously for the first Top Gun II trailer.
  4. Jeepers H. Crackers, I didn't know this was going to turn into a njsue (RIP) homework thread...just a simple request and I apologize for not knowing who specifically keeps the trains running on the TBD homepage, which, surprising, seems no one reads or cares about. Oh, and thanks for all the suggestions on how to find the schedule, as many of you masters of the obvious so wonderfully articulated.
  5. 1976. The Expos almost didn't happen in 1969...a year earlier Montreal was awarded a team with no stadium in place and the owners and the city had to scramble to get a pi$$ poor stadium built at Jarry Park...after much fits and starts between MLB and the team's owners, the franchise was within a week of being awarded to...wait for it...Buffalo.
  6. Can the 2018 schedule (it starts to rain every time I look at the Ravens opener) be taken down and the 2019 schedule posted? Thanks in advance.
  7. Looks like parking is $10 but admission is free. https://redskinsrva.bonsecours.com/training-camp/parking That said, I'd rather pay $10 and walk to the venue than wait in line for a bus, pay a buck, and wait in line for a ride back after practice.
  8. Just to contrast, Skins to have 22 sessions open to the public at their off-site camp in Richmond: https://www.hogshaven.com/2019/5/24/18638948/redskins-training-camp-schedule-22-practice-sessions-open-to-the-public
  9. These numbers don't sound legit...I think Rochester is at around 30% but they must get more than one percent from Syracuse/Albany/Ontario.
  10. 5. The home opener at Rich, Sept. 30, 1973: John Leypoldt's three FGs prove the difference. 4. AFC Championship vs. Denver. A Bills win but Bronco defensive coordinator Wade Phillips figured out the K-Gun and Washington followed suit in SB win two weeks later. 3. AFC Championship vs. KC: Thurman running wild and the crowd swooning "Georgia" after the game as the Bills were headed to Atlanta for Dallas rematch...ugh... 2. Three Way Tie: Opener vs. Fish in 1980 which broke the infamous streak; the last home game that season vs. the Rams; and the "Roland Hooks Game" in 1981. 1. AFC Championship vs. Raiders: 41-3 at halftime and the party was on, pure euphoria in the midst of the Gulf War.
  11. Only 8 practices slated for SJF and none at night?
  12. Dogfish Head just came out with a low-calorie, low-ABV (4%) IPA that's pretty tasty and a good summer time beer. May only be available in the mid-Atlantic though. Check your local listings.
  13. I believe it was Roger Staubach who coined the term after a late game heave to Drew Pearson won a playoff game against the Vikings in Minnesota. 1971 or 72? Anyways, after the game, Staubach said he just threw the ball up there, said a Hail Mary, and hoped for the best. It's been called a "Hail Mary" play ever since. And that is your history lesson for the day...
  14. Up near Vandy is a great old steak house: Jimmy Kelly's. Easy name to remember and I highly recommend.
  15. I was at the game, watching the end from one of the upper deck tunnels. Many had left, and after Hooks caught the TD, guys came running out of the bathroom, some with their pants still down around their ankles...Hooks' catch before the TD was one of the ages, and, of course, set up the Hail Mary. The play starts around the 3:30 mark.
  16. Would like a video lineup titled "History," where some of the classic NFL Films stuff is housed.
  17. Would have been nice to have a Canadian veteran observing, but I'm picking nits.
  18. Thanks for the report, much appreciated. Some in my crew still have flip phones...ugh...so, the question is, can they get in using the ticket on my phone, say, I go in first then hand them my phone? Apologies in advance for the stupid question.
  19. It's a sorry state of affairs...I use to rave about DTV, being one of my best consumer decisions ever; now they're just Comcast with a dish on my roof.
  20. Had a very unwelcome surprise this weekend when I found out my DTV contract is actually up August 2020, not this year as I originally thought. I would have never have approved a two year contract verbally, I'm thinking the only thing that could have triggered the extra year was the Genie upgrade. I decided to hold off further discussions with DTV until August when my $60/month discount is nearly over. I was quite perturbed with the CSR and let them know that I was not aware I had agreed to a two year contract. Near the end of the call, I asked what the price of ST will be this year...she had no clue, tried for almost three minutes to find the answer, and I thanked her and ended the call. About an hour after the call, a DTV "supervisor" called the house but I was out...he left a message that he was told I was very unhappy during the call earlier. Again, I won't call back now, but will in about six weeks. DTV has gone to the dogs. What was once a good, reputable business has fallen into the corporate trap of poor customer service and an over-priced product.
  21. The sabre rattling about an 18 game schedule is just a ploy, used before, in the CBA discussions. The owners talk about it now, and when it's scrapped, they can point to an area where they gave in to the players. I'm with the players on this one. I think the great appeal of the NFL is that every game is huge and that less is more. Unless you like seeing third-string RBs in December, the 18 game schedule should never be approved. Unfortunately, it's tied to the number of preseason games but I can remember that when there were 14 regular season games, there were also six preseason games, which was a slog. However, back then, players needed the six preseason games to get into shape, unlike today where football training is a 12 month job. Players long ago needed second jobs in the off-season and came to camp right after July 4th. I remember the back of one of my Ray Nitschke cards had a cartoon of a player in a car lot showing off a new auto, that said "Ray sells cars in the off-season."
  22. See my post earlier...the AT&T takeover has certainly affected "deals" and again, I've found that if you're an AT&T wireless customer or are willing to switch, they're more apt to play ball with you. Good advice. I've always used the competition in talking to them, i.e. Cox and FIOS both available in my area...streaming services add another arrow to the quiver.
  23. I dunno...golf carts on a football field are a bad idea.
  24. Regurgitating from the Sunday Ticket thread, I've had DirecTV for 19 years, primarily for ST. Last year was the first season since 2000 I didn't get ST...the cost was just too much. Most years, I've been able to get ST for a reduced price and even, on occasion, free. I pay $92/month for DTV, with no add-on channels like HBO. My contract is up in August and unless I can get DTV and ST at a reasonable price, I'm dumping them. There's just too many options, albeit none with ST. I used to say that DTV was a good consumer decision, but since they were bought by AT&T, their customer service has suffered greatly and I've also come to the conclusion that the "deals" that are out there, are reserved for current and future AT&T customers. I've got Verizon for internet and wireless and it's been stable, I'm not switching there. Rumor: I've heard that this may be the last year DTV has exclusive rights to ST. That's a good thing, but I can't see a streaming package being that much cheaper than what DTV charges now.
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