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Ned Flanders

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Everything posted by Ned Flanders

  1. Somebody, via tie breakers will win the AFC South, so there is a possibility that there will be three teams for two wildcard spots at 10-6, Buffalo among them. Some are crying, "We beat the Titans, that will knock them out of any tie-breaker with the Bills." Not so fast, my friend. Remember just two years ago when the Bills got in over a Charger team that annihilated Buffalo just a month earlier. That one came down to the fifth tiebreaker I believe. Too much fan bulletin board fodder to decipher, let's see what the NFL puts out officially later this week and just go with that.
  2. I think it actually came down to the fifth tiebreaker, strength of victory. https://www.nfl.com/standings/tiebreakingprocedures I can't recall the exact formula, but we got in on this one, even having been blown out by the Chargers, who finished with the same record.
  3. I grew up in the golden age of toys, 1960s and 70s: GI Joe, Hot Wheels, Aurora slot cars, electric football, table hockey, Marx toys...I had it all. And now I have none of it...
  4. This is the fairly recent practice of "dynamic" pricing. The tickets the Bills have in stock that were $45 yesterday can be $35 today. Secondary sellers set their own price, of course. It'll be a sellout by Sunday...if you're willing to take a chance and wait, the club seats could be a steal by then. I can remember in 1995, buying tickets for a Sunday game on a Saturday afternoon beforehand, with the ticket office having their hard-paper stock in shoe boxes...and you got to pick what was available from the stack the Bills employee had in her hand at the time. Also got to shake hands with John Butler, who just happened to be strolling by.
  5. Actually 1993, but close enough. https://www.pro-football-reference.com/teams/buf/1993.htm Also, many of these Bills were not even ALIVE during our Super Bowl run, so I'm sure "revenge" really isn't on their mind.
  6. Rediscovering this great album from 1972
  7. No, but they changed the beginning...it really was the Germans who bombed Pearl Harbor.
  8. 1975 was a weird year...started off 4-0 and lost to the lowly Giants on MNF (which inexplicably wasn't sold out...I vividly recall listening to the game on the radio). Bills also blew a 21-0 lead at home to the Colts, couldn't beat the Fish, sputtered to the finish line and finished 8-6...with OJ leading the league in rushing/rushing TDs. https://www.pro-football-reference.com/teams/buf/1975.htm
  9. He's not making it up, just a good copy and paste job...would have been nice to cite the source: https://www.newyorkupstate.com/buffalo-bills/2019/11/the-buffalo-bills-have-played-on-thanksgiving-more-often-than-you-might-have-thought.html
  10. Think it was a couple of years before that actually. https://www.pro-football-reference.com/boxscores/199411240det.htm
  11. I was in kindergarten at a Catholic school in Rochester and we were about to be let out for the weekend. I can remember looking at the loudspeaker in the class when the announcement came over...a few minutes later, we were dismissed and I recall nuns crying in the hallway, as our first Catholic president had been slain.
  12. Yes, and I understand they will be in my area, Alexandria, VA, on April 2. I'll be there. Also, in the 80s and 90s, there was a cover band called Over the Garden Wall, from Toronto, IIRC, that I saw several times in Rochester at the Penny Arcade. They were great! They always opened up with Watcher of the Skies, with the lead singer in full Peter Gabriel-like costume.
  13. Not really underrated, but a band I'm appreciating more and more is Genesis, especially during the early-mid 1970s. Starting with Foxtrot and through And Then There Were Three, this band really had it going on...and the music certainly holds up more than 40 years later.
  14. C'mon man...sending a Bills fan to BWW is like sending an Italian to Olive Garden.
  15. Jeeziz, my wife asked the same thing last night. Not to give anything away, but both the wife and I figured it out as soon as the eye patch guy showed up in London.
  16. Watched one of my all-time favorite movies, the classic Davy Crockett on Disney+ the other night...and noticed the "warning." Let's just say the native Americans were not looked upon too kindly...
  17. Great play and player, yes, but I don't care to see another clip from that game ever again.
  18. I'm for keeping the 16 games schedule...less is more in the NFL. Not wild about expanding the playoffs either.
  19. Keith McKeller: so much potential they named an offensive scheme after him.
  20. All these posts and not a call for the red helmets? You guys are slipping
  21. Go back and look at the play...there's no chance Allen gets that pass off to the left, where Beasley is, with the edge rusher in his face. Everyone needs to stop pointing to how open Beasley was on the play...if the edge rusher was at least chipped, yes, he had a play there, but the rusher broke up basically any play to the left of the QB.
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