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Ned Flanders

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Everything posted by Ned Flanders

  1. I'd be in favor of that.
  2. The Beane Counter... I'm here all week; try the veal, tip your waiters...
  3. What number did you call? The main numbert and ask for "Loyalty?"
  4. Seriousely Clark?
  5. I had a similar experience on a chat yesterday with a DTV rep...however, I won't believe it until I see it on my account, which it hasn't shown up on yet. I'll give it a couple of days. I saved the transcript in case another rep tells me they have no record of the free Sunday Ticket.
  6. Expecting a full report!
  7. 🙏❤️🙏❤️
  8. You get a nice view from Wilson, NY on 18 on a clear day/night.
  9. Watched this game at Grevey's (RIP) in Falls Church, VA with an SRO crowd...got talking to a guy standing next to me and found out he was the son of one of my favorite professors at Brockport. As Steven Wright sez, "It's a small world...but I'd sure hate to paint it." PS: I'd bet a dollar that Tom Olivadotti still wakes up in the middle of the night screaming Thurman Thomas' name.
  10. The Gate is our first stop when coming to Buffalo.
  11. This ☝️ Much too early for any horsetrading with DTV on ST. Mid-August up to opening week is the sweet spot.
  12. My recollection is that Miami, and the Orange Bowl committee, turned Ralph down because they felt burned by the short-lived AAFC team that was oversold them a few years earlier.
  13. Dang, way too early for ST steals and deals folks...mid-late August is when DTV turns on the coupon machine. Let's revisit then, shall we? Besides, I always wait for @nuccito make his call and I just follow his lead.
  14. News item: https://www.nbcnews.com/media/apple-early-talks-stream-nfl-sunday-ticket-games-rcna1380
  15. Remember this well also; believe it was a Saturday game.
  16. As good a team as any of the 90-93 teams but only dumb losses to Tampa Bay and Indy down the stretch kept us from home field throughout...and I remain convinced that an AFC championship at Rich would have gone the Bills way, and then who knows???? Ah, the "what ifs." The beauty, and agony, of sport. Also, I remember getting tickets for this game at my local Marine Midland bank in Rochester. Other than the Bills ticket office, I think this was the only other ticket distributor. Does that sound familiar or is my feeble mind playing tricks again...which is the probable answer.
  17. Still wear my blue Chandler 81 on many a fall Sunday.
  18. Hard to believe, but the '74 MNF opener did not sell out in time and we had to listen on the radio. Many in WNY did not get to see the fantastic finish.
  19. Too early for DirecTV talk...all the Sunday Ticket deals and such take place next month in the annual " Need to Make the Call to DirecTV" thread.
  20. Not to pick nits, but I think that's Dee Hardison singing "I've go a feeling..." at 3:03, not Isiah Robertson.
  21. Received the same fine treatment there in 2010. Pack fans were gracious the entire weekend and probably a little more so after they kicked the snot out of us on Sunday afternoon. All in all, a great bucket list stop, full of history and great tradition, and I encourage all to get out there sometime.
  22. That was a great YouTube clip with the NFL Films music. Great find, thanks for posting. I was at the game vs. New England when OJ scored four TDs. As has been mentioned, the '75 team was marred by lost opportunities and a porous defense. 8-6 could have easily been 11-3 with some help on the defensive side of the ball.
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