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Ned Flanders

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Everything posted by Ned Flanders

  1. I'll be at the Ralph 🙏
  2. John Mackey (SU) set the bar...feel sorry for you youngins who never saw him play. Some other good ones from that era that come to mind: Pete Lammons, Ted Kwalick, Fred Arbanas, Charlie Sanders Edit: Adding Jerry Smith to the list above, in fact, I would give him serious HOF consideration.
  3. By the title, I thought it could have been hemorrhoids...
  4. Misread the question...NFL player...got it.
  5. I have a $40/month discount promotion that ends today. Called twice last week and the CRs told me to call back today, when the promotion expires. Called this morning and the CR said that because the promotion is still on my account, I need to call back next week. The CRs have gotten worse in recent months...barely understandable. Could it be related to AT&T dumping DTV? Also, why does it take minutes for them to pull up my account while it takes me mere seconds online? I've got free Sunday Ticket this season, so I'm not expecting the full $40 off/month but calls to DTV are just too painful. One more season of DTV's exclusive with ST but I don't know if I can wait that long.
  6. Which exact app did you use? TIA.
  7. About 80% of AFC-NFC games, where the road team is AFC, are broadcast by CBS. Figured Bills-Steelers game wouldn't be on in DC as soon as the schedule came out.
  8. Collinsworth said on the telecast last Sunday night that he thinks the league will soon go to 18 games with NO preseason. We'll see. To me, the NFL has always been "less is more." I liked the 16 game schedule; every game is significant. Plus, I don't think the human body can withstand an 18 game schedule. Your best teams may come down to who has the better backups. Again, we'll see about an expanded schedule, but it won't start until after Labor Day, as is current custom. The NFL would like to have the Super Bowl played on President's Day weekend, giving many the ability to take the next day off...I think that's been the plan for awhile.
  9. I was at the 1980 Fish opener...brutally hot day and the post game rush to the field was a result of 10 years of built up frustration. That 1980 team had the make-up and momentum of a Super Bowl winner...if we had only had home field advantage. Two losses to the lowly Colts took care of that...sigh...
  10. The home opener was a week earlier, a win against the Fish https://www.pro-football-reference.com/boxscores/199109010buf.htm
  11. From what I understand, they originally used I-395 as a guide but that did not lead directly to the Pentagon, did the turn and used Columbia Pike instead.
  12. Tasker pretty much suggested this to Beane during last week's broadcast.
  13. Unfortunately, I've seen it...I hope she was walking to the chiropractor's office.
  14. Talking Proud, circa 1980.
  15. We were living in Arlington, VA at the time about a mile from the Pentagon. I was down in the basement shortly after 9:30am when a tremendous roar went over the house...sounded like a freight train about 100 feet up. It was the plane headed for the Pentagon which flew right over our house, seconds from impact. The terrorists used Columbia Pike, which we were about a block from, as a guide, as it lead directly to the Pentagon. I'll never forget that sound. That night, I talked to my father, who was a Pearl Harbor survivor. He said this day was worse than Dec. 7th. Stirring words. Columbia Pike was closed until Saturday. I walked down to the see the Pentagon on Sunday...the make-shift memorials...the charred building. An emotional sight I'll also never forget. God bless the souls we lost that day.
  16. Didn't @Just Jackput together a hotel guide at one point, maybe with some restaurant/bar recommendations in there? Didn't see it pinned in the Tailgate forum.
  17. Didn't see one...I may not have played last year.
  18. Aw fudge...how did I miss this yesterday? Oh well, good luck to all.
  19. Damn shame. A solid reporter as others have noted, and he was always giving props to WNY, espeacially the food scene.
  20. I just put $1K on the over...thanks for this. Easy money.
  21. Well, couple of weeks ago, while in a chat with DTV, a rep told me I was getting ST at no charge this season. Nothing ever showed up on my account, so, as advised by a previous poster, I sent a DM via Twitter to DTV, along with the transcript of the chat. They got on it quick enough and the rep had to call me, but within an hour, I was squared away. My $40/month promotion is up Sept. 20, so that's my next call...
  22. So, I'm trying to sign my college student up and I keep getting "Please enter the valid inputs and try again or check back later." Been like this for several days now, anyone know what could be going on?
  23. Can the folks that got the email or a letter (really? snail mail?) are you AT&T cell customers as well? In the past, it seemed like AT&T cell phone customers have been getting the deals ahead of those, like me (Verizon), who aren't. I've been with DTV over 20 years and while I got ST last year for free, I've never gotten an email or a letter...I've always had to haggle every year like I'm buying a used car.
  24. Wondering how the eBay option works. Doesn’t sound kosher but this guy gives a warranty. Even if he uses student info, wouldn’t he still have to pay the student rate to DTV? https://www.ebay.com/itm/NFL-Sunday-Ticket-Max-W-Season-Warranty-24-hour-delivery-/353627480425?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&_trksid=p2349624.m46890.l49286&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0
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