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Ned Flanders

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Everything posted by Ned Flanders

  1. Yes and his pronunciations need some work. Fred "Smer-loss?" I was at the game, took a bus from Ester's in Rochester...stayed in the stadium for a little while then hightailed it back to the bus lot; it would have been a long walk home.
  2. Correct. Al Meltzer, Rick Azar and Ed Rutkowski made up the Bills radio booth for several years between Van Miller's stints.
  3. 9:50pm...I know it's a Saturday night, but jeeziz, that's a late one.
  4. Odd that there was nothing said in the release regarding Sunday Ticket...NFL still has two years to suck off that teat, so they'll just continue to suck that thing dry and hopefully, find a suitable out-of-area partner.
  5. From what I'm seeing, these deals don't start until 2023...I could be wrong, which is often the case.
  6. The great John Facenda and you can almost hear Curt Gowdy, Al DeRogatis, Jim Simpson, Charlie Jones and others calling the action. Al Davis wanted the AFL and the NFL to come to peace but he also wanted the leagues to remain separate, similar to MLB. I sometimes wish that was the case; there's a lot of good history in the AFL.
  7. I thought I read, maybe even on this forum, not too long ago that DTV has ~16 million subscribers and only about two million of those subscribe to ST. True, ST is DTV's one big hook, but it's also a loss-leader. I'm surprised DTV didn't jump the NFL ship this year when all the TV deals were getting done...DTV can only hold on to this albatross for so long.
  8. Players already have agreed, reluctantly, to the 17th game...it was in the last CBA. I don't like it...the NFL is a "less is more" scenario. To me, the appeal of the 17th is simply not there. Not happening. Although the league has started the regular season on Labor Day weekend in the past, the NFL has stated it's strong desire not to do so again.
  9. Really disheartened to hear that DTV will most likely hang on to ST for two more seasons... Called to cancel DTV after the season ended and they offered me another $20/month discount...I folded like a cheap suit. I'll call again to cancel in August and will be asking for a ST discount. If that doesn't work, I've got a kid in college this year and will buy the $99 streaming package instead.
  10. Sometimes when I'm channel surfing, I get sucked into this show...and always sorry I did. Often times just the stupidest little thing, either mechanical or pilot error, brings these jets down. It's almost enough to quit flying.
  11. That's about the number, actually a small percentage of DTV subscribers get ST. Heard today that the NFL REALLY wants to get the new TV deal done before free agency starts in mid-March so they can get a better idea of their finances going forward. ESPN is holding out though and MNF is in danger...I think the World Wide Leader will capitulate though, and pay the king's ransom.
  12. Yup, this is the rule...been discussed here many times. Yeah, it may be dumb and colleges do it all the time, but this is the current rule.
  13. Article in today's Washington Post on feeder care. Wash the inside of the feeder every day? Seems a bit much to me. https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/home/how-to-clean-bird-feeder/2021/02/08/20797a58-60e6-11eb-afbe-9a11a127d146_story.html
  14. We have one and I'm glad we do, because someone recently called on it and alerted me that my car warranty was about to expire! Seriously, my wife keeps the books and she tells me it's cheaper, with the deal we have with Verizon, to have a landline. She's pretty meticulous with the cashflow, so I know this is true, but it's really nothing more than an ornament in the kitchen.
  15. Just watched it. Moral of the story: Davis had better lawyers. If you own a franchise and your league bylaws say you need a 3/4 vote to do anything, that should hold up, especially if he, Davis, signed off on the bylaws. Pay per view was indeed a big part of the move, and it was mentioned briefly. Another was LA promising to seriously upgrade the Coliseum, which they did, a little bit, but didn't do the whole job "because of the economy." The whole notion that Raider Nation is a "traveling circus" is a joke and if I was an Oakland fan, I would burn every piece of Raider gear I owned. Oh, and the son is one ugly bastard. End of rant.
  16. Super 70s Sports is the only reason I have a Twitter account. I haven't seen the 30 for 30 yet, but I remember well the rivalry between Davis and Rozelle...franchises leaving cities over stadium disputes is one of the saddest part of sports. I know if the Bills ever left Buffalo, the NFL would be dead to me.
  17. I too remember some of these games...Vince Lombardi hated this concept and called it the "Losers Bowl." Thankfully, the game was canned following the merger.
  18. I had the entire set, collected them the old school way, one pack at a time. I'll never forget that the last card I needed was Packers backup quarterback Don Horn.
  19. Please fix title of thread..."Super Bowl" is two words! Sorry, just a pet peeve.
  20. Said it before, expect the Bills to open either at KC or Tampa in the Thursday night season opener.
  21. Whoever wins the Super Bowl, the schedulers should have an easy job pitting the champ against the Bills on the Thursday night opener. Certainly an entertaining match-up.
  22. This one hurts the most...what he endured chasing the Babe in '73 and '74 was repulsive...yet he handled it with character and class.
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