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Everything posted by sweetbaboo

  1. somehow karate kid didn't make that list of impending failures how the hell do the sh-------- writers have the gall to go on strike when this is all the crap they can come up with... will smith is supposedly directing it and will star his son... no pat morita, no karate kid
  2. what corp headquarters besides HSBC? Labatt? anything high tech that will keep students from moving? more of these companies http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?showtopic=63705&hl= won't help keep young people around taxpayers can keep funding college educations and then ship people out of state
  3. A hot chick at the local supermarket got out of a car with a bumper sticker that read, "Fight for clean energy, BAN NUCLEAR!" I almost went to talk to her about it, but decided it wasn't worth the energy...
  4. If you think Ron Paul was a good candidate, there is no way you'd like Obama or any democrat. Big government and higher taxes are not the libertarian way...
  5. I'm actually planning on cutting down 4 of my trees...damn things won't bear fruit! I'll replace them with a few cherry trees. Trees grow like crazy here for some reason.
  6. suburban folk from williamsville...
  7. wait for the power grids to go down at 9:00:01 when everyone turns their lights back on at the same time also, let's wait for the earth to go out of orbit when everyone jumps up and down at the same time and fill up your gas tank today! we're going to teach the oil companies a lesson tomorrow by not buying gas!
  8. where in Amherst do you live? traffic after a Bills game in Orchard Park is so bad that I've seen men get out of their cars on the 90, drop a deuce and get back in, women I've seen get out, pop a squat to pee and hop back into their cars...
  9. if we go back far enough, I'm related to Jesus... god, the media sucks
  10. It's pretty easy to fix that, change DC to almost anywhere else in the country with an economy and you'll get the same situation he's describing...hell, it's cold up in NE but there's a ridiculous amount of high paying high tech jobs in Massachusetts and southern NH.
  11. I didn't want to leave...but my eyes were opened after leaving and I can't find many reasons to return other than for the sports and food.
  12. Are they going to build heli-pads everywhere so people can avoid the congested highways? I remember when I first moved to NH, people warned me, "yeah, no income tax and no sales tax is great, but the property tax will get ya!" I took one look at the taxes and laughed...The property tax I pay on my 300k home in NH is the same as what I paid in Rochester, NY...on a 100k home.
  13. Here's another idea...how about we take other parties more seriously so we don't to continually rely on those two joker parties for a president?
  14. i just snorted foamy beer onto my shirt thanks
  15. I made that mistake in Orlando After drinking like crazy with a bunch of Buffalonians, I was so hungover the next day I puked AFTER having a full lunch @ 2pm. But hey, we won!
  16. what's with all the hyphenated names?
  17. Lindsay Lohan? you enjoy mental problems and diseases? Jennifer Connelly used to be hot as hell...I guess her face is still beautiful, but she's gone through so many weight fluctuations, her breasts seem to hang around her belly button now
  18. this is new? i must've had a really screwed up childhood...i heard this when I went to Mill Middle!
  19. formerly LSI Cadet?
  20. I'm mildly worried about this happening to me if the Sabres win. My wife won't understand...just like how I don't understand how she gets all weepy during chick flicks.
  21. hallelujah
  22. this made me spit on my keyboard
  23. post the # tonight and I'll vote...MANY TIMES
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