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Everything posted by sweetbaboo

  1. science and logic have no place where powerful emotions are involved!
  2. oh mammy! now if they'd just move a little further north...no alcohol license issues in NH!
  3. nothing beats Wegmans...I nearly wept the first time I stepped foot into a Shaw's in New England. I can stomach Hannaford, but now my wife does all of the grocery shopping. If Wegmans was here, I'd actually go myself. Consumer Reports Supermarket Ratings Out of 50 some chains (I think), Wegman was #1...Tops was dead last
  4. So...basically you're saying through all this hostility that I'm right? That it's not currently cost effective and only early adopters with too much money can afford it? Thank you. By the way, You are = You're...not Your. But you don't need a Ph.D. to know that. And yes, I have a Ph.D. I also have a BS and MS in Chemical Engineering and deal with solar energy applications on a weekly basis for one of my projects...but you know more thanks to hearsay and news clippings. I hate to argue with your enthusiasm about solar power because like I said, I really hope it becomes cost effective quickly...but you're not even thinking rationally and are misinformed thanks to our wonderfully reactionary media and your own personal gullibility. Thanks for being an early adopter I guess... Scientific American-Scientists Know Better Than You--Even When They're Wrong
  5. It's not even worth arguing with you. Technology exists but it's not cost effective yet. Mass implementation happens once technology becomes efficient and cost effective enough for everyone. Being practical and understanding the technology and market does not equal doom and gloom. What the hell, do you think I want this to fail?
  6. My Chemical Engineering PhD hick ass that was in the optical engineering industry still works closely with folks in the solar power business in Northern California and all of them (IN THE INDUSTRY) have told me that it's not even close to being worth the hype yet. Cost is too high and the efficiency isn't there yet. You must know something the experts trying to develop the technology don't know. As soon as it becomes remotely cost effective, I'll get a system myself.
  7. if that's the case, he'll just get a new younger one without having to lose money during a trade-in
  8. a few coworkers refinanced through lending tree and got great rates from competing companies we tried lending tree as well and also got some good competitive offers...then we took those offers and presented them to our current lender and they trumped everything we got from lendingtree either way, it's a win-win. Our rate went from 6.375% for 30 years to 5.625% for 20 years.
  9. so...is he picking up 6300 in tax rebates this year? not including the tax credits he gets for each kid? even still...not worth it
  10. what part of fantasyland do I go to to get all of this stuff? 15k for a whole setup like that?
  11. inquiring minds want to know!
  12. when the hell does that guy have time for sex? especially since finding someone to harness and belay him into that vast cavern must take some time to schedule
  13. my wife was thinking SUV for quite a while...I had to ask her if she was insane with the rising gas prices she settled on a Subaru Outback...built in Indiana meanwhile, I've been carpooling with a guy from work. We figured it costs us 8 bucks a day to get to work, so if we split it 50-50, we're saving nearly 1,000 a year
  14. not so secret ID I never really liked RDJ all that much until I saw Kiss Kiss Bang Bang...I'm now a believer
  15. Spiderman 1 was good. 2 and 3 were godawful. You didn't like Superman Returns?
  16. was awesome that is all
  17. I had typed up a long reply but decided it wasn't worth it. This is better... ok, Mr. moved by Inspiration...why aren't you working towards a cure for cancer?
  18. In other words, forget shooting for the moon and stars and just aim low.
  19. how about psychology? man, the psych classes at UB were a breath of fresh air compared to my engineering courses...I never had to study to get an A AND I finally got to see some hot hot chicks that were lacking in my engineering classes
  20. In developing the technologies that make a manned space mission to Mars, alot of new scientific discoveries and technologies are created and spun off for other uses...alternative energy sources would be one of them. How the hell do you think they're going to have enough oxygen, electricity, fuel and food to use for such a long trip? and thanks to Frasier, a bunch of psych majors... The general perception of scientists and engineers is that they're a bunch of geeks with no life outside of the lab...hence, there isn't really anything on prime time tv that would draw young people to it the way the lawyer, doctor and psychiatrist shows do. On the other hand, the Discovery channel and National Geographics channel has some amazing stuff. I didn't think it was very "cool" to watch that stuff when I was younger, but I can't get enough of it now. I'm assuming much of the younger generations still don't find science engineering to be cool. Dean Kamen states it well on his website DEKA Research "You have teenagers thinking they're going to make millions as NBA stars when that's not realistic for even 1 percent of them. Becoming a scientist or engineer is." on another note, science apparently is also difficult to capture on video...during my last year of my PhD work, a camera crew came in to film our labs. When they came to me the first thing the photographer said was, "Act like you're doing science..." WTF My response was, "I am doing science." For sake of the shoot, I donned a lab coat, goggles and held some beakers with colored fluid in them. Every once in a while, I'd shout, "Eureka!" just to piss them off...
  21. doesn't it go up when they change to the winter blend also? so basically, every year there's multiple reasons for the gas prices to keep going up if this keeps up, i'm getting a motorcycle with a sidecar!
  22. this was much better when Dolph Lundgren jumped over a car in Showdown in Little Tokyo
  23. looks like I just got lucky and sold my house before everything really went to crap back in 2006...
  24. how long is the coupon good for? I'm in the market for a new receiver, but not for at least a month or two...
  25. Manchester, NH in September...I AM SO THERE!
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