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Everything posted by sweetbaboo

  1. voting for Ron Paul months ago might have helped set things in motion...now we've got McCain vs Obama... we're in some deep doodie
  2. what about the williams sisters' butts?
  3. SOLD! You don't have to tell me twice!
  4. they'd better not touch the princess bride!
  5. That's like saying that you didn't take it in the ass, but sucked a dick so everything is still straight.
  6. how about not getting a diamond...it's not tradition...just marketing http://media.www.thebatt.com/media/storage...g-3228187.shtml A diamond is forever; or, at least, it has been for the previous 70 years. The exchange of diamond rings does not come from some ancient tradition, but rather became widely popular because of brilliant advertising by De Beers. click the link to read more
  7. If you're open to moving to NE, send me a PM.
  8. What exactly happened to Aunt Rosie's Loganberry? I went to Mighty Taco after being absent for a year and found out that it's been replaced by some generic version. It also tastes like apple juice.
  9. how the hell did he manage to do that? is he afraid of the dark or something?
  10. Jay Severin was crying on his radio show on my way home Buffalo and Bills were mentioned a few times
  11. I've read through this whole thread and still can't figure out why you're being so difficult. If you were the wife or son or daughter of one of those cops, you'd be glad that he was able to come home that night rather than further risk getting killed or seriously f*cked up by a psycho that demonstrated unusual resilience.
  12. probably why McCain wants to take him on at the town halls
  13. awesome...he seems to have the charisma the modern martial artist movie stars lack
  14. did Crisp even get hit by the pitch? looked like he dodged it
  15. True Fact: no one has ever had erectile dysfunction with Megan Fox.
  16. in NH, you'd better stick with Verizon Do you live in Manchester or in one of the surrounding towns?
  17. Not worth the effort...just stop visiting her...especially if you know it's just going to make you miserable.
  18. Next step: Challenge Wesley Snipes to fight without disclosing his BJJ skills.
  19. I like the msg on his website "You have teenagers thinking they're going to make millions as NBA stars when that's not realistic for even 1 percent of them. Becoming a scientist or engineer is." —Dean Kamen His house is a tech nerd's dream complete with a machine shop, helipad and steam engine. It's also powered by solar, wind and geothermal heat.
  20. is it just me, or did they never once call him Indiana or Indy during the movie? It was always, "Henry!"
  21. Superman 4-What the hell happened?
  22. eh? go to Edmunds.com, find out the invoice price (including invoice of options). Dealers never pay invoice anyway. Find out if there any manufacturers incentives and subtract that from the invoice price. Then go into the dealership and offer $1.5-2k below that and ask them to waive any dealer/transport "fees." Get their counter offer and call it into another dealership. Play them against each other until you get the price you want. I do that over the phone with great results. It's so much better than going into the dealership since you can simply hang up anytime if you want. I've never paid more than $1k below invoice (Honda, Toyota and Subaru)...though I guess that only works with non-luxury cars. A BMW/Lexus dealer would probably smile and tell me, "good luck...bye now." oh...and if they want to put a sticker or some sort of dealer name and address on the back of your car, ask for another $100 off for the free advertising they're getting...otherwise, make them remove it.
  23. The strange thing about Wegmans is, the prices are still competitive or lower. I've never found something significantly higher priced at Wegmans. A friend of mine used to swear by Tops, saying it was far cheaper...so I gave it another shot and planned to do all of my grocery shopping there. There wasn't a single item cheaper than what I paid at Wegmans, including milk and OJ...so I left and went back to Wegmans. Somehow, even the non-super Wegmans like the one in Henrietta, NY are better than anything I've encountered anywhere else.
  24. I can barely believe that Market Basket is so high on the list. Walking into Market Basket is like stepping back in time. Anyone remember Super Duper from the early 80's? It looks worse than the inside of Super Duper! The closest thing I've ever seen recently to a Market Basket was the Mt. Hope Wegmans which they shut down in...2005?
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