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Everything posted by sweetbaboo

  1. Buicks are dependable, but Cadillacs are ridiculously unreliable this is why JD Powers and Associates ratings are garbasge
  2. better than arrested development?
  3. water is wet!
  4. self esteem doesn't have to be developed through coddling if so, that's not the self esteem you want flowing through the nation
  5. his show is one political bitchfest i can't listen to it on my way to work because all his bullstevestojan might cause me to jerk my car into oncoming traffic people call in all the time to wax his balls though..."oh, brother wease, you're so wise!" (i stojan you not, people call in and tell him how "WISE" he is)
  6. that's right Mayor Brown, you hear that? Defect from the norm! Make Buffalo Biosphere B!
  7. Lindsay Lohan looks like an NFL team ran a train on her
  8. pah...we still use the cheapest toilet paper from wegmans we tried using charmin, but it's a little too honda fit feeling for my ass
  9. wow...that's really stevestojanny
  10. jesus...i thought you were just being a harsh internet male until i clicked that link holy smokes that's bad
  11. http://knucklecityfilms.com/forgotten.html apparently it's getting pretty good reviews...probably doesn't tell WNY'ers much that they don't already know though
  12. ok...my 9000 BTU portable air conditioner is doing nothing! cold air is coming out but you can only feel it if you're standing right next to it move 2 feet away and nothing! apparently it's still better than sitting in the basement though because my dogs came up from it a few hours ago and laid down next to me so i could watch them die slowly
  13. just give up and move to NH http://freestateproject.org/
  14. thanks for all the recs...i may check them all out as i've got nothing else to do and don't really want to burden my friend to take me around town anyone hear of the BC diner? or something like that...saw it on the travel channel or something. they've got some ridiculously large burger that they'll name after you if you can finish it...might try it before my metabolism goes into hibernation
  15. if i didn't purchase an airconditioner on sunday, i think i might be dead now i can't seem to remember a summer as hot as this in WNY last summer was hot, but it let up at times. this summer has just been blazing non-stop since the end of june it seems
  16. this is the lamest attempt at backtracking ever "of course i know 5x5 is equal to 25 and not 30! i was just testing you!"
  17. I'm moving to Concord, New Hampshire on the 10th for work but won't be able to move into my new place until the 13th, so I will bum around Boston and sleep on my friend's couch until then... anyhoo, back story aside, I was wondering if anyone could recommend any good seafood restaurants in boston that are local inexpensive joints that locals would frequent. I'm not interested in any touristy locations like Legal Seafoods. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
  18. is this the swingers resort?
  19. It was only in the tv version. The DVD version released a few years back no longer has that scene for some reason. I believe the scene that has Superman destroying the fortress still exists on the international laser disc cut. Superman had to destroy the fortress because the authorities showed up to arrest Lex Luthor. His secret hiding spot was no longer a secret. they do things in the movies that don't go with what's written in the comics
  20. There's far too many holes in the whole concept to really be able to figure it out. Singer only loosely based his movie on the original 2 Superman movies. If he were to follow the original Superman II completely, there shouldn't even be a fortress of solitude as Superman went to it at the end and destroyed it. There are alot of theories regarding Jason and the kryptonite. Personally, I thought that perhaps the kryptonite triggered his kryptonian genes and gave him the strength to throw the piano at the thug. Since he's half human, the kryptonite didn't bother him the way it bothers his father. I don't know if you noticed, but Jason no longer required the use of the inhaler after he threw the piano. well, i've been out of college (or at least undergrad since 2002) and in 2 weeks, i'll be done with graduate school completely and begin working a real job hence the name change...lest people think i'm a professional student
  21. Superman was human when he porked Lois Lane in Superman II even if he wasn't though, assuming Lois' egg was fertilized, a baby Superman shouldn't have the powers to kick through Lois because 1. Superman's powers didn't start developing until he was into his teens and 2. Kryptonians need to be exposed to yellow sun to get charged up to use those super powers
  22. that's because there weren't enough people in rochester that could afford air conditioning to cause blackouts
  23. This just in: water revealed to be wet. More on this as it develops. hopefully the above statement doesn't offend anyone except for the hydrophiliacs
  24. Paris needs to get ass and breast implants if she wants to even begin looking like marilyn eating a sandwich and actually keeping it in her stomach for a while would help as well
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