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Everything posted by sweetbaboo

  1. McGahee cost us the win...instead of hesitating on that 4th and goal, if he had hit the hole the way A-Train does, we would've had a first down or a score
  2. damnit...a-train would've barreled it in rather than hesitate
  4. where's kevin everett?
  5. booooooooooooooooo! ha! listen to the crowd booing!
  6. fantastic! we've got a decent looking pass rush this year
  7. ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!
  8. this offense perplexes me! they do not frustrate me as much as the bills of the last half decade
  9. who was that blonde cutie they just had on tv? oh...pardon me...game on
  10. 53!! i didn't think lindell had it in him
  11. actually, what i don't understand is why the genius bothered to escape 4 days before he was going to be released
  12. Transporter 1 and 2 were strangely fun...in Transporter 2, they throw in things to poke fun at how ridiculous the movie really is (like the upside down flying car and the extra suits he keeps shrink wrapped in his trunk). By doing that, it's hard to find fault with a movie so over the top. It's too bad he's too bulky and bald to play James Bond.
  13. no commercial could make me attempt to flush money down the toilet
  14. i changed channels during the commercial breaks after seeing the flying chevys in 6 successive commercials breaks
  15. ok...no crying movie was fantastic probably a little too fantastic disney embellished on the story a little too much...they tried to make him seem like the average joe that never played much ball but had incredible talent Papale actually played ball in the WFL before his time with the Eagles, pretty much making fiction of the basic premise of the movie. From Vince Papale's official web site (http://www.vincepapale.com/): still a fantastic movie...slightly disappointing that it's not more of a true story
  16. hey! he was my #1 draft pick this year in FF! lay off him actually, i don't care what people say about him as long as he puts up crazy points for me every week
  17. getting stabbed in the heart by a stingray sounds anything but painless this is really terrible news though...he's the reason i got hooked to animal planet years ago
  18. Infernal Affairs 8.0/10 - 8,200 votes it is out on dvd available in region 1...i have a copy of it i think you can get it from netflix also
  19. The Departed is a direct copy of the Hong Kong film "Infernal Affairs". The original is a masterpiece by itself. What's weird is, there's Oscar buzz for Scorcese over this film and all he's doing is copying someone else's work. Hollywood really is out of ideas.
  20. they should also be cited for such a poor selection of sweater puppies then if you live in buffalo, there's no reason to hit up a hooters for food or mammaries world's greatest strip joints are right across the border and there's no shortage of fantastic restaurants in WNY meanwhile, in NH, there's no place to eat and the strip clubs are terrible (or so i'm told...unless you head to montreal)
  21. they should also be cited for serving horrible food...not sure why so many people eat there but they can somehow manage to screw up a cheeseburger
  22. I'm going to go see this tomorrow night but I do want to know one thing...does Greg Kinnear do any crying?
  23. i traded away willis mcgahee last year in fantasy football for antonio gates...people were flabbergasted it was probably the best trade i've ever made in FF since gates turned out to be money and mcgahee was dancing his way off the field on third downs and goalline
  24. yeah, but they don't have the sundowners!
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