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Everything posted by sweetbaboo

  1. In your personal life, what level of "passing" would you give to a personal friend that has cheated on his wife?
  2. Billspride12: Do you have a blown up version of your avatar? I'd like to use it as my desktop...1024x768 if possible thanks
  3. USA Swimming is freaking amazing...guess you have to be a swimmer to appreciate it. Phelps is a once in a lifetime athlete. I wouldn't miss it!
  4. damn...my former professors at UB make a stojanload of money
  5. Whenever I return to visit Rochester, Jeremiah's is a must stop for wings (unless I visit Buffalo also on the same trip...then no wings in Rochester). Their french dip is fantastic as well.
  6. You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
  7. Hannaford...but they're no Wegmans
  8. at the last wedding I was in, I got a swiss army card http://www.swissarmy.com/MultiTools/Pages/...duct=53321& great gift...I carry it everywhere I think the best gifts are the functional ones. They'll never forget where it came from as it will always be in use. Another friend of mine went unique and got me us all throwing stars...I've thrown it once or twice when I first got it. Now it just sits in a drawer.
  9. boy do you get excited...I simply posted the imdb website's rating and didn't make any personal comparisons to the movie. Did I like the movie? Hell yes. Would I say that it's better than The Godfather? No, not even close...I think part of the reason why people are so excited is because this is an amazing piece of work for a comic book movie (see previous letdowns like Batman and Robin, The Daredevil, etc.). Actually, I think quite a few people haven't seen The Godfather. I don't think my wife has sat through the full movie once even though I must've seen it at least a dozen times in my life (it was on consistently several times a year, probably still, on UB cable). I found her to be incredibly unattractive. I would've preferred Katie Holmes before she went and became a Scientology nut. You'd think Bruce Wayne could do better than those two...though it wouldn't make much sense to have a "Christmas Jones Nuclear Physicist" type onscreen as a powerful lawyer.
  10. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0468569/ so you thought it was drab...fantastic...apparently 47 thousand people think that The Dark Knight was better than The Godfather, which used to be IMDB's top rated movie... 9.7/10
  11. never saw much in Chris Everett Gabriella Sabatini was the one to watch before the Russian hotties showed up
  12. I had the same concerns as you regarding energy consumption, so I threw it in the basement. Basement is always pretty much the same temperature.
  13. dems some big boobies on the chick on the left
  14. http://www.jewishworldreview.com/cols/leo051600.asp The scheduling of a picnic to honor baseball Hall of Famer Jackie Robinson led to a furor over alleged racism at the State University of New York, Albany. Some 40 students at the university insisted that the word "picnic" originally referred to the lynchings of blacks. They were wrong. "Picnic" comes from a 17th-century French word for a social gathering in which each person brings a different food. But in reply to the 40 protesters, campus affirmative action director Zaheer Mustafa put out a memo asking all student leaders to refrain from any use of the word "picnic." "Whether the claims are true or not, the point is the word offended," he said. In publicity for the event honoring Jackie Robinson, the word "picnic" was changed to "outing." This offended gay students, so the event formerly known as a picnic was publicized without a noun describing what was going on. "Every day we come up with a new word we can't use," said exasperated student editor Richard Ryback
  15. I'll do that tomorrow evening. Picked up an extra spark plug just in case from Home Depot...spent the rest of the afternoon staining the deck...the joys of summer housework.
  16. at least you have a Wegmans to shop at
  17. my mower seems to be dead and it's a Guaranteed to Start Toro 22" Recycler...i just changed the oil and replaced the air filter. Everything seemed to be going great until I went slightly uphill and it just stopped. Now I can't get it started anymore...any ideas? I did do one thing the manual said not to do; I tilted the lawnmower to pour out the old oil without emptying the gas tank...
  18. I'm told that apparently hot young real estate agents do very well with young single men looking to buy condos. They don't make quite as much money since these young single men generally don't have that much. Male or more homely looking female real estate agents do better with families as the wives don't get jealous of a hot young babe prancing around an open house in a tight ass skirt and motorboat friendly shirt and thus make more money since they're often selling larger homes...or so my male real estate agent friend tells me. Note: I realize this post is completely worthless.
  19. huge, huge balls that's some serious character there
  20. no idea...i don't know who Sade is think peanuts...linus and lucy
  21. hey, that's too bad...i wouldn't want a casino in my town but buffalo's no longer my backyard
  22. looking back on his resume, outside of Trading Spaces and Beverly Hills Cop 1, everything really sucked!
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