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Everything posted by sweetbaboo

  1. found this gem over there...made me chuckle i take it he's actually knee punted the ball out of his own hand alot of small hand comments too...is he like travis henry?
  2. without a car, this is probably the only way since driving there takes a good 30 minutes from campus UB used to sell tickets and offer a free busride to the jets and dolphins games not sure if they still do that
  3. we gave Volek a shot he didn't want it
  4. woooooo did you see that potentially game changing lateral/handoff? go mikey!
  5. so...is culpepper being exposed as the fraud? or is it mularkey?
  6. I only wish I could get Time Warner in New Hampshire...stuck with Comcast instead TW always worked great for me in Rochester...in fact, I'm in Rochester now and it's perfect
  7. he also played like a maniac in the game at SD against the flutie led chargers he basically did everything. he accounted for more than 80% of the offensive yards as he did all the running and passing. i seem to remember him getting close to the win except special teams botched it up again
  8. what? we can't continue to bash the same people? for the record, I've never bashed Losman or Spikes... I'm still hoping McGahee proves me wrong and turns it on in Miami.
  9. I seem to remember Mazda 3's and 6's having a "proudly manafactured by UAW" sticker on the windows at John Holtz in Rochester I could be wrong regarding the 3's, but i definetely remember it on the 6 I rented in New Hampshire. Fun ride...would like to try it in a 5 or 6 speed.
  10. doesn't matter what we say...there's alot more crap that's going to be dug up by the media that will villainize him...
  11. man, i forgot about Bo Jackson...he runs the way I'd like to see Willis run...take the handoff, accelerate to full speed and just run people over
  12. without clicking that link...Christian Okoye?
  13. again with this top OL business Drew Bledsoe and Rob Johnson would be Zeus Almighty behind a top O-line even Shaud Williams would be a 2000 yd RB behind a top OL
  14. never saw priest holmes do that on 4th and short. instead, you'd see priest do some crazy leap and go over the top.
  15. where on earth did this come from? my gripe with mcgahee is with his play and the attitude that seems to go with that play. i loved him when he was up against henry because he seemed like he was busting his ass. now it just seems like he's going through motions. "No worries...I'm Willis McGahee. Sit down A-train, I'm the marquee name" we've heard the same excuses made for rob johnson and drew bledsoe. "just surround him with the right people and he'll finally show us what he's made of"
  16. I know the traffic in MA is horrendous (I just moved to NE and it horrifies me), but getting in and out of Ralph Wilson and Orchard park is hell also. I prefer to park in someone's backyard rather than the stadium just because getting out of the stadium lots is like driving through crowds of mass panic.
  17. you're right we should continue to coddle mediocrity and not demand the best
  18. http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/recap?gameId=260910017
  19. holes or no holes, if you build up some speed and throw your muscular NFL runningback body (which is equivalent to a human battering ram) into a wall of flesh, that wall will give detrimental to your health? well, don't worry, you've got millions in the bank
  20. link to postgame report with said quote?
  21. ok...can we stop holding hands now?
  22. well...she does have pointy knees
  23. she's done some pornos apparently...
  24. corrected for you
  25. he's not the marquee name that mcgahee is so we'll just get more dancing and tiptoeing
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